>for traditional monarchy. >protects and defends his people. >is a cultural chauvinist >homogeneous society that will not allow migrants and gives no help to refugees even if they starve.
He is the Alt-Right.
The movie comes out February 9, 2018 We have seven months to meme the shit out of Black Panther and get him labeled a hate symbol by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Elijah Edwards
lol nobody cares about his thread xdxdxdxdxd
Samuel Miller
I don't give a fuck about this thread.
Matthew Campbell
you should ask your self who trusts a black panther ,a black dog , a black cat or a black spider ? :p
David Hill
Lets make nazi style propaganda, but with him with a nazi armband saying "fight for your people" and etc.
Ill make some later.
Jace Edwards
>alt-right >meme war
Isaac Wright
Got banned in 30 seconds for making thread with this picture today. The pain is real.
Lincoln Morales
Levi Rivera
Fuck off, everyone here knows that that is a part of this board.
>greentext >doesnt make >statements fact >faggot
Austin Anderson
Jordan Perez
Joshua Baker
>they have their own Trump (kang) wall
Joseph Price
Ian Cooper
Grayson Mitchell
test to see how this looks
Isaiah Cruz
Robert Hernandez
monarchist and libertarians summed up.
Adrian Robinson
maybe like this
Liam Nguyen
>le epic meme war kys
Camden Edwards
lel megapedes praze kek may may cancer sogay
Kayden Thomas
>haha lol guys we already lost take le bleckpill hahXD >go back to le reddit lol newfag >pepe is gay memes are stupid lol newfag
Anthony Sanders
>Lagos Fucking shithole t b h f a m
Daniel Cruz
Yes but what's wrong with bashing hypocritical nigs?
Jayden Bailey
praise le kek shabadoo!
Nathan Anderson
Have you ever considered, that there might be value to it, but if only the attention seekers go for it, it'll forever be stuck as a half baked idea?
Blake Reyes
Based T'challa
Ayden Walker
Shilling for a movie when nobody knows what the movie actually shows?