She literally didn't deserve this
I agree.
> Overuse of the word literally
Nobody 'deserves' anything, things just happen.
Another muzzie womb that would've given birth to at least 10 terrorists.
Good riddance.
Is that a controversial opinion here?
What is wrong with you 'people'?
story omits the part that it was a shame killing
It's what you should expect though when you then down the advances of a shitskin
I dont deserve to be lied to. Tasneem Khan pulls up no murder stories in (((goog)))
On the contrary, due to original sin she very much deserved it, as does everyone else.
Only through the redemptive power of Christ Jesus can we be saved from our well deserved fate.
unfortunately she chose to follow the false prophet mahound
Gb2 reddit
A muslim victim and an illegal mexican perpetrator - two people who shouldn't have been in America to begin with.
So, her dad and brother killed her because she was going to IHOP for some delicious bacon?
Cheering the death of an innocent makes you an animal. A beast. And every beast welcomes a hunter. That hunter is me. Got that, Nazi boi?
You're right she deserved worse
I'm not going to celebrate her death, nor am I going to pretend that I give a shit. The world's a fucked up place. Shit happens.
I will put a screwdriver into the back of your head
She deserved an acid attack to the genitals
>import 3rd world
>get 3rd world
If you aren't a completely blind shitlib being controlled by your Jewish masters this is obvious to you.
One less shitskin, still a few million to go.
She deserved my long cock.
Why not a katana?
Fckin Whiteys
It's about time we had some pest control
go back to algeria
Was probabky beaten im an honor killing by other muslims
I guess she wasn't honour killed by her family? usually those deaths are coincidentally ignored
These vermin are not innocents. When a horde of rats infests your house you kill them not give them free food and welcome more rats
SAD STORY: This fucking faggot OP was trying to gather sympathy for the eternal sandnigger today. He literally was a good goy.
>didn't deserve this
Pick one
Right. Says nothing of the attacker
She was killed by her Mexican boyfriend
Mexicans continue to do the jobs Americans simply won't do
The only screw here..is you.
>hijab wearing mudslime
>That hunter is me.
wadda fag
> sad story.
Not really, bad things happen to bad people
i doubt it
>Caring about some sandnigger roastie
>Posting blue haired faggots
>Confused about why nobody cares
We get that you are a worthless faggot, you don't have to break everybody's balls about it.
Nah, Mexican
>a man in a Saturn
>6th planet is the 6 sides of a hexagon
>Hexagon polar storm
>Hexagon found a center of "star of David"
>Hexagon is the two-dimensional isometric projection of a cube
>Cube is a 6 sided solid
>Cube worship
>Saturn worship
>Satan worship
The Jews did this
Gr8 b8 fag.
What's wrong with you?
>Mexican named Darwin kills his mudshit gf for not believing in evolution
Atheism strikes again
YOU'RE A TRAP LORD...are ye not?!
>Mexicans continue to do the jobs Americans simply won't do
My sides have ascended to maximum orbit.
I don't have a katana since they're illegal
you are huge and that means you have huge guts
so at least some people will think it was a white hate crime.
>Nobody cares
>Yet i get all these buttblasted (you)s
That's how i know i'm right. Human decency is not a meme.
I'd fuck that.
yeah, what the nip said
>innocent Muslim beaten to death by Mexican
Why didn't the goddamn niggers do anything to stop this?
Is that a pic of you?
Hi I'm Sunni Muslim (not very religious, trending towards agnosticism) and there's nothing fundamentally anti-gay about Islam (especially among Sunnis). Even my more religious family members are tolerant to all kinds of people regardless of sexual orientation or other backgrounds. Please don't represent only a caricature of the religion, especially given today's events.
Stupid bitch shouldn't of ordered bacon from that infidelic haram dispensary.
>Darwin Martinez Torres, 22, has been arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the death of a 17-year-old Muslim girl close to a mosque in Virginia.
When Muslims send their women, they aren't sending their best
here's one (You)
Human decency only applies to humans, not those who act more animal-like than human. This is simple stuff.
Except she was beat to death by her own kind for not being pure enough. Honor killings are still a common thing with Islam. I do not feel sorry for her.
Ow,my social skills.
Jesus how can you say something lame that social skills painfully cringe.
Climb a wall of dicks with your fedora stuffed ass!
>That's how i know i'm right. Human decency is not a meme.
>human decency
>not a meme
>human decency
>not a meme
Then why did a spic beat a 17 year old girl to death for no reason
Human decency is the biggest meme there is
notice they left out that the killer was a mexican?
>"I know I'm right because everyone is replying to me telling me how much of a faggot I am"
Yeah okay kike
that really brings "mexican intellectuals" into real life
What was she doing 8000 miles away from home?
I hope it was a good old-fashioned wooden Louisville Slugger. I'd give him just a prison stint for that. If it was an aluminum bat, then he deserves the death penalty.
>beaten to death with baseball bat
should have worn a helmet rather than a hijab.
He sexy af
jee-YEEzus pol is easy to bait these days
This beast shoots back. Come and get it.
Nice orbit.
Jebadiah approved.
Maybe she was beaten by another Muslim for leaving the house without a man.
If nobody truly would deserve anything, the word wouldn't exist, therefore, some people certainly do derserve some things. An example would be you deserving your wage. You don't just magically get money because it just happens.
"Literally" is the most overused word in the English language right now.
I mean...he's not wrong.
Is this a US marine, or an actual based samuari?
>these days
That's how I know you're new :^)
Either way
It's only going to get worse
Public dissent is growing and so is their rage toward Islam.
he looks like elliot rogers
How can you take yourself seriously? I mean, do you sometime pose in front of a mirror trying to look "dangerous" and "intimidating" ?
I fucking can't stop laughing
delet this
Not the right name. Search for Nabra and Fairfax County. The killer name is Darwin Martinez Torres.
Why don't you get a hunting license and a nice over-under or something
honestly violence against innocent people is for niggers.
beating up some random mudslime will accomplish nothing but to fuel the left's argument that muslims are an oppressed group
There's a logical fallacy in your post, since cheering on the death of an innocent does not make you an animal per se. People who cheer on the deaths of innocents don't turn into animals, they still remain people.
Even Canadians are better than Americans at this.
Go back to tumblr you fucking degenerate. Got that, fag girl?
sides gone
>Nice orbit.
Meh, seems to have a ~5° inclination.
Might just be the perspective tho.
You'd look really good falling off a building.
You don't deserve a wage, things like market forces converge and end up determining it, and shit does just happen, we don't actually make choices, free will is a myth.
Her friends didn't try to help her or stop the attacker? What shitty friends. Maybe the friends were behind it. Like it's a hentai plot. Friends set up "good girl" of the group to get rape/gangbang mind broken but it goes wrong and she ends up dying from cock so they make up a story to cover their tracks.
I would give anything to see the moment the baseball bat wiped that smug grin off its fucking face
holy shit you just made my day
It looks like something that should have died in that night club in Orlando. Damn muzzies and their poor aim.
For once i agree with you.