What is their objective?
Why are wikileaks tweeting this?
Tories are anti-Russian because of Litvinyenko and all that, so they probably want Corbyn in.
Fuck bongs
>brits get rid of monarchy because it's too expensive
>end up with a figurehead president as head of state and spend just as much money as before
>The office of the president costs taxpayers €30 million ($38 million) a year
I have no idea why you cucks spend your tax money to take care of these rich fucks. They can either fix this shit themselves or sell it to someone who can.
The queen loses money by being queen, the deal is whatever their estate generates they keep a certain percent, the rest goes to the state. If the queen didn't have this private deal she would keep a much higher percent of her own money!
Not one single penny is spent on the monarchy. The monarch spends money being a monarch
if the queen didn't have this private deal the monarchy would have been abolished a long time ago
you really think in other nations that used to have a monarchy that the state was very generous and allowed the former royals to keep all their possessions LOL
>Sell it to someone who can
Sell Buckingham Palace to Paul McCartney, or Richard Branson?
Holy shit!
Us Anglos aren't uncivilised savages who would destroy thousands of years of culture and heritage to emulate America and France
Destabilize the West for the benefit of Russia.
They are Russian psy ops.
They were still living off their people's taxes last I checked back around the last royal wedding.
that's, what, about £5 per person per year. And I doubt those refurbishments happen yearly. I'm happy to pay that price to maintain our monarchy
They haven't been living off any tax money for over 500 years
Why the fuck are they wasting so much money to rehouse a few Muslims
If my house burned down and i didnt have insurance, they wouldnt do shit
Sure as it was large scale and can be counted as disaster, sheltering them in a community center or hotel for a month is fine, but £5 million? WTF are they doing
Yup, the same with the Daily Stormer and Spencer. Putin and his henchmen are not altruistic, they only support the people which support his foreign policy.
They dont have ana genda
Does the Monarchy become reinstated as the absolute governing body over the UK under any extreme circumstances? Like if Parliament was Allah Akbared to shit with the PM inside, the Queen would be the defacto head of state right?
>cant afford to fix their own damn house
>WTF are they doing
They treat them like pets. Like if your dog was in trouble, you'd help it.
Again, source?
Because the OP article shows that they really are being funded my taxes in this instance. Pretty sure they have living stipends from the government still as well.
Royal family makes UK so much money.
This is retarded. The government spends far more money on maintaining other government buildings, buckingham palace is no exception. Tens of millions of people travel to Britain every year to see the palace, so it pays for itself. Should Trump have to pay out of pocket to maintain the white house?
The queen has the final say for everything in the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand, she could at any time dismiss the entire government, the prime minister, she has vetoed hundreds of laws in the U.K. Since she came into power, she has full control of the armies, she vetoed a law that would transfer the control of the army from the queen to parliament, the armed forces swear loyalty to HM and will be more loyal to her than any republican government. We are proud of our British traditions and heritage and proud to wear the red coats still
2 coupons for fishNchips have been deposited to your account, Allah save the queen!
Metro is a liberal paper, it assumes the money the queen keeps for herself would be kept by the state, it's not whatever money she keeps for herself she makes from the estate she also pays a tax on top of, she's basically doing a double tax.
Kill yourself republinigger
Right on, so the monarchy does in fact hold political and governing authority still.
the queen has the same power like a president in a parliamentary republic
It's not like the old days anymore, but they have a lot of influence behind the scenes
Rehousing those future terrorists will cost 5m? Are they fucking insane? How much are plane tickets back to Sandniggerstan?
Technically yes, but she won't use them because parliament would not listen.
is there a UK equivalent to FEMA camps?
Every fucktard complaining about royal family spending is a fucktard. The royal family has a deal with the state that has been renewed by every monarch for centuries. The deal is that all their expenses are covered while the state is allowed to manage most of the royal familiy's property. All of their assets earn the state around 200 million per year (plus the millions/billions from tourists) and their annual expenses are around 40 million so you only need 3 years to cover this entire renovation.
>What is their objective?
bunch of people working there, usually no objective.
And they pay taxes on whatever money they keep for themselves on top of the money they give to the state, if they were private citizens Britain would lose money
Jep. The 160 million gone. Probably billions more in lost tourism.
>Crown owns all the land
>gives up it's authority
>keeps all the land
>gets all it's expenses paid
>allows the state to work the land for them
>Crown still get worshiped like before
So it went back to a feudal system?
Because its clearly absurd. Hell id be down for giving the apartment victims 0 dollars but over 300million pounds going to the royal seniors is totally ridiculous.
To be fair, tourists come to see the palace so it's an investment.
So why are you destroying thousands of years of culture and heritage?
This Anglins handlers made him go full Corbyn. I actually want Corbyn to collapse the system though
The Queen is more important than a bunch of shitskins.
More than that. The royal family still heavily influences politics, It's essentially still a functioning government building. On top of the fact it's a literal historical land mark.
The crown isn't worshiped like before. And in the feudal days you werent "allowed" to work on the lord's land you were forced to work on it.
it's true mate, the royal family actually pay WAY more into the country than we give to them, due to some form of deal made hundreds of years ago by a past monarch,
they are essentially just a SUPER rich family that makes investments and owns loads of land, yet they pay like a supertax
>muh russia
back to r/politics cancer. Wikileaks and Assange always prefer far left wing candidates like Bernie and Jill Stein.
But I think the real reason is that Corbyn could let Assange go
exposing corrupt governments?
like they did from the start?
like its their purpose?
kys yourself?
Stupid fucks.
1. Buckingham is not the Queen's personal property, it is the property of the Crown, ie, the government, so it is only right the government should fix it, after decades of neglect, just as the government fixes the council houses.
2. The funding for the palace does not come from the taxpayer, nor does any member of the Royal Family get funding from the tax payer. It comes from profits made from the Crown Estates, eg office rental in London, farmland in England, etc. Again, since she is Queen, she is technically owner of the land, but in reality, the government controls it all. The royal family receives 15% of the profits from the estates, the rest goes to the taxpayer (effectively a tax rate of 85%). And this does not count the billions in extra revenue the Royal Family brings in through tourism and events. Buckingham is being restored through a temporary increase in the percentage of profits given to the palace, not trough ordinary civilian's taxes.
they should be charging the muzzies the 5 million pounds
seriously, if anti-monarchy crowd got their wish, then Royal Family would have every right to take back their lands and all profits earned on them.
Hell I think "Crown Land" in commonwealth countries might be legally hers as well, but I'm not sure on that.
Also the royals fill out so many diplomatic and internal duties that they easily do the work of 400 millions worth of civil servants.
post a source at any time
£370 million would build a massive state of the art football stadium anywhere in the world, WTF
We aren't
Fuck off kraut, just because your royalty is long dead doesn't mean we want your cancerous 'governments'. Britain is monarchist first and foremost and we don't tolerate the tyranny of demagogues.
>monarchy gets abolished
>half the lands in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England become the royal families private estates
>they become even richer
Unless we go full Bolshevik and just shot them and took their lands, I guess that's what republiniggers want
Oh I get.
So they're more like sharecroppers.
The Crown freed them from the royal authority and now allows them to work the royal land to pay the Crown's expenses.
We have the most stable government in the world because of our monarchy uniting the people. Canada, Australia, New Zealand never had a civil war or revolution, Britain had one civil war
They said, as they imported millions of mudslime rapists and chink ant-people to rape their children.
yeah it's pretty retarded, but i think i missed the point of the tweet entirely,
they aren't trying to piss on the queen, the'ye just exposing the fact that our government is paying 400m in palace refurbishment, which does sound kinda crazy, so maybe wikileaks is right, but I don't know, that might actually be a really decent cost for palace repair, not gonna pretend I know but it seems a bit weird.
however that petition to get the royal family to pay is just insane
Why they are comparing it to the tower fire? they are using the trajedy to push a political opinion, pretty shitty of them I guess...
On the paper it's still the building of the head of the state.
And it's a tourist/cultural/historical monument. Thats a really dumb comparison.
However Canada, Autralia and NZ should pay for that since they belong to the Queen as well.
It's just a google away, they are worth on average about 2 billion a year to the British economy with conservative estimates. The costs from callign a republic would be almost imeasurable though, probably in the tens of billions.
The fact that these shitskins are getting any money at all is a travesty
Canada has altogether maybe 1 million Chinese, and 1 million Muslims.
That 400 million is nothing compared to the billions the queen paid in taxes and gave to the state.
Am i supposed to care about sandniggers getting housing?
I just woke up and im already angry
The state can void the deal anytime it wants. They just aren't retarded enough to give up 160 million annually in income.
Trump doesn't own the White House faggot. He does own Mar-a-lago and pays for it.
and because a monarchy meas a country is it's past, present and future, not just it's present like in Europe or China which will collapse when the various movements fail and people realise they can make a new country for themselves. In Britain the main opponents to the royalty are those who want to change the country out of idealistic sympathies like socialism, those who wish to preserve it care about the country and not ideals.
mfw buckinham palace is converted into tenement housing for immigrants
She'll make them listen.
There is more allegiance to her directly than there is parliament and its retards like May.
I still wish the Queen told her to fuck off with the DUP deal.
So why won't she fire tredeau?
As far as I know Liz has never gotten involved directly in politics.
How could they be mad at a state that allowed morally bankrupt landlords to let them and their families burn to death, the sheer nerve of it.
I think after Charles it's very possible people might allow more a "aggressive" monarchy, they want a republic because they don't want Charles because no he left Diana who cheated on him with a Muslim sand nigger, but people love William and Kate, they love George, they love Charlotte, they're always on the front page for the gospel magazines by the checkout here.
Seems weird. No reason to stir class hatred. You would expect palace renovations to be expensive. It's a national asset. A jewel of the kingdom.
The people voted for him, it's what they want she won't interfere, I wish she would but unfortunately things don't work that way, and for the better I think, Trudeau is an idiot and destroying this country but Anglos aren't uncivilised savages asking for the leader to be lynched because he doesn't agree with their policies (like the mainly Irish, German and Italian Americans act right now)
But it's quite a bit in comparison to the compensation paid for by a government so incompetent that they deprived the london fire department's of the ability to save people on higher floors in the middle of the goddamn capital.
What a ridiculous waste of tax payer's money.
Those Muslims contribute nothing to Britain.
She has vetoes many acts parliament tried to pass and has weekly meetings with the prime minister
They are reporting the truth.
How it works:
Royals give all their property to the state. State makes money off it, gives back a small percentage to the royals.
The islandmonkeys do many things wrong, but the finances of the monarchy are not one of them.
I'm not sure who it was that done it again, but parliament was told to fuck off decades back.
Also, she vetoes shit in parliament all the time.
If she actually understood the internet, she'd have probably outright killed May's stupid internet filter shit she is planning, if not told her to fuck off entirely for being a control-freak.
Most likely.
>She has vetoes many acts parliament tried to pass
Alright, I didn't know that.
$5m is more than enough to form a committee to relocate a handful of people. What a retarded tweet.
One would have handed control of the British army from the queen to parliament, she vetoed it and still retains control.
Man, seeing blacks actually working and being useful is freaking me out, that's such an uncanny photograph. They look almost like humans.
That only works because of tourism, otherwise, you're better off just killing them
Fuck off, Roach. I'm learning something here. No need to shit up the thread with roach posting.
worth of 500 muslims to the state £5m
worth of the queen to the state £369m
Right, just like how the freed slaves could leave at any time, but they knew it made financial sense to work for their former masters.
You Americans can't be educated.
t. pot-bellied neet
You fucking Brits...I swear, the idea of the monarchy is one of the most hilarious things ever.
>quintessentially British
>why yes good chap m'Queen I'll be happy to pay you my year's wages so you can update the doily design
>16 million
That means about 25 million niggers know where chocolate milk comes from