Developments Jun 18 Russia holds rocket testing drills off Syrian coast, Iran & China hold drills in Strait of Hormuz >Iranian Revolutionary Guard says it launches missile strikes in eastern Syria over IS-claimed attacks in Tehran. US-led Coalition shot down a SyAF fighter jet (SU-22) south of Tabqa city Raqqa: Clashes between SAA and SDF >SAA controls Iraqi border all the way to DeZ province >SAA blitzes ISIS in Syrian Desert, reach DeZ prov, cut al-Qaim-Sukhnah Road >Raqqa: US casualties piling up to 26, extensive use of SOFs >Unconfirmed: SDF to be sent to Tanf border crossing >IS claims bombing in Damascus, 7 killed >Al-Waleed Iraqi/Syrian border crossing secured by PMU >2 objects intercepted above Hmeimim AB by Russian Air Defence >Tiger forces liberate 14 villages, advancing east in south Raqqa CS >US military deploys long-range missiles to combat the SAA in border region >Tier Forces captures Resafa Previous Thread
Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse the Jews!
Owen Wright
Long Live USA!!!!!
Austin Edwards
We were somewhere around Suhknah when the barrel bombs began to take a hold
Aaron Nelson
Qatar/ME Crisis >IRGC claims missile attacks killed Abu Saad, a saudi high profile ISIS commander. >Iraq PM heads to Saudi Arabia then to Kuwait & Iran >Expulsion of Qataris from Gulf states comes into effect >Report: Israel secretly giving aid to Syrian rebels >Saudi hints Iranian fisherman killed on Fri by naval forces was w 3 boats smuggling weapons for "acts of sabotage >Khamenei calls Trump "an inexperienced thug." >Turkish troops arrive in Qatar >Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif on private visit to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage >Egypt mediating talks between Hamas, Dahlan & PA >Qatar still waiting for list of grievances >Bahrain orders Qatari troops to leave coalition fighting ISIL >Qatar cows impacted by crisis, "feeling exhausted" to make up for milk shortages. >Bahrain council now condemning Qatar interference (leaked audio b/w Doha & opposition), plotting with Iran. >Trade talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia mark a historic first; Orb glows brighter. >AP: Trump Organization ended Qatar push 6 days after swearing in >Chinese naval fleet arrives for friendly visit to Iran >Saudi Arabia 'rejects' Turkey offer to build base in kingdom >SDF Boosts Relations W/ Saudi Arabia, Praises Its Role In “Stabilisation” Of Syria >VIDEO: A fight erupted between Qatari and Saudi delegates at GCC meeting. >Eritrean troops seize control of a disputed border area with Djibouti, days after Qatari troops withdrew >Qatar already prosecuted 5 men on US terrorism list, plans to charge 2 more over terror funding >Theresa May spoke with Barhain, Saudi & Qatar, urged de-escalation and ways to address radicalization in region.
William Rodriguez
What are the rebels and US soldiers in Al-Tanf planning? Pic related
Elijah Wood
When is Raqqa going to fall /sg/? Predictions?
Jacob Brown
>US military deploys long-range missiles to combat the SAA in border region Where are they deployed, i assume off the med coast on destroyers? What border region is pertained, do you mean Syria-Iraq border? US deployed sand-based missiles on the Iraqi side? If so, they must be very confident about security.
Charles King
ass*d is a zionist puppet
Dominic Turner
Massive rocket shelling and human waves attack to cuck Putler and reverse ASSad's gains in the area.
Ryder Martin
Depends. If the truly TRULY encircle it sometime soon it will be like Old Mosul where ti becomes unpredictable and much longer than they hope. If they leave an opening and let the rats flee it might be done by end of next month.
Dylan Foster
Elijah Morales
US is really eager to capture it because they now lose more personal on it per time compared to Mosul despite it being bigger. If Assad will never go for it then it will take SDF 6-8 weeks dpending on ISIS willing to put up last stands. If the Tigers step in then you definetly can not say.
Samuel Lopez
>pic is my face when I see that the Syrian Government is close to securing Western Aleppo province.
Hunter Brown
>Report: Israel secretly giving aid to Syrian rebels Be nice if there was sauce to this. Also >Bahrain council now condemning Qatar interference (leaked audio b/w Doha & opposition), plotting with Iran. Qatar is plotting with Iran? On what? I would have thought Bahrain was closer to Tehran's sphere of influence.
Daniel Collins
3-6 weeks
Carson Gray
Daily reminder, that assadists on suicide watch after masterful decisions made by gad-impiratar tramp. Here's maps to prove it.
>Putler How convinient that you can hide flags now, right?
Cameron Foster
they wanted to jew and to spread evil
Michael Young
Treat every memeflagger as a leaf, or swede.
Tyler Hill
t2 isnt shown under gov control on that map, t2 is in DeZ governorate
Dominic Baker
It's hilarious to watch Russia bark all day everyday but doing nothing when America is killing Syrian soldiers left and right.
Joseph Cook
thx. it's 18hours old but still not cached. /sg/ needs grow an archiving culture like its father board
Cameron Nelson
Degenerate and i am weeb
Mason Wood
>long-range missiles
That's just US version of BM-30
Lucas Butler
If Assad didn't gas and butcher his own people he wouldn't be in this mess.
Samuel Morris
And yet, Syrian territory is getting recovered day after day, and there is nothing you can do about it other than bitch on a Peruvian basket-weaving forum.
Logan Barnes
This since the memefalgs came back Poos Turks Swedes and Leafs disappeared
Ethan Young
Nolan Hill
Iam sure we will provide much more entertainment in the future.
Noah Lewis
i finally finished the Putin interviews geez he couldn't make it not 4 hours long?
Jose Martin
Yeah if Assad didn't gas and butcher his own people he wouldn't be in this mess.
Robert Thomas
It's hilarious to watch US kills Syrian troops left and right everyday but they're still losing in the end.
Elijah Hall
Gee russia doesnt further escalate things with someone they know will cause a lot of trouble if they do, how did that ever happen
Jackson Gray
Landon Evans
>maytham @maytham956 41 min
>#SAA in a special operation rescued the Syrian pilot Ali Fahd whose fighting jet was shot down by #US. #Syria
Maybe spestnaz embed with the Tigers?
Noah Sullivan
damn you watched it in one single run? must have gotten pretty /comfy/
Carson Miller
Michael, get the arguments
Jordan Butler
also Putin mentioned Israel only once and that was only referencing his visit to Israel when Sharon was PM when Sharon said to him that he shouldn't trust anyone about anything in the Middle East
Evan Walker
Remember when they were cucked so hard they started parroting Obongos "red line"?
Brandon King
>spestnaz embed with the Tigers
Brandon Evans
I'd sooner belive that spetsnaz is embed with 5th corps around Araq-T3 tbqh, could be kurdish incompetence, they are not used to fight somewhat serious attacking force.
Zachary Cruz
watched the first three yesterday and the first thing i did after i got back from home today is watched the fourth part
Tyler Nelson
Does anyone have a map that shows SAM coverage for all relevant factions?
Landon Gomez
hey newfag this was pol long before you came here I remember al qusayr being covered over here, guess which flags we had?
Nathan Cooper
Atleast he did not blame you in all the world's problems. I mean look at them, they even captured 5 of them with proofs.
Asher Perry
+1 for title originality.
Christian Sanchez
do you remember how many breads you have bombed in your life?
Caleb Flores
>i finally finished the Putin interviews >geez he couldn't make it not 4 hours long? I saw Oliver Stone on TV the other day, apparently there were 20 hours of film, and he parsed it down to 4.
Connor Long
so something interesting is going to happen soon right
Justin Torres
what an ugly POS lmao
shame we didn't kill him
Ryder Scott
Yeah, but when everyone who uses the new flags is a shitposter, board culture changes and they no longer have the same meaning
Camden Robinson
A lot less burger filth as well
Aiden Clark
>shitposter nice, stating facts is now shitposting
Hunter Kelly
I am thinking is the US incompetent or is Assad too damn good? I mean it's really based how the sides have turned
James Lopez
bahrain is brothel of saudi arabia. they dont have oil. their main source of income is saudis going there to fuck thai, ukranian prostitutes.
Justin Stewart
A man's gotta eat, Julian
Jose James
SDF is retarded enough to keep a POW in a primary site so it is likely that the Tigers have done it on their own.
Nathan Nelson
>You'll live to see Putin successfully end regime change by America
Camden Wood
need update gains in the last 18hourrs?
Owen Walker
You can guess s300, s400 range from Hmeimim and syrian s300 range from Damascus but thats it, some s300 are being moved, there are also BUK's Osa's and s200 at random places. But they are never fucking used, i suggest you dont bother.
>ugly you like your new allies more ?
Christopher Bennett
>because too many of the wrong countries led it
Robert Murphy why did Trump force this on us? The "Qalqiliya Plan" is fully exposed: The project to expand the Palestinian city, which is arousing resentment on the right, is supposed to provide a response to the population growth that will grow by 2035 from 51,000 to 80,000. In practice, the number of apartments to be built will be significantly lower than 14,000. Head of Shomron Council: "Dangerous Plan"
Kayden Adams
Caleb Campbell
i know i mean rhodesia worked but vietnam sure as hell didnt
Evan Flores
>I'm Donald Trump and I approve this plan!
Luis Lee
Plormbf btfo
Blake Sanchez
Meaawhile in the real world, Syrian jets are blown out of the sky and Manlet doesn't do shit.
Oliver Turner
>COLNIALISM WAS A MISTAKE Wrong being cucks to countries you people drew into the world was a mistake
Cooper Williams
Rhodesia was a artificial nation Veitnam was a nation before being taken over by frogs just like us the only part that wasnt part of sri lanka before colonialism was the north and we just cam out of a 30 year war against them
Is there a chance that the US would trigger article 5 due to Ruskies implementing the no-fly zone today?
Asher Butler
have they confirmed this push south of Palmyra?
Lincoln Nguyen
>going back home instead of going airborne again wuss
Jaxon Scott
i fucking love the Mosul offensive it was literately the back by Christmas meme of this war Shows how shit Iraqi army and USAF is
Nicholas Parker
Yeah they stil cant capture "Old city" part of Mosul.
Gavin Jenkins
that was just a follow up mistake
Christopher Thomas
lol how article 5 is if USA is attacked illegal invasion of another country and being asked not to be there is not being attacked
Colton Ross
All the maps I'm finding are old or incomplete. I guess with all the rapid advances on ISIS and rebels both SAA and SDF airspace change quickly.
All images I've seen S-400 range reaches out to make a border along most of the Euphrates, however. Assuming coalition jets don't try to make a run on Damascus, nothing will happen before the jets are safely back out of range.
Ayden Perry
>trusting SAA and its fangays with no proofs why don't you lose some weight, fat pig?
Hudson Turner
You can not expect much from the humvee column army but fighting in a big city with all these small alleays is definetly rough.
Noah Cooper
>muh judeo christuim society
what a gay
Easton Price
>[hurrs internally]
Landon Long
John Cruz
>assblasted Maghreboi Good to see some things never change here in /sg/