So the harder you work, the more fucking annoying life should get, and people should be able to just hang back, do nothing, and still get a shot at being number one? No thanks.
>when you get the blue shell
>He thinks the rich work hard
Bluepilled af. The perfect goyim
That's why Mario Kart is for shit cunts and real racers played CTR
The rich would be the people holding the race fucktard, we got no control over that. 3rd-1st place would be like upper middle class at best.
"Every mario kart power up should be star power"
This is what liberals want to do to YOU.
>Being so out of touch with reality, that you honestly want to base a system of government on Mario Kart
>poor fag detected
I rather the warcraft 3 system
Where the human race doesnt have any black people in it
>sitting in 12th, get a bullet bill, moves you to 7th but you go back to 12th because you are bad at mario kart
>leading in 1st, hear the blue shell noise so you let 2nd overtake you and widen the gap even further. Throw a green shell backwards just to fuck with him more
>everyone in the middle gets mushrooms that make them feel like they are going faster, but since they are all going faster, nobody is going faster
sounds just about like how it is right now desu
millennials honestly believe that video games are a perfect analog to reality.
>When Harry Potter analogies aren't potent enough so you start consulting Mario Kart for economic advice
on the other hand I think the running of the bulls at Pamplona should be an ideal model for how our economy should work, you either run fast enough or a bull catches you and you get gored through the anus then through the mouth and finally he steps on you and crushes your skull because you were stupid and inferior
So everyone should just stay in second place until the last corner?
But it is actually so with economy, once you got hundred of millions another million doesnt really matter that much. Stupid cow should just stay with breeding and leave talking to men.
To be fair though, I would rather the human race where they are all descendants of robot vikings as well
She's right though. Ever played a racing game without powerups? It's boring as fuck, if someone gets ahead of you at the start, you have no chance of overtaking them unless they seriously fuck up.
Liberals living in a fantasy world isn't just a meme, they equate everything to fiction. Mostly it's Harry Potter.
Every fucking time
It's a game for babies so don't be surprised someone with a child mentality would support such an idea.
At least they've graduated from Harry Potter and Star Wars. What's next? International relations based on Fifty Shades of Gray?
>economics is a zero sum game
>discouraging people from working hard will just spread resources around and not prevent them from coming into existence
the sad thing is this is being taugjt in economics in university. Glad i switched to philosophy, if im gonna get a worthless degree might as well be in something not blantantly taught wrong.
Orca and Trolls are both niggers.
>that flag
I mean you want to be poor anyways aparently, so stop bitching
i bet this bitch LIKES getting hit with blue shells
>this is what bolsheviks actually think
The nazis were RIGHT
>what is the progressive tax system
>holding the race
>International relations based on Fifty Shades of Gray?
That would mean that we dominate other nations into enjoying it and that they actually like when we control aspects of their nation. Would be too Machiavellian for their feeble minds.
>When morons don't realize that that already exist
>when morons don't realize it's called the welfare system
>when morons don't realize that most hard working Americans don't get food stamps, HUD, pell grants, affirmative action, etc.
God we need to glass the 5 largest cities
Don't you guys use the "not all Orcs" stuff?
It had the same system tho. I remember hating running on 1st place cause i knew i would get hit by that crystal thing that is unnavoidable. I was the only one who knew how to do the drift turbo shit and i still had a hard time being 1st consistently
don't forget
everything in politics thankfully can be boiled down to a harry potter reference, since it's the only book they've read
doesn't surprise me that they think the economy can be compared to a racing game featuring talking mushrooms and turtle dragons
>Punish success
>It works in a children's game!
Liberals really are children
that's literally how our society does work you dumb twat
>progressive income tax
are millienals capable of understanding anything not within the context of entry-level nerd shit? or is this just another example of millienals refusing to grow up and clinging to their recently passed childhood?
Not sure how she intends to transfer IQ points back and forth between economic classes. Also, let's just pretend economies are pure competition and that only CEOs benefit from producing new or more effecient technology/goods.
Most don't care about what the system provides now. They just want more regardless of whos paying for it.
Exactly not human
They should stay in a rocky wasteland of a land as in w3 as well
That's the system we have in the USA.
>People making trash money are taxed 10%. >People making a lot of money are taxed over 39%.
They have exactly what they want and they're still complaining about it when they lose. Sore losers. Sad!
Tfw theres untapped resources everywhere but u still think life is a zero sum game
Well fuck, that explains why I upgraded to Gran Turismo.
what did he mean by this?
A variable tax rate is exactly that. The richer you are, the more you pay in taxes. OP must not have ever had a job to pay taxes on.
Seems reasonable. Lolbertarians are useful idiots.
Nintoddlers are manchildren of the highest caliber, even amongst other gamers. These are the kind of people that go to neogaf unironically and defend Nintendo for censoring swimsuits in games played by people in their 20s.
Its odd it took the Jew blue shell this long to catch up to Cosby.
daily reminder that you only hate rich people because you're not one of them
>the rich create the power ups
>they stop creating the power ups and instead rig the system
Great idea.
Except 39% off of 100 million is still 71 million. Nobody needs that much money. In America the system is like Mario Kart except the only powerups are banana skins for people in 1st place.
beat me to it
you should investigate what negotium means
millenials were a mistake
Must suck to be in that bottom tier, eh kiddo? Or are you still suckling at mommy and daddys teat?
>what are taxes?
That's the thing, it doesn't matter how many blue shells you fling at first place if all you know how to do is drive backwards off a cliff repeatedly.
>communist mathematics skills
Super Harry star Mario potter 2 scoop wars
And 39% off of 100 million is $39,000,000. No one person should have to pay that much money.
librul here. This is a really shitty idea. It's a reverse incentive and completely misses the problem with capitalism. The problem is usually that power itself becomes a machine that serves itself and not people so instead of getting good products you just get someone who occupies a space and that alone is power enough to reduce any competition. The problem isn't small time incentives or even taxes which has more to do with public service vs company profitability.
It's a super tricky problem. On one hand we want government to come in as the moral hand to guide the business atmosphere to be healthy and good for the consumers but at the same time any regulation or "meddling" can easily make the companies pack up and leave so it's a very tight rope that can't be pulled open that easily considering we live in a global society where it's easy as fuck to move.
You have no power ups under communism.
>doesnt post gif of sexy RhiRhi salad eating
This is why I hate democracy
If i understood this post i'd be fucken ashamed of myself.
videogames are the keys you are left to play with to keep you out of the drawers and shelves.
Mario cart is a game for children.
>ibrul here.
>This is a really shitty idea.
Liberal doesn't realize he just said taxes are a shitty idea. Taxing people more based on income is the only thing liberals do.
>librul here
Stopped reading after that, you guys are supposed to be the smart ones and you didn't even spell Liberal right, what was the point of that? What's your end game?
>Nobody needs that much money
Even if that were true (It isn't), do you know what would happen if all that "frozen" money reentered the economy?
If every millionaire gifted 100m to the people your economy will go to the shitter.
Then you absolutely sucked. CTR does have comeback mechanics, but if you are good, you will have no problem dominating in spite of them.
But that is why Mario Kart sucks..
Are you telling me I should put up with that bullshit IRL too?
Whats the point of trying to be the best, if you are always gonna be last.
As I remember there was only one rather rare weapon that would do this and no speed boosts for being slow
They are sonyggers who are also SJWs on the highest extent
>we should reward the most lazy people for doing nothing
>he unironically supports tax evasion
Lolbertarians are useful idiots.
That's not Diddy Kong Racing
>implying the EU hasn't been doing this to my country/region
We're past that point, Benito.
this guy gets it
That's assuming that the 39%+ tax bracket starts at 100 million, or that people with 100 million dollars keep their assets in the United States to be taxed (they don't).
This kind of thing almost only affects barely successful, budding entrepreneurs. Mom and Pop shops that get taxed into bankruptcy so that international corporation #652 can scoop up their business and centralize power. I bet you think this actually helps common people, being the useful idiot that you are.
Base ball is a game for children
there really is no point for them to just sit on the money. it should be spent on the goods and services the poor produce to keep the economy running, otherwise that money has no reason for existing
Yeah, it's called taxes
it's also called being responsible for the occupation and livelihood of thousands of employees, along with having 80 hour workweeks and zero appreciation for the fact that society wouldn't run without people like you to run it
dumb cunt
Which are used as satire of liberal responses to these things. Not as arguments on their own.
It wouldn't matter at all for the best among us, since they will still be the best at capturing all the free money that poor people received by selling them shit.
All it does is preventing the middle class from building themselves up.
The more welfare there is the more rich the richest will get and the less middle class families will exist in society.
>Western countries literally cannibalizing themselves
>Only other world powers are Russia and China
>One is recovering from leftist ideology
>Other is corrupt dystopian hellhole
This doesn't look like it's going to turn out well.
if we had our way tax evasion wouldn't even be a crime, literally a spin on "keeping what's yours"
fuck off shekel grabber
Yeah but that's literally how life is. The richer you are, the more responsibilities you have. The more you achieve, the more people expect and demand from you.
No, /pol, I'm not talking about the finance Jew, I mean real entrepreneurs that we actually rely on.
Young Communists like this don't realize that what happens in real life is not a blue shell it is you become a juicy target for assassins.
Your only real defense against this is to spend your time dreaming up way to take away all the rights of the lesser people who might want to kill you and take your place.
Rival Elitists are exceedingly more dangerous than plebs. They can raise whole armies to invade your country and burn it down to a pile of rubble. Plebs can become assassins and soldiers for those rival elitists.
Also, the Blue Shell worshippers are the people who can't grasp the concept of letting off the gas peddle and skidding around a curve, nor level memorization or practicing difficult maneuvers.
Those people want something for free because they are bottom tier in quality.
Unless he means that the government shouldn't be able to stop you from getting blue shelled (see: every bailout ever) then he can fuck off.
starting to think millennials and gen z are brainwashed by video games
>bbbbbut we need MORE money fo dem programs!