Italibros, are these /ourguys/?
Italibros, are these /ourguys/?
Isn't Mussolini's granddaughter actively involved in politics?
Vote for her.
>voting on a libcuck party
but aren't they the least worst large party?
I honestly don't know anything about the woman other than her heritage. I was hoping that she was neo-fascist or something.
i oppose their nonsense proposed laws, which would be made up solely for gaining the consensus of double digit IQs, and imposed on the rest of the country.
there is no ideology in their brains: the whole party is a marketing joke, and just like in a marketing operation, the only ones who get coopted are brainlets.
she lies on the rightest side of berlusconi's party, and before joining this party, she used to be in MSI (neofascists)
Not by a long shot.
no, everyone that votes for 5 stars movement is a cuck and should be shot in the back of their head
pic related is /ourguys/
Used to think so, but no
The ius soli thing confirmed me that they are more or less the same thing of the other political parties.
They do not take position on almost anything, they do not have any kind of ideology other than "HURR DURR WE ARE ANTI ESTABILISHMENT", while continously trying to become the new estabilishment.
And it's a shame because some of them can argument and debate fairly well (for an italian politician), but that's the thing.
>Gay marriage
>Ius Soli
>Big government censorhip
The worst part is about europe, where they changed sides and ideas a thousand times
All Italian parties are authoritarian left , authoritarian centrist with big government focus.
If you are a libertarian, classical liberal, paleoconservative or just generally right wing , you are shit out of luck
Not yet, though they are the only way to solve this mess.
Lega Nord right here will never win because they get no votes in the center south of the country.
FI are cuckservatives.
PD turbo cucks that are trying to give the citizenship to 1 million immigrants.
No vote in the Senate counts as a no.
Also they'd call a referendum on Ius Soli, knowing Italians would vote against it. They are just playing smart so that the left can't say ''boohoo racisz''
Grillo the first time the idea of Ius Soli came out (under Monti) was against it, see his post against ''the liberalization of citizenship''.
A huge chunk of the early M5S voters are left leaning, but the new ones are right leaning from the South.
Sometimes i feel that the lega nord loses on purpose.
All they have to do is
>rename themselves Lega Nazionale or Lega Italiana
>get rid of salvini, get a fresh face
>hire some people for their campaign similar to breitbart so that they can dominate the web (the reason that m5s got so much consesus is the web)
And I say that as a terrone
No. Salvini is
They are commies
Kill off grillo and the associates and the rest is barely decent.
They are gatekeepers, fake opposition.
Many of them don't even get it and work really hard btw.
>(((big tent)))
Also known as "I don't have any convictions and just want power"
>A huge chunk of the early M5S voters are left leaning, but the new ones are right leaning from the South.
but that's the problem m8
i am not left leaning, nor do i believe in big government. I think that the only way we can get out of this mess is defeating the "leftist" mentality
No, there’s no /ourguy/ party in Italy
>Lega nazionale
Terrone spotted
look the last part of my post
>implying the guy you were talking with isn't a terrone himself who hates Lega Nord, or even worse, a napolitan.
Yeah but at the same time Lega Nord won't win, because of idiots like this one:
who apparently thinks he can win with Salvini alone or form an alliance with FI cuckservatives.
M5S with all their defects (they are idiots to begin with) are shifting against immigration. They spoke against NGOs, they spoke against endless numbers. If you are from the South and want change, they are the only option.
The fact that most M5S voters take news from the internet makes them a high red-pill potential. Look at their regional websites, they are all against NGOs. It's still something. At the end of the day the choice will be between M5S and PD.
The latter are doing unspeakable damage to Italy with this Ius Soli thing. M5S at least will launch referenda on important things like this. Lesser evil by far.
Other than a terrone i'm also a newfag
Why does naples gets so much hate?
how come the country who invented fascism has no fascist parties?? a new mussolini must rise
because it's a complete shithole of a city filled with WE WUZ kind of people, thieves and mafia sympatizer. Worse thing, they think they are fun. It drags down every other southern regions by associations. I know some great souther guys. I've never met a single Napolitan who wasn's a fucking stereotipycal "pizza, mafia and mandolino". it's mind-blowing.
I don't agree with their policies, but i'd reluctantly vote for them if they are the ones with the biggest shot against PD.
>If you are from the South and want change
The south won't change until the southerners change themselves. No governmental power can instill self responsibility, individualism and decency. A few famous/public figures could however, think like ben carson or thomas sowell did in the usa, but if the best the south can give is Roberto Saviano.....
Teah this is a thing I've noticed talking with southern people here in Tuscany: they're mostly discouraged by their own people (especially with the boomers). I think, owever, that the fact that exist people who want something to change is a good indicator for the future.
>Roberto Saviano.....
there's also this guy, totally not a commie.