Muslims are now officially the victims who need protecting from us.
Well done guys...
Muslims are now officially the victims who need protecting from us.
Well done guys...
Other urls found in this thread:
>kills one
>looks like a stupid middle-aged bydlo
Living in the city comes with terrorist attacks though.
He didnt kill.anyone german media just reported that guy was dying before the attack started
Thats not how its being reported in the UK
UK media are shilling hard for the muslims.
damn you kill the ones that dont do anything when you should be killing guys like anjem choowdury and his little crew
This hero fired the first shot of the fighback, why aren't you going over the top into no mans land like your great grandfather?
This is war Bongs
our media is controlled mate.
what amazes me is no one sees it.
as for topic im more suprised it wasn't someone walking into a mosque with a bomb vest shouting "suprise fuckers" so, you get what you give.
>muh NATO bombing bagdad
maybe fuck off back there.
Muslim invaders dying is good
when have they not? And who cares what the BBC kikes think?
muzzies on notice
Sounds part and parcel of living in a city to me.
Ban ALL sick fuckers and your love for truck
Imagine if there was no BBC or independent.
Most of the UK still, they haven't woken up to the BBC propaganda.
Face it. Mulsims won this one.
No more attacking them directly it just plays into their victim story which the media are happy to shill.
I'd have no problems with this, but my mom lives in London and seeing it go up like a warzone every week makes me worry about her a lot. She is not a muslim but for all I know, next week some retarded bong will start hitting anyone who is an immigrant.
>if you kill your enemies they win
>muslims on watchlist
>police don't actually watch
>white guy kills muslims
>police now watching muslims 24/7
A rose by any other name....
Which is what he did. Literal jihad mosque. They were salafists, dude.
Do Brits talk amongst themselves behind closed doors about how fucked up your country has become? I mean there has to be more than a few Brits who post on a Laotian fly tying imageboard that realized what a dystopian shithole your once great empire has become.
Makes me feel sad desu
Fug he was right all along
Mainstream Kikes always treated them that way, doesn't matter if they are the perpetrators or the victims. Whitey is always to blame.
>he thinks everywhere is like London
>he thinks Sup Forums is truly representative of the lives of people in a country
they can't even have red blood in german vidya fuck that kraut bong they are liers and jews
>Muslims blow up and ram trucks into crowds of European people on a weekly basis for almost the past year now
#NotAllMuslims Religion of peace
>One European does something about it finally, gets one mudpie
What was meant by he was dying before it began? How so?
I've seen pics of Detriot i know the US has become a black infested shithole.
London > not England :(
I saw it happen before my eye's
>A westerner suicide bombing
Who would do such a thing? Athiests and secular obviously aren't going to give up there one life in this world with no prospect of eternal reward, and Christian theology is extremely anti suicide to the point where many believe it'should a mortal sin which sends you straight to hell. It's fairly nuanced though, like a soldier about to be overrun could kill himself to take the enemy with him and most Christians would consider that justified. But killing yourself in a surprise attack where you wouldn't have otherwise died would be pretty damping.
Maybe get a Hindu or Buddhist to our it? They can tell themselves they will just respawn in there next life.
He didn't learn from the best.
Sure, but the US has always been a black infested shithole, at least the South. You people are willfully letting these 3rd world savages in your ancestral homeland, and they are taking over and seizing power without resistance.
All this in the information age.
You should be ashamed.
>they are taking over and seizing power
Takes some real talent to murder a bunch of unarmed kids.
one is not enough
He never said that. One of the literal execution mob said that.
The guys were calling for his head to be cut off as they kicked him on the ground. There are videos of it. Others screaming to stab him.
Also taste of their own medicine and they don't like it. Guy did a shitty job anyway.
Yes. It's very common to do so. Causes arguments in families due to the traitor cultural marxists shilling for the non whites.
Reports saying that the man who died at the attack was already dead?
This is very conflicting, and all abit fishy if you ask me
It would be better, but it's not like it would eliminate all the propaganda. The Americans have no BBC (PBS is a joke) and there's still plenty of propaganda to be had.
People need to unplug the brainwash box and figure out what's decently honest online, but that takes time and work, something normies aren't gonna put in.
>the best
>puffy-faced narcissist
>shot a bunch of unarmed kids
you have larped yourself into a dimension of pure faggotry
EXACTLY what is being shilled right this very minute.
A muslim just tried to kill some people in Paris but failed by the way.
False flag following another false flag and now you have complete police state with policies against white supremasist terrorists. GG Britain.
Nice try muhhammad.
The entire media puts the invaders over the original population. You can't even criticize their takeover.
If your representative of the average Brit it's no wonder things are this bad for you.
What is a false flag op?
Should've killed more of them
Top four of twitter # search
You do realise that it was far worse in the 80s. And that London is so far removed, culturally and ethnically, from the rest of Britain as to be a foreign country.
No we don't talk about 'how fucked we are', as 99.99% of us are fine.
our government now wants to stamp out any internet safe spaces. FUCK
Wait so your judgement on how things are here is solely based on BBC and independent articles?
If you're* representative of the average American, you really are as stupid as people say. Keep forming your worldviews from Sup Forums. I truly wish i was as red pilled as you m8
You're not fine. ~5% of your population despises the rest and is breeding at a rate 400% higher than the natives. And it's not just London either, many of your large cities are riddled with Muslims. None of this was happening 2 generations ago.
If you could harvest the energy from your ancestors spinning in their graves you could power the world
No it's true, there is CCTV up trees and we get frisked for weapons when buying milk in my 100% white conservative village.
>The guys were calling for his head to be cut off
Weird, I thought these normal peaceful muslims had nothing whatsoever to do with the head removing types, that's what we keep hearing in the media, how very strange.
He killed socialists you fucking retards.
see: Things aren't ok, and pretending they are is how you become a minority in your homeland.
Stupid fucking brits.
This is the demographics in 2011. Imagine the 2021 census. It's going to be horrific.
Remember "White" means all native white Europeans not just native Brits.
The Irish went harder and for longer in the 80s, backed with American terrorist funding. We were fine.
A couple of muzzies running over people is nothing.
Jesus christ talking to Americans is like talking to Autistic twelve year olds. Truly the most stupid, humourless dullards on the planet.
What are you even saying.
White Americans are a minority right now and you're here saying how we have it bad while we're still very much the majority.
The UK isn't one giant city called London you mongaloid
what makes it funnier is that his
was referring to somebody making a joke.
o i am laffin
Who cares what the state pravda say
I think he actually believed me when i said we have CCTV cameras in trees.
Sup Forums and twitter keyboard warriors like tommy robinson and his inbred followers are the minority. most people don't really care and just move on and forget after a week.
He didn't even do a good job at it, I tought white people were supposed to be really good at killing
>Not attacking source of the symptoms
>Not bombing the government offices and then gunning down Cultural Marxists at their indoctrination camp. The young men and women deemed "future leaders" of Norwegian politics.
Hardly innocent. They were all political and knew what they stood for. The total elimination of the European race and millennia of culture and history.
You may only reply to this post if your city has less in 1.5% Muslims
Not so fast London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, Luton and Dewsbury
Considering the vast increase in immigration you are like 10 years behind us at most
You are a complete fucking imbecile.
Muslims are not a problem because of the occasional terrorist attack. They are a problem because they reproduce like fucking roaches.
5% of the population that triples every generation. How many years does it take for it to become the majority, tea-sipping idiot? Try doing the math.
They hate us more than the Muslims because unlike Muslims we actually out in the open working doing jobs Brits don't want or can't perform or are to lazy to do. Brits prefer Muzzies because they stay in their ghettos and just take welfare and don't go out much.
It's a bloody good think Comrade Corbyn didn't get into power then.
Welp, guess they should move back to the desert where it's safe
Paving the way for further bloodshed and scalations. Sasagu Western (((media)))
>Muslims calling anyone else inbred
And there it is
Surely Bristol too?
You're missing the point of the original question: is Britain reeling?
No. Britain has seen worse terrorism and brushed it off.
Yes, given the population increases of the immigrants, we may face problems. Now, we're fine.
Typical leftwing cuck, focus on someone's spelling because you have no counter argument. Are you truly so delusional that you think the invasion of our homeland is just a concern for da ebil rayciss
>occasional terrorist attack
Shut the fuck up you brain dead spastic, that's what the problem is, who gives a fuck if they reproduce as long as they don't blow up 30 fucking people with them
>projecting this hard
simmer down jamal
edl are a laughing stock. they're as much of a threat as a bunch of lgbt pansies running around naked with flags.
>how do you want your country
>just breed me out, f.a.m.
>now we're fine
Get your head out of the sand and stop your ostrich politics. This mindset is why Britain and the rest of western,central and northern Europe are falling.
Sweden and France will be the first to go.
Tories are the laughing stock. EDL is just a bunch of soccer hooligans and they still have better policies than you. May purposefully threw that election just to try and have an excuse to sink Brexit.
Congratulations. 50 years of open door policy paid off.
Truth is, not only are we past 'fine', it's too late to stop now. Far too late.
The only answer will be the inevitable war within the next 20 years.
So when is Overwatch formed to deal with the extremist threat?
Doesn't anyone even believe he said he wanted to 'kill all Muslims' the video I seen he sure looked drunk and Muslims have a way of lying.
sasuga britbongs
If you're* representative of the average Briton you really are as stupid as people say. Keep forming your worldviews from the BBC and Sky News. I truly wish i was as blue pilled as you m8.
This was so inevitable. I can't wait for the next one. When do you think Britain will just have angry mobs removing the kebab neighborhoods?
So I'm guessing Poland won't be taking the "refugees"?
Brits have never lashed out at non-Anglo civilians like this before, right?
Because everyone here was a literal 1488er odinist when they were kids.
Didn't you just have two attacks from the religion of peace that claimed 20+ people?
And somehow this is worse?
Everytime I see "BBC" I think "Big Black Cocks" and you should too.
>the ravings of a man who is losing his country and in denial
Yeah it is, one old guy was having a heart attack when he wrapped them around the van bonnet and thus he was the one that died, but he could have already been dying. Two are in intensive care.
He tried anyway.
Faggot clearly never even read Dabiq or he would know that a van is a garbage tool for running people over. Every smart terrorist knows you need a UHaul truck or better to get a good high score.
Unfortunately this is just part and parcel of living in a big city, we need to learn to live with these incidents.
Remember the real victims of this incident will be innocent white people who will suffer a backlash of scrutiny and suspicion.
We need to condemn any and all anti-white hatred that results from this unfortunate incident.
This wasnt an attack on muslims, it was an attack on all of us.
The vast majority of white people are peaceful and only want to go about their daily lives #notallwhitepeople.
Dont look back in anger, we need to put this behind us as quickly as possible and go on exactly like before.
Hope not! There are 2 million Ukrainian economic migrants in Poland fleeing war and economic depression.We don't need more migrants. If we have to help someone lets help Ukrainians at least they are culturally similar to us. Islam is fundamentally incompatible with western values .
No those numbers are thanks to New Labour in 1997. The years correspond to their time.
I can't find any of the 1991 census to compare the growth to 2001.