Romans Sup Forums - LEGIO X Decima - Italian Legion

Only real Romans here.

> Be Italian (Greek Spartans Brothers are welcome/also meds: Corsicans/Spain/Portugal, friends of italy)
> Doesn't mix with barbarians/foreigners
> No gays
> No barbarians/fake italians snowniggers (red haired/blonde haired faggots)
> Hates: Communists/Gays/Immigrants/Niggers/ ((them))/liberals/sandniggers/rumenians/gypsies/albanians/traitors.
> Loves: Autocracy, Heritage, Ancestors, Roman Empire, pure Italian race. ITALY, every piece of our land.
> Eats Italians products only.
> Does not do drugs
> Has researched Italians History (Roman Empire/Reinassence/Leonardo Da Vinci/ Machiavelli/Marconi/Meucci/Cristoforo Colombo/Verrazzano/Magellano/Marco Polo/Virgilio/Dante/Italian Emigration/Ancient Italian Mythology for at least 100+ hours

We talk about how to free our land from the parasites cockroaches (immigrants/(((them)))/barbarians/fake Italians/communists/gays/traitors), and about the actual situation of our country.

AVE. Si vis pacem para bellum. Forza e Onore.

Other urls found in this thread:

i thought Romans gay


Ave, we have absolutely block the ius soli law, with the referendum of abrogation, first priority.

Ave Legionario.
I cried on the Julius Cesar's tombstone.

In Vino Veritas

Italy is a joke and you know it

You are not allowed here, barbarian scum, take a walk.

Greetings from Athens.


Quick reminder that although we may be the poor, we (meds) are the happiest people in the world. And we hve the best landscapes and cities.
Forests, mountains, sea, everything. Our land is the kost fertile. In northern yurop you can't even grow a poop

> Greeks welcome
> No gays

Pick one

Republic > Empire

Hey, Mario, love your pasta.
Arrabbiata, Napoletana or Bolognese sauce, which one do you prefer?


Ave Greek Brother, you honour us with your friendship.

>no gays

if it pass, there will be total war, granted. we have to do a mediterranean alliance with greece, spain and portugal.

Hello I am salvadoran but my great great great grandfather was mestizo therefore I am white.
Ave roman brothers.

you were a slave of rome.

Daily reminder that meds literally created everything about Evropean culture and germanics/slavs are just LARPing as Evropeans

i'm literally roman. ciao tutti.

Pick one. Caracalla, the Emperor of Rome of Syrian descent made it all clear

The Edict of Caracalla was an edict issued in AD 212 by the Roman Emperor Caracalla, which declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in the Empire were given the same rights as Roman women. Before 212, for the most part only inhabitants of Italia held full Roman citizenship. Colonies of Romans established in other provinces, Romans (or their descendants) living in provinces, the inhabitants of various cities throughout the Empire, and a few local nobles (such as kings of client countries) also held full citizenship. Provincials, on the other hand, were usually non-citizens, although some held the Latin Right.


Exactly, you are now a friend of Rome, maybe the soul of Julius Caesar protect you.

ciao romano, AVE.

> Does not do drugs

Romans, Greeks and all ancient civilizations used alcohol and cannabis.


Vino, Vine, not drugs, cannabis? in your dreams maybe.

>Muslim subhuman rapebabies: the thread
Kek, Meds are just too funny
Enjoy being cucked by Germanics


>> No gays

Meds are not aware enough of global warming conspiracy, it's a conspiracy by Germanics, Slavs and Anglos to destroy med nations


why you are so jealous of our culture, relax, hans.


Emulating Rome by Germans started way earlier. Remember HRE?



Drug use was degenerate in ancient Rome.

You could lose your status in society for it. The censor could literally take you out of higher class and put you in a lower one.


Hello friends :)

>our culture
being poor, swarthy manlets that whistle at a women while working as construction worker is called cultured nowdays ?

>American Italians are real Italians


>Italian Italians work as construction works

>reddit spacing

Vespasiano looks a lot like Mussolini


>typing readable texts is bad

absolutely mediterranean

you are not allowed here, barbarian dirty trash

Sicilians are not Italian, they are are too mixed with Greeks, Albanian and others. they are barely white too, they are close to being middle-eastern.

It's not more readable with a space after each line, it's less readable.

>mixed with albanians
Greeks, yes. Some North African, yes.
Arbereshe largely kept to themselves and they went to Italy prior to the Ottoman conquest so genetically they are more similar to Greeks than anything else.

Why are you so insecure and hateful? Is it because your country harbors trash piles like Naples and is literally drenched in corruption?

Why does the economy of the Barbarians outperform yours?

Try to debunk this medniggers

There is linguistic influence from Albanian and Croatians so I'm guessing they are mixed as well. either way Sicilians are bunch of low IQ gypsy looking people, not the greatest people in Italy, they are close to Jews as well.

Actually, sicilians are more italians than the northen italians. The only percetage of admixture they have is with ancient greeks, the ones from Magna Graecia, as you can see in the dna analisis i've posted there.

Suetonius was known for being gossipy. And wrote long after their deaths.

But more importantly they were able to recover the paint that was trapped in the marble in after all these centuries.


>wrote long after their deaths
He was born in 69AD, so not that long. I mean, weren't the statues painted when he was alive? How could he fuck it up?


Why you people, northcucks, are so jealous of us, now you act like the niggers? we wuz romanz and shiet. ahaha

German barbarians need to be crucified.

>born in 69AD
>born a year after the dynasty falls
When do you think he picked a stylus? A week out of the womb?
That's just uncanny.

Yes, but what about the statues being painted when he was still alive?

Italians are subhumans compared to the romans tho. All this shit about noi siamo romani needs to stop. You claim to be their descendants but you behave more like carthaginians if we take a closer look at your behaviour and even ethnicity.

Ave Roman, you are so right, in ancient rome the via Appia we used to crucify barbarians and show their corpses to the romans.

They look pretty med to me.

Yeah, I remember watching a video about dialect and one of the dialect was influence by some Albanian or something like that, don't remember I might be wrong. Tosk Albanian are same as Greeks anyway, genetically.

Svetonious wrote that Tiberius had glowing eyes and that he could see in the complete darkness.
If you think that his work are affidable, you are wrong

How reliable are those colour reconstructions?

Stop using Ave. He's not your commanding officer.
Use Salve or Salvete in the plural.
Ave is very formal.
Sicilian has Arabic influence. Very little, probably a couple words, from Albanian.
The caligula one is very accurate, the augustus one less so. It was stored underground so most of the paint, even deep within the marble, was lost.
Blue eyes first show up on the black sea. You do know this, right? Mutated 10,000BP in pre-Indo-European hunter and gatherers.
You said you had proof of germanic origin.

The romans and the greeks were blondes.
you disgusting barbarian genetic scum.

Either way, Sicilian are gay. Italian should speak Sardinian instead, because it's closest to Roman.

Romans BTFO
How will they ever recover?
Oh, they won't :^)

dio cane zingaro di merda hai rotto il cazzo

Eh, if you exclude pronunciation is not as close as implied. It underwent some stupid changes.
Lat. Lingua ("tongue", "language") -> Ita. Lingua cf. Sard. Limb cf. Rom. Limba cf. Nap. & Span. Lengua
Obviously this is just one cherry picked example. But Sardinian does stupid shit.

The thing that makes Sardinian really interesting is the lack of palatalization.

>Blue eyes first show up on the black sea. You do know this, right? Mutated 10,000BP in pre-Indo-European hunter and gatherers. You said you had proof of germanic origin
who are you replying to? What this has to do with my post?

Hi swede, why you stay here, your sister or you mother is being fucked by 4 niggers refugees in gangbang, you will have a beautiful nigger nephew, you cucked faggot.

Taci rumeno di merda.


Keep telling yourself that, Varg.

>tfw your Sicilian forefathers were too poor to afford the boat to Buenos Aires so they took the shorter and cheaper ticket to New York instead
>mfw Sicilian poverty was an advantage

They you can mix it with other dialect to make is closer to Roman and use Sardinian pronunciation.

You, I just didn't read your second sentence and assumed you were the other guy (). Sorry.
Also, affidable is not a word in English. Just like svalutation is not word.

t. errone = stesso livello di albanesi e rumeni

But then you're literally creating a new language.
At that point just revive Latin and make some changes to it.
Which I think is a really great idea and I even know what changes to make.

Thanks, I was fishing for replies to help me debunk that to argue with a wewuz snownog. Sorry for the trouble mate.

Yeah, right. but there is not much info left there for Vulgar Latin is there? would classical Latin be efficient as a common language?

Ecco il polentone (probabilmente V*neto, i piĆ¹ schifosi di tutti) traditore della patria. Quelli come te saranno i primi ad essere impiccati

legionario onore a te, bisogna epurare l'italia dai finti italiani che leccano il culo agli stranieri. primo nemico

tu sei un povero meticcio bastardo, il sangue dei barbari che stuprarono tua madre scorre ancora nelle tue vene, finto italiano bastardo, continua a cercare di farti accettare dai tuoi amici barbari tedeschi, finocchio traditore della razza


legionario onore a te. imperivm ad vitam

Guys, why are you trying to resurrect Classical Latin? The modern Romance languages are natural evolutions of the Latin language. Modern Italian for example is simply the Latin language after 2000 years of evolution. Look at Old English for another example. It's almost unreadable for modern English speakers.

Languages change.

Pretty funny that the most recent thing the Italians have to take pride from existed 1600 years ago. Also you're probably a lombard rape baby.



Vulgar Latin has been reconstructed. There's some thing that a pretty much universally agreed upon and others that are more debatable. How much faith you put in the field of linguistics is another question all together.
But I would say you look towards the descendants and go from there, with a slight bias towards the Italian languages below the Spezia-Rimini line. There are some things that pretty much changed all together in nearly all the major Romance languages. Others where you can see regional issues.
Old English is different from Modern English due to Britannic (Celtic), Norse, German, and French influence at different stages.
Italian speakers will have trouble understanding Latin but would pick up on significantly more than a modern English speaker looking at Old English.
Most of the words in Italian come over nearly unchanged, just the grammar has changed heavily (verb conjugation and tenses, loss of declensions, etc.).
A specific source? Don't have. Just read up on the job of the Censor and the full usage of the Roman Census.

t. Alto Adige

Because Latin sounds better.

best post