Who is this "white" van attacker? Sup Forums crack the case

This is the attacker from London that ran over a bunch of Muzzies in his rental van from Wales last night.

1. The only thing about this man we know currently is that he's "white". Literally they are calling him the "White Van Man".

2. What is his religion? Name? Country of Origin? Motives for attack?

I don't want to influence investigation so I'll leave it up to you guys.

Picture source: twitter.com/Known_As_H/status/876584605276676097

Other urls found in this thread:


His name is "Rammer Dan" the white van man

You fucking retard the van was white

Oh, but the media is running away with this saying that HE'S white.

So who is this fucker?

What's his name? age? religion? motives? Country of Origin? We know nothing else aside from the van was rented from Wales and he's got a big Turkish nose.

relative of one of the girls who died in the stadium bombing?

I think this was personal vengeance.

They would have said this within the hour.

For some reason they aren't giving us much info on anything about this man.

I think he himself was Turkish Muslim.

not your personal army, fbi

Actually I have seen some articles say the man was white, but they have yet to say his real name.

Police still at Pontyclun Van Hire following Finsbury Park attack.

'White van man' doesn't mean that he was white. The phrase is a meme in Britain meaning the class of people who drive small, business trucks/lorries for a living, like home decorators and electricians. It came from the fact that most of these vans are white for business purposes.

he looks like Aiden Gillen

It's no accident. Maybe UK media sources are trying to do Isis bidding? Trying to spark race war.

We don't even know the guy's name. I would not doubt if it's something like "Amir Muhammad" or something like this and he's a Turkish national.

>One dead, ten injured

Sidenote: can someone Photoshop McConaughey brown with a turban and beard in this meme

We need stronger borders with Wales

His mom got raped. They probably dont want a potential jury to hear that.

It's quite clearly Sylvester Stallone.

You kids blind?

doesn't it imply a shitty driver because "white van men" usually aren't professional/commercial drivers (with training)

why are you asking us? every time recently the fucking NSA leak who it is before we find out via the news.

unless theres some dank facial recognition software developed by the hacker formerly known as Sup Forums that I don't know about.

>I think he himself was Turkish Muslim.
That seems very plausible. I still think he was drunk & they aren't saying because the hysteria of "Muslims being attacked" blew up so quickly and you had Muslims saying he jumped out saying he wanted to "kill all Muslims" which sounds like bullshit to me.

No photoshop needed

Yeah lots of Taqiya to go around:
> Drunk
> White
> Tatoos
As if you can't be Muslim with any/all of the above.

My dad said he drives a white van + he is white + his shoes are white

This is true, I think. Also the guy who was killed was already dead befote the attack apparently.

The attacker is described as:
>6'3 more or less
>White skinned
>He shout "I want to kill all Muslims"

I don't know Rick
I don't think this one is Muslims

> dank facial recognition
I thought Sup Forums had this built in with Autism?


Possibly a combination of a Turkish National & drunk.

How does that work, Alfred?

He's not white unless a picture of his iris is uploaded.

Sylvester Stallone angry he didn't get the Oscar.

Nope, can't be Muslim because skin is white.

The elite need attacks like this because it normalizes terror, and gives them a reason to keep flooding western europe and america with islam, because they dont cause terror, terror is natural. Its all part of the plan.

I guess the muslims are just going to have to "Learn to live with terrorism" like everyone else then :^)

People are saying that they were crowded around a old man who was dead and the van guy ran then over. :/

He should have won one for this (NSFW)


hey look a terrorist

>>He shout "I want to kill all Muslims"

His name is Lennard Leibovitz and he moved from New York to London. He's being paid to stiffle up race relations and to start creating new "anti-white" laws. But the most important thing will be to say: "See what happens when you want to Brexit? We don't need Brexit, we need more diversity."



nah people are just good at stumbling across documents they arn't supposed to see, like the arrest report.

hintaty fucking hint.

Maybe she just witnessed 3 people going to sleep, who knows

To repent for our sins we should give our jobs and assets to Muslims or take in more migrants to increase white birth rate

There's video of him being tackled on the ground and you get a good look at this face


He's jew and from NYC

Most Muslims I've met have been manlets. All the tall ones are doctors and other professionals. Seems like Arabs and Iranians have some type of class based height differences. Don't know about Turks.

>but they have yet to say his real name.
could be Coulter's law in effect then - a jew or turk or something else not white?

Where is this arrest report, kind sir?

No, white van drivers are involved in less accidents than the general population, there was statistics on it somewhere


police servers duh

did anonymous all fuck off after occupy or something? like, I know most of them did but all?

I don't think they can say much since he's alive, so going for trial.

Which is possibly even more unfortunate, since if this IS a psyop, he'll no doubt have some comical tirade in court where he names Sup Forums as his inspiration and denies the holocaust.

Stupid dumb turk is ruining everything.

looks like the announcement of just another mgmt-indiepop-faggot


That fuckers drunk.


They can't say his name because he's going to trial? Nigga what?!

> Turkish media reporting this as a "fact"

Makes me think he's even more Turkish.

It's seems more plausible that it was a race-baiting hoax, like the two bridge attacks and Manchester. They are trying to wind people up, so they can clamp down. We have a minority of traitors in this country, pushing an occult agenda. They are in the police, politics, and media. They don't care if real people get hurt or killed over this. The dirty rats.

Fucking checked

Nice Get, but you're talking shit. Muslims want our country, and the more radicalised are prepared to kill to get it. Not everything is a conspiracy.

"White van man" is an idiom here, it simply means the stereotypical self-employed tradesman (plumber, builder, decorator etc). It came about because the most popular vehicle by far for tradesmen was/is the Ford Transit in basic white paint (which is cheaper).

White van man is the soul of hard-working self employed lower middle class and working class England. He is outspoken, patriotic, likes football, drinks a lot, etc.

In this case he isn't really a white van man as the van was hired.

>incriminating yourself by responding to, and then doing a request of something very very illegal...

It's usually a principal component analysis.

Can confirm.

Underated post.

When justice is made impossible, revenge becomes inevitable. Hip hip hooray for the white van man.

he's a bloody hero that's, that's who he is

im not requesting shit, im stating how it would be done.

like if I tell you nuclear codes in the 80s were literally "00000000".


He's probably that suicidal guy from London I was talking with the other day:

>Ending of Ramadan later this week which guarantees a major attack or multiple attacks somewhere in the world or even Europe.
>Huge non white population in the UK growing at a pace unseen before.
>Everyone is boiling hot which always causes violence.
>Far left commies with the backing of the Communist labour party planning violence on Wednesday in "Day of Rage"
>Muslims calling for uprising and defence patrols like the Jews already have. Where are the white patrols?
>USA and Russia on the verge of conflict in Syria.
>Grenfell Tower deaths continue to rise 78 and counting. Could be as high as 130 the vast majority are Muslim.
>3 Islamist terror attacks in the UK in as many months. 6 attacks foiled in the last 60 days.
>23,000 suspected Jihadists with 500 active terror plots being investigated.
>Brexit talks finally begin and looks like the West vs USSR 1978 i.e very hostile.
>Alleged attack at a Mosque last night no idea of motives. No evidence to suggest anything being claimed at the moment.
>Failed attack in Paris this afternoon.

Going top be a fun week for /comfy/

i'd feel worse if he mowed down a dog or a cat. fucking ragheads deserved it.

Looks like a fucking kike

can confirm sparky