What is anons' opinion on this movie?
What is anons' opinion on this movie?
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It's pretty good and shows how Hitler was losing it once he realized it was going to be next to impossible to win pretty well.
Bretty good aside from the hamfisted HOLOHOAX shilling at the end.
>for fags
>by fags
Holocaust actually happened, 6M Jews died.
I always cry when Frau Goebbels begs the Fuhrer not to do it. I only imagine myself doing the same in that situation.
If it did then debunk these points, kike shill.
5 star comedy for the whole family
>ples debunk thes screenshot, its a proof!
>t. autist
not a shocker, to be honest
He tried his best. depressing movie really since your watching the white races last chance slip away. America 43% white by 2060, Whites a minority in London. What a great ((Victory))
The strongest shall prevail. Isn't that what you all believe? Seems like we whites are losing the ground, aren't we?
the numbers mason, what do they mean?!
Surely it's the message that matters not the messenger, it should be trivially easy to debunk all the vile antisemitic allegations in that small pictures for someone as astute as you.
>he can't deunk even a SINGLE ONE of these arguments
I mean, shouldn't be hard since you know it happened exactly as (((you))) claim right? :^)
since so many people have saved this same screenshot, even seen it shared on YT, can someone give context about what made this one so relevant compared to all other Sup Forums posts that have tried to debunk the holohoax in the past?
Like how did this guy's poorly structured, partly jumbled up 2 post essay from 2016 make the cut into your save folder while all the others didnt?
>we whites
That's not how discussions work LMAO. You don't throw some screenshots and say "yo bitch riddle me this then"
If you have no arguments debunking it yourself, you are worthless.
Leftist propaganda, deepening the opposition to Hitler, because the demonization of Hitler and the Nazis was seen as a sort of apology, disconnecting them from Germany and the German people. Therefor you could increase the white guilt, if you made Hitler and the Nazis humane and real. It was also made by a self-identifying marxist.
Congrats: if you think this movie is pro-Hitler, you are even a dumber stormfag that anyone could imagine.
How is it a propaganda? What exactly was untrue?
Did Hitler really chimp out and blame the German people for losing the war?
If so, what a fucking loser
Nice refutation there, smelly fucking jew.
This is how you look LMFAO
t. kike shill
RIP Blondi
Talk to the hand, Schlomo
Or perhaps you can simply not debunk it at all mr Silverstein.
Nice satire you have there, fag. Autists like you is what destroyed Sup Forums. Normies obsessed with politics.
It's not as bad as Schindler's List, but it's complete and utter shit and historically absolute inaccurate.
Sure thing pal
A tragic tale of a man who stared with nothing TRIED SO HARD, AND GOT SO FAR.
>fellow white people
>fellow Sup Forumsacks
>oldfag here
>comes to politics board
why is everyone so obsessed with politics???
good goy
One of the scariest war films I've ever seen.
>that scene where they're throwing a ball and pretending everything is fine while bombs are going off right outside and the red army is probably gonna bust in any second now
Hows the weather in Australia today?
Okay so summing it up.
This is a gish-gallop. Throwing so much stuff which is built on lies and occasional half-truths to make it seem convincing, that the opponent can't attack because of the swarm of bullshit. Plus complete lack of sources and anecdotal evidence, which is as close to evidence as horse shit to a gourmet food.
Again, anecdotal evidence and a paper that says nothing. It is no proof. Anyone can take a sheet of paper and do whatever he pleases.
To the second reply - let's add that Germans would've been foolish if they hadn't destroyed evidence of Holocaust. Thank God there is some surviving evidence, such as census and other government reports. Where have the Jews gone? Huh?
>let's take shopped pictures from some blog no one cares about as evidence of muh evil antinazi propugunduh!
Decent compared to other WWII propaganda films. At least this one makes the Germans seem human and gets the audience to empathise with them.
I will debunk this nonsense part by part, maybe then MY Sup Forums post will get saved and spread instead of this 2016 naziboo's.
I will tackle the points sentence by sentence, numbering them so you don't lose track of where we are. As source I will add imgur links. You need to remove the .jpg ending from them in your browser URL to be able to read the article attached to the image.
1) Dr. Charles P. Larson, American pathologist, claimed some of the bodies he autopsied had been killed by cyanide poisoning. Says so in his book "Crime Doctor", I can give you the page number if you want and full quotation. The Soviet state commission also has forensic reports of gassing victims killed in gas vans. Again, ask and ye shall receive. Because youtube automatically deletes a comment if it has too many links and the comment is only visible to the author of it. (see: imgur.com/zS3Csv8)
- 2nd sentence in the infograph also a lie, see Sonderkommando photographs (see: imgur.com/DHde0B7)
- 3rd sentence: The Höfle telegram was intercepted, it documents the deportation of over 1 million people to the extermination camps by end of 1942. What happened to them afterward? Revisionists have no answers. But they KNOW they weren't exterminated there. Suuuure, buddy. Like you don't know but you know... (see: i.imgur.com/qArSEQJ)
4) Goebbels' diary (i.imgur.com/Wf5pw6K). Or Johann Paul Kremer's diary (i.imgur.com/sipP8dQ). Both speak of ongoing extermination.
5) If WW2 had a 60 million death toll, where are the 54 million remaining graves? Yet revisionists don't doubt that toll. Just the Jewish one. strange.
6) Human soap is not a lie. Small quantities were made at Stutthof near Danzig by Prof. Spanner. But it was made from the corpses of prisons and insane asylums rather than Jews from camps. (see: i.imgur.com/tstQKvB)
7) A witness can easily mistake engine exhaust for steam. Next.
9) Babi Yar happened. and one of the above author's debating points against it is that what happened "sounds laughable". Great counter, I'm sure that convinces people.
10) Yet he cannot name how many Jews reached Central Asia prior to WW2. How strange.
11) WRONG again. The western Allies did capture camps that had homicidal gas chambers where thousands of people were killed. Camps, whose homicidal gas chambers can be visited to this day. Name of camp? Mauthausen in Austria. (see: i.imgur.com/6oNt818)
12) Correct. JC Pressac said 95% of zyklon delivered to Auschwitz was used for delousing, and only 5% for homicidal gassing. That's all it takes, though, considering any chemistry or medical book on HCN will state 300ppm is all it takes to kill humans. I fail to see the problem.
13) Richard Krege is a liar. To date he has not published his GPR findings as a science report someone can examine. He just said he went there and found nothing, "...and ya better believe it!" He claims he found no soil disturbances. Impossible, if even fellow revisionists agree that a camp once existed there, but a transit camp, that was built and dismantled. That has to leave soil disturbances. Krege is therefore a liar.
14) Stealing from Jews for PERSONAL gain was a grave offense, yes. Himmler says so in his 1943 Posen speech. But Nazis did loot Jewish possessions for the Reich, from jewelry to art. Which was apparently fine: Just personal gain = corruption. That's your documented case. The rest are generic guidelines how to treat POWs written in pre-war books handed out to the camp guards. Where is proof the Nazis followed those orders? For example you can begin showing me all the documented executions of Nazi guards by Nazi authorities for mistreating Jews. Oh right, you cant.
tbqh senpai, it really doesn't matter wether the Holocaust actually happened or not.
There are still disgusting kikes alive to this day and they are all vermins on the face of this earth.
The great shoa is irrelevant for me, jews deserve death non the less
forgot 8) No German was hung for the Katyn massacre, in fact it was not even accepted by the IMT even though the Russians wanted to frame the Germans.
15) Germans have no history of genocidal behavior? Coming from the guy who, on another day of the week, reminds us Jews have been kicked out of 109 nations in the past, and Germany was definitely the site of dozens of pogroms in the middle ages. Nice try.
16) Wrong. Hoess was only beaten up on the day of his capture, and then sleep deprived and roughed up until he started talking. If Hoess was the commandant of a by-the-book clean whistle labor camp, why did he go into hiding under a FAKE NAME until his capture?
17) Eisenhower exterminating 1.5 million German POWs is a fairy tale hoax concocted by Canadian fairy tale author James Bacque in his novel "Other Losses". No historian supports him. (i.imgur.com/yao6lgo)
18) Vrba did not invent the gas chamber story. The first rumors came as early as 1944 from Polish resistance, tons of people who didn't even know Vrba like all the other Sonderkommando who testified independently. See Behannais, Tauber, Nyiszli, or Filip Müller right off the top of my head. Even Germans like Franz Suchomel, Kurt Gerstein etc.
19) says "numerous memoirs", then only lists 2. lol. And Elie was stationed at Monowitz, no gas chambers there. And outdoor cremation was a thing, yes, hence the burning pits, see Sonderkommando photos.
20) I will ignore comments that are pure ad hominem in nature.
- "Volk ausrotten" never means and never meant physically uprooting a people. ask any German native speaker if you don't trust me. (i.imgur.com/oRkjLSc)
- there is no link between allied bombing and supply lines to camps being affected and resulting starvation in camps. No book, document, or testimony has so far been able to prove this.
- German commanders refused to follow Hitler commissar order of 1941? Wheres the proof of this? Oh right, no proof is presented.
- except we have written documents which clearly state Einsatzgruppen killed Jews (yes Jews) in the six figure numbers. and thats just from one of the several squad/groups that had hundreds of local collaborators. (see: i.imgur.com/gtWBBvA)
You're doing God's work, user. Thanks.
Frankly, I do not give enough fucks to form a tirade like this.
well I am glad you finally posted a true atrocity image rather than the neo nazi photoshops here
it's based on the testimony of people who were actually there
I hope it's a good debunk.
>Beurkundete Sterbefälle (as it says on the document, which means "registered deaths that can be traced and are accounted for) automatically means ALL deaths
kek. not even all camps are listed...Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Jasenovac, Janowska, shit tons missing...
>Revisionist logic.
The stomach bloats when people are dying of starvation, they don't become skeletal.
That's a typhus victim. Typhus desiccates the body in it's final stages.
Fake movie, Hitler escaped to argentina
>implying kwashiorkor happens to every starving person
lmao dumbass, it mostly happens to children, who were killed first eitherway
es bleiben im raum.
& burgdorf.
>Typhus desiccates the body in it's final stages.
[citation needed]
>people who die from starvation usually have fat bellies
[citation needed]
>implying you can detect the differences from afar on a low quality picture from WW2
Lmao you deniers are pathetic
plus this
wow. an ancient infograph. and you think it is legit?
see The man IS German.
>implying you can detect the differences from afar
we know YOU can't. YOU can't tell the difference between a revolver and a fighter jet. You lefty nogunners are pathetic.
>I can do everything and I can prove Holocaust didn't happen using my superior skills, because I am better and you have to blindly believe me
lmao nope
He's about as German as you are schlomo.
Hey man I love your work on answering revisionists. Your imgur collection on the holocaust got me out of my wehraboo faze and made me gain a perspective of centrism towards politics.
not an argument faggot. Remember the 6 gorrillion fallacies goyim.
budget-quality troll
Much of the Holocaust BS is allied propaganda during the war, and after they won kept the propaganda going since they were in so deep with it.
>brown eyes
When will this meme end?
Anyone who says "fellow white people" or "as a white..." They're with no doubt a Jew.
Not a meme, mandela effect. They USED to be brown.
>no one has debunked this yet
My grandfather looks like a Mediterranean version of Bruno Ganz.
I'm afraid I could be part Kraut. Oh no.
yes the jews do it soooo much better.
>They USED to be brown
What the fuck...he had blue eyes
that post is debunking this blue post you retard lmao
Bruno Ganz does have blue eyes, and Hitler did as well.
I'm saying though in my timeline when I was a kid, Hitler once had brown eyes, I remember the schtick they did in elementary school where they made fun of him being brown hair brown eyed and not meeting his "perfect" Aryan model.
thanks, dude. remember you just need to keep digging, all the way to the bottom of the barrel, to realize historians were right after all. So far I have encountered no important question about the holocaust posed by revisionists that historians could not answer and would therefore shake the foundation of anything.
>tells others they don't have an argument
Article 19 and 21 are not an argument that anything and everything presented at the IMT was used as evidence to convict the Nazis.
no its not. I looked up his sources and can find no mention of "extermination"
is this another case of translating german into what you want it to mean? yup
>I remember the schtick they did in elementary school where they made fun of him being brown hair brown eyed and not meeting his "perfect" Aryan model.
pretty sure that that's just
>american education
in action
>So far I have encountered no important question about the holocaust posed by revisionists that historians could not answer
why would that matter? have you not read the sticky?
Yup, Hitler had blue eyes and blond hair. Mr. Goebbels confirms it! Don't listen to the propaganda... or wait...
you mean the Goebbels diaries? I said they speak about ongoing extermination, which is what they do. Here are the quotes, now you tell me how this is NOT extermination but something TOTALLY different:
«Regarding the Jewish question, the Führer is determined to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that, if they were again to bring about a world war, they would experience their destruction therein. That was no catch-phrase. The world war is here, the destruction of Jewry must be the necessary consequence. This question is to be regarded without any sentimentality. We are not here to have pity with the Jews, but only to have pity with our German Volk. If the German Volk has now again sacrificed about 160 000 dead in the Eastern Campaign, the authors of this bloody conflict must pay for this with their lives.»
February 14, 1942: "The Führer once again expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.”
27 March 1942: «The Jews are now being pushed out of the General Government, beginning near Lublin, to the East. A pretty barbaric procedure is being applied here, and it is not to be described in any more detail, and not much is left of the Jews themselves. In general one may conclude that 60% of them must be liquidated, while only 40% can be put to work. The Jews are being punished barbarically, to be sure, but they have fully deserved it. The prophesy that the Führer issued to them on the way, for the eventuality that they started a new world war, is beginning to realise itself in the most terrible manner. One must not allow any sentimentalities to rule in these matters.»
May 30, 1942
[...] Therefore one must liquidate the Jewish danger, cost it what it will. Given how few Jews can in reality adjust themselves to Western European life, one sees that, where they are led back into the ghetto, they quickly revert to form. West European civilization represents only an external coat of paint to them. There is also the Jewish essence, which works with a dangerous brutality and vindictiveness. Therefore the Führer does not at all wish that the Jews should be evacuated (evakuiert) to Siberia. There, under the harshest living conditions, they would undoubtedly develop again a strong life-element. [...]"
May 13, 1943: "The intellectual does not have the natural means of resisting the Jewish peril because his instincts have been badly blunted. Because of this fact the nations with a high standard of civilization are exposed to this peril first and foremost. In nature life always takes measures against parasites; in the life of nations that is not always the case. From this fact the Jewish peril actually stems. There is therefore no other recourse left for modern nations except to exterminate the Jew." (Joseph Goebbels' Diaries: Excerpts, 1942-43, Part 2 of 2: May 13, 1943 (pp. 376-377)
It's honestly pretty good. I'd say that it's definitely worth taking the time to watch.
you're a little out of date on your reading. They revised that number through the years and as of 2011, it's sitting at 403,713 of which of the 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, only 38,031 were jews.
oh and Fuck you Merkel, you stasi whore.
So I'm actually starting to look at your "evidence" and straight from the start I'm finding actual lies.
>When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.
>Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army's Judge Advocate General's Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors. [1]
>Dr. Larson's findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." [2] And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater" of Allied military operations, [3] confirmed that "never was a case of poison gas uncovered." [4]
1. John D. McCallum, Crime Doctor [a biography of Dr. Charles P. Larson] (Mercer, Wash.: The Writing Works, 1978), pp. 44-46, 59, 69; See also: J. Cobden, "The Dachau Gas Chamber Myth," The Journal of Historical Review, March-April 1995, pp. 17-18.
2. Jane Floerchinger, "Concentration Camp Conditions Killed Most Inmates, Doctor Says," The Wichita Eagle, April 1, 1980, p. 4C.
3. J. D. McCallum, Crime Doctor (1978), p. 46.
4. The Wichita Eagle, April 1, 1980, p. 4C.
And that's only your first line, oh and I'm surprised you'd use
>The Soviet state commission also has forensic reports of gassing victims killed in gas vans.
When the post specifically notes that Soviets invented that very van, and if you look further into it 0 surviving German vans were recovered.
Gas yourself kike
If you think every autist on this board isn't already onto you it's a bad sign
I am not lying. Your source is lying.....rense.com, let me guess?
I have provided source for the Larson quote: page 61, Crime doctor.
You haven't even read the book unlike me. Instead all you can do is open a website and swallow its lies. Go pick up a physical copy of the book. Pic VERY related.
The full quote:
"The majority died of natural diseases of one kind or the another. However, we did probe into such questions as, 'What happened to those prisoners who became psychotic at Dachau? What did the Gestapo do with them?' Well, they took those people to the crematorium. First, however, they were taken to a big windowless building next to the crematorium where the ceiling was covered with false shower heads. The victims were then ordered to strip and take a 'shower.' Outside the building, guards dropped in cyanide pellets. Then they'd blow the cyanide gas out and remove the bodies next door to the crematorium ovens. I think this is what happened to most of the truly psychotic prisoners and those they considered unruly and unmanageable and who, in the Gestapo's opinion, were incorrigibles. But, in my opinion, ONLY RELATIVELY FEW of the inmates I PERSONALLY EXAMINED at Dachau WERE murdered in THIS manner. Still, medical facilities were totally inadequate. When people fell hopelessly ill and death was imminent, and when they grew so weak they could no longer work or function, they were taken to the cyanide room for disposal. The Nazi called them 'mercy killings' because there was no hope of them getting well. Actually, the Germans considered them a liability, and extermination was the answer." ('Crime Doctor,' McCallum & Larson, p. 61. ISBN 0-916076-20-2; Library of Congress Catalog Number: 78-16403)
Awful! Makes Hitler looks like he was the bad guy!!