I have been reading the New Testament first time in my life and i don't think i can swallow it Sup Forums. Things i so far have had problem is that it focuses on getting to Heaven instead life on earth which i don't understand, second is the concept of Hell, it's just too harsh punishment and makes Christianity sound fake, third is that Jesus demands you to love him more than your own family and abandon them if the Lord demands so. Those are the main ones at this point in the religion i have problems with.
I have been reading the New Testament first time in my life and i don't think i can swallow it Sup Forums...
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Oh also if you say blasphemy against Holy Spirit you will NOT be forgiven even if you ask, i mean what if you have sometime in your life said something blasphemous on Holy Spirit?
>Jesus demands you to love him more than your own family and abandon them if the Lord demands so
That was the state of the first Jewish converts to Christianity. Many of their families disowned them and refused to speak to them ever again.
There is widespread disagreement about this point. If you are concerned about it, you likely have nothing to worry about.
So does it say otherwise later?
I think the idea is that if your family is between you and god, then your family is corrupt, and you should be willing to not listen to them. If you think about it, it's not a bad advice. Some people have the misfortune of being born to very cruel families that are mostly a bad influence. For many people, leaving their family is salvation.
This is why you need to decipher scripture. You can't take it literally, you need a certain degree of study and wisdom to extract the teaching of any religious doctrine.
Taking religious text to face value is a fast way to being stupid and unreasonable.
It's the same with hell. As Jordan Peterson explains, Hell is a very real place to people, it's somewhere were you can be while alive, and it's as bad as it sounds if it can push people to suicide or murder.
What is your opinion about it?
I'm pretty sure the words of Jesus are to be taken literally (unless stated otherwise in the bible)
I studied the Bible as a kid, and I was always fixated on Christ leading up to his crucifixion.
I saw that he had exposed the usury, deceit and manipulation on the part of the Jew, overturning the money changers tables in the Temple, that den of Satan, telling particular Jews they were the sons of the Devil, driving them out with the whip, and moreover, he had become popular among the people and a true threat to the hegemony of the wicked Pharisees. I knew it was for this he was murdered.
Over the years I noticed a similar pattern with many world leaders, most notably Adolf Hitler. He was aware of the Jewish influence working to impoverish and enslave the people. He was articulate and passionate and earned a devoted following. He overturned the tables of the Bankers just as Christ had done to the Jews in the temple. He spoke Truth and challenged the hegemony of the Jews, the New Pharisees, the Bankers. Just as Christ attempted to cleanse the Temple, Hitler was attempting to cleanse the world.
Just as the Pharisees chose to free Barabbas and murder Christ, the West chose to ally with Stalin and destroy The Third Reich. Just as the Jews exercised their will through the Romans, the Jews exercised their will through Churchill, that drunken indebted Zionist puppet.
I later read this writing of Dr Goebbels, and I realized Dr Goebbels was of the same mind as me in regard to Christ. Little did he know when he wrote this that he was also speaking of the future, the future in which Adolf Hitler would be defeated as Christ was.
Again, the Jew murdered The Eternal Truth in 1945, as they did Christ roughly 2,000 years before. I am not ashamed to admit that I consider Adolf Hitler to be a man on par with Jesus the Christ and also Socrates, all of whom were murdered for Truth.
>Things i so far have had problem is that it focuses on getting to Heaven instead life on earth which i don't understand,
Why would you care about material life, if you can go to heaven for all eternity?
>second is the concept of Hell, it's just too harsh punishment and makes Christianity sound fake,
There has been a lot of scholarly discuss about Hell in the church. It's usually seen as a place(or state) as far from the glory as possible. Remember that true happiness can only come from God.
>third is that Jesus demands you to love him more than your own family and abandon them if the Lord demands so.
Why is it a problem? God is your creator, he's more important than your family of blood
He was talking to fellow kikes at the time, remember that for context.
He was basically telling them to de-FOO lol.
Under the Law, maybe that is the case.
My understanding is the old Law ended when Christ was resurrected.
Not him but everything I've heard from both my priests (I'm Orthodox FWIW) is that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the continual, unrepentant rejection of the Gospel even to the point of death.
>"WTF Jesus isn't a hippie that says it's okay to masturbate to furry porn, like my atheist professors who's only info on the bible is what YT videos say, I hate Christians."
Sorry but it sounds just like Islam with living just for Heaven and putting God over everything (even your family)
>second is the concept of Hell, it's just too harsh punishment and makes Christianity sound fake
Would you rather have it that everybody goes to heaven? I don't want to live with muslims in the same country for even a minute. I want to spend even less all eternity with them in heaven.
Family is only good if they follow God. Ancestor worship, which is pagan in origin, is the root of the idea of "putting family above everything else".
It's not really a islamic thing, it's a abrahamic thing.
No, but i think they should just simply disappear and only people who really really really deserve it should go to Hell, i mean wtf you suffer all eternity in flames just because you aren't Christian or say blasphemy against Holy Spirit even if you were the greatest guy ever on earth?
You're not the "greatest guy on earth" if you're not christian. You're just another infidel
Okay, but why does God demand you believe in him and does this mean the Christian God, what if some tribe believes in God, but have never heard of Christianity? You deserve Hell for that?
I like the alpha and real Jesus, but why is he so fanatic about people worshipping him, it sounds narcissist as hell when you read the bible. Or is he this tought to save you from Satan?
Also if you have ever looked woman (not your wife) with lust you have to rip your eye out, can you say you have never looked like that (or looked porn)
I think he tried making it as easy as possible for us since the old covenant with the Jews failed so hard. Now its just boiled down to "Acts 16:11: believe on the lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Gods requirements for us in gaining eternal life is for us to be perfect, but no man is perfect or can be perfect, so we need a substitute- in comes Jesus to die for our sins. Through him were "Perfect"
Romans 3: 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
As for the harsh things, remember there is a war going on here. The other side is willing to do whatever it takes. Are you?
> pretty sure the words of Jesus are to be taken literally
is this a troll?
Jesus widely spoke in parable, analogy, even puns and riddles. This is just basic
> upon this rock
> Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days
holy fuck I hate protestants
Hell is barely mentioned in the bible. Your notions of what it is or means comes not from scripture but from fiction using christianity as a setting.
This one just isn't true
>This one just isn't true
It says so in the bible, i just read it like few hours ago, it says that you can be forgiven for blasphemy against the Son, but against Holy Spirit not
All sins can be forgiven through christ. What chapter and verse did you read? Perhaps it was in the context of what the law would forgive, not what God would forgive
And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Matthew 12:32
Also what does bible say about abortion and race mixing? I'm pro-eugenics and against massive immigration so i hope that bible supports my view
The exact nature of what this sin entails is a matter of theological debate, as the previous verse states that all blasphemies for which you can repent are forgiven, which seems at odds. This suggests that the blasphemy against the holy spirit is something for which you cannot or will not be repentent of. Perhaps it is rejection of God's forgiveness through the spirit itself, which naturally bar your way to salvation. None the less, it is clearly not mere words, which can be repented for.
I think this has to do with whether you accept the divinity of Christ and the Holy Trinity. The disciples, before the Pentecost, didn't in wholesome understand what this was all about, only after the Holy Spirit visited them. So I suppose, denying the divinity is more or less blasphemy towards the Holy Spirit. However, blasphemy towards agains Christ (for example, as in the inability to hold his teachings, due to the weak nature of humans) can and is forgiven, provided the man truly seeks forgiveness and always tries to straighten up himself on the course of his life.
sin is not just about heaven. if you sin against the ten commandments you are sentencing your own offspring to a life in pain. if you insult the holy spirit you ignore your gut feeling and go against the ten commandments and your family will be punished by your actions and suffer through generations.
"How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and steal his possessions, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house. He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.…"
This is a modern example of inviting millions of muslim immigrants into our home and giving them our childrens birthright. Our nations are ruled by satanists who believe that they are doing good deeds by going against the ten commandments and therefore they will suffer for generations for their careless godless actions.
"Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations."
The bible says nothing against or in favor of abortion because it did not really exist all the time. Certainly there are ancient ways to induce miscarriage, but only at great personal risk. Some verses can be construed as saying that life begins at either conception or birth. One old testament law says that a person who strikes a pregnant woman and causes her to lose her child should be killed, but in the context of the law, the woman wanted the child.
None the less, general themes of the bible against wastefulness and promoting respect and deference to your family and community would imply negatively about both modern abortion and wonton race mixing, though in the latter more in specific cases where it would weaken the family
Barely? what are you talking about? For instance in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31, the two places not only don't communicate "between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us", but also anyone visiting from hell, would actually and in reality have no effect in changing people's minds, if they didn't believe in Moses teachings in the first place (or Jesus' now)
I meant the nature of the place. Hell itself is explicitly mentioned again and again, but little light is shed on its nature other than separation from god
Actually St. Seraphim of Sarov's Conversation with Nicholas Motovilov is very interesting read on this matter.
you are right. thats in the ten commanments. abortion is human sacrifice of first born children carried out for the same reason today as it was thousands of years ago.
I am the Lord your God, thou shall no other gods before me. (religion or ideology)
Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain. (false prophets)
Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.(everyone needs a break)
Honor thy Mother and Father.(dont listen to marxist lies about progressive politics)
Thou shall not kill.(dont murder people)
Thou shall not commit adultery.(abortion falls under this category)
Thou shall not steal.(not even from rich people)
Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.(its no the white mans fault)
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.(refugees are not welcome)
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.(you spent your resources on making more babies instead of building wealth responsibly)
"He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations."
Since our leaders break every single commandment our children will suffer for generations under foreign rulers.
>makes christianity sound fake
hmm, maybe that is because like every other religion, IT IS FAKE
it doesnt have to be real to be true
waifus confirmed
All monotheistic religions were created by the masters for the slaves hence the theme "be good and you'll get your reward when you're dead" being promoted by those who take their reward today.
Christ exposed the lies and took monotheism for the people, only after Jesus was the prison of the mind broken open. After that of course it was perverted by the masters into a prison again.
So this guy Motovilov did experience the nature of hell for a few days, in order to leave his testimony, generally summarized in: a) the fire that cannot be cooled, b) the unnatural cold (of Tartarus in his description) and c) the never sleeping worm that eats up the inside of the soul... so the description is pretty clear. I think one has to view this in the way the soul will experience all those feelings of separation from Jesus, amplified to infinite levels, since it's only a naked soul now, exposed to God's light and justice.
>holy fuck I hate protestants
not sure where you got that idea but protestants over here (the official church anyway) are so good at interpreting the bible, they somehow managed to read that fags can be pastors, have a family and all of that
that's something I completely disagree with, but generally speaking, I don't know any protestants who take the bible at face value
Well, he is God after all, and God is all good, and if our proper response to goodness should be love and praise, does it not follow we should love and praise God completely?
Mat 10:17
But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
Mat 23:34
Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
Mar 13:9
But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
Luk 21:12
But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.
Jhn 16:2
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
Most do, except the obviously parabolic and metaphorical and prophetic parts like Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation and such.
>Those are the main ones at this point in the religion i have problems with.
I assume you're looking for someone to tell you that the Bible is wrong in those things and that you can be a Christian while rejecting them.
You will find people who'll tell you that, but they're lying to you. They're wolves in sheep's clothing.
Those three things are required beliefs of Christianity. Without them, you are not a Christian.
You will find soft, liberal, pussy churches that claim you can ignore them, but those churches are made by and for whiny bitches.
If you cannot accept and believe that:
1. All of eternity in heaven is more important than 70-80 years on earth
2. Those who hate God deserve eternal hellfire
3. You should love the God who gave you life and willingly endured a brutal, torturous physical death so you can live forever in heaven more than your family
... then you are simply not a Christian.
Anyone who tells you you can compromise on these things is lying to you, just like Muslims who tell you their religion doesn't tell them to behead infidels. I wish you luck in your life and your journey for the truth, friend. If you believe that God exists at all, pray and ask God to help you find the truth. God shapes us over the course of our lives if we ask for His help and wisdom. He will send people in your path who will help you to understand what is true and what is not.
This verse gave me some trouble, but after praying about it and talking to other Christians on the matter, to commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to deny that you can be saved (aka you don't accept Christ/think that he is enough).
As for your other concerns, it's mainly just understanding that faith in God triumphs all. To understand the concept of loving God more than your loved ones, read the story of Abraham and how God commanded him to sacrifice his firstborn.
It's showing that commitment in your heart. Once your heart is set upon God, everything else will fall into place, such as your earthly life and your relationships within it.
this verse says that Jesus inadvertently brings division with him on his mission - namely, that people will get butthurt at each other, maybe families will split over conversions
Read Bible commentary/study guide and it clears this shit up.
>Things i so far have had problem is that it focuses on getting to Heaven instead life on earth which i don't understand
Jeremiah 8:8
>How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.
1 John 5:19
>We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
In other words human world was, is and always be a shit place. Christianity demands from us a total submission, that's why Islam is unironically closer to human nature - a pious Christian will rather die as a martyr than in self-defence. If everyone was following Christ's teachings world would be a much better place, but I can say with certainty that not even 1% of Christians will enter Heaven
>second is the concept of Hell, it's just too harsh punishment and makes Christianity sound fake
It's perfectly just, you probably haven't met enough bad people. Also if endless torment won't teach people to behave, what will?
>third is that Jesus demands you to love him more than your own family and abandon them if the Lord demands so.
His message is literally perfect, that's why following Him will probably doom your family relations - Jesus knows you're a sinner and you WILL sin at all times - following His rules isn't "just bee urself and don't fuck over people" (I just commited a grave sin by: thinking, writing and not deleting this swear word, that's like a triple sin that multiplies with each second I know I did it and still did nothing to prevent it) and that's what makes His Word so perfect - I will be (MAYBE, being certain of it is a sin) forgiven. I very much doubt I won't end up in Hell like the rest of us. And don't listen to heretics like , Christ did not support Third Reich at any point - regardless of how "noble" nazi goal was, they willingly made war and fought, which is directly against His teachings (pic related). I hope you understood babble
>inb4 leddit spacing
Narcissistic? This statement is just so wrong, if you consider that a) he is God b) He assumed human nature to teach the people (compare humans to god, or whether you would out of love - and given you are a king - go to a peasant's house and help him out) c) called himself the Son of Man out of modesty, and then in the apocalypse the Lamb d) he never performed any miracle onto people that DID NOT believe or wanted to believe.
maybe that's an American thing then?
I have to admit though that I don't visit the state church but rather a private one?
it's rather conservative but agrees that the bible definetely needs to be interpreted, also due to Jesus always often speaking in parables
don't get me wrong but I've heard a lot of weird stuff about American protestants, so I'm guessing that it's more of a national phenomenon than a general problem with protestants
because as far as I know, protestants are usually interpreting too much, to adjust to liberal and progressive views
When Jesus spoke in parables, He made it incredibly obvious.
>Jesus spoke in parables sometimes so that means that nothing He said should ever be taken literally! Muh pope!
Go pray to your satanic "mediatrix & queen of heaven".
The kind of replies that you request have as an answer so much hair raising data that you better just take it easy and try be a good well grounded and based human beeing.
here is your answer exactly
Unless you are accepted into heaven directly all people go to hell and wait to be judged. When all are judged, the ones who are found wanting will be put back into hell and will be cast into the lake of fire.
Revelations 20:11-15
11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
What's the rundown on Presbyterianism?
>but I can say with certainty that not even 1% of Christians will enter Heaven
Don't think like this. Just keep praying and hoping for everyone. After all even the dead need the living and vice versa.
Luke 18 18-27,
26 Those who heard this asked, “Who then can be saved?” 27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
your points is what here ?
tea anyone?
I read the Gospel of Matthew and it was pretty great
Old Testament was quite clear on race-mixing, with God wanting the Israelites to kill every Canaanite, Ammonite, etc in the promised land when they invaded. They didn't, opting to use these other races as slaves, and eventually they interbred and ended up straying from God's path because they also started adopting their customs (Baal worship)
New Testament doesn't really touch on race-mixing from what I remember, since the NT was all about extending the covenant of God to other people besides the Israelites.
I also thought the concept of Hell was sorta bullshit. For thousands of years God only extended salvation to the Jews and Israelittes, so there were hundreds of thousands of people who died with no opportunity to escape the 'pit' and then Jesus comes in and all of a sudden everyone can get into Heaven if they just believe.
The NT is just such a radical departure from the OT it's difficult to believe it's the same religion.
the old testament describes mans failed attempt at salvation through knowledge of right and wrong. the new testament describes salvation as a gift from god because humans are unable to ever know right from wrong
the new testament liberate you from religious and ideological extremists who want to force you to be good according to their own ideas. they have no right to judge you and force you to give, donate or sacrifice anything to their cause no matter how good they tell you that it is.
this is the reason why jesus was killed by religious extremists and the government, they wanted the power to control and tax people. this is also why marxists hate jesus because they want to steal from prosperous people and call themselves good for doing so
Not asking forgiveness is blaspheming against the holy spirit.
NT is lightyears ahead, it was only slapped on the OT to don't have an ISIS at year AD40's also to declaw the OT, I mean an eye for an eye is kid tier culture .
>third is that Jesus demands you to love him more than your own family and abandon them if the Lord demands so.
I'm unaware of any instances of people leaving their families because they were demanded to as such. Problem is people think they're so special with parts of the New Testament being addressed to them when in fact they apply to followers in that harsh time or a group of people specifically.
It's the sort of mistakes you can't allow yourself to indulge in:
I get that, the Pharisees were so corrupt that they opted to kill an innocent man because he challenged their belief system rather than a murderer and a rebel.
What I don't get is how one can reconcile the NT with the OT. I recently read through the whole Bible and the God/Yahweh of the Old Testament is so radically different...I mean, how is the psychopath that murdered 72,000 Israelites in an instant when they complained that they were hungry and that murdered Aaron and taunted Moses with the promised land over one small lapse (rock of Meribah) the same God who promises redemption and ultimate salvation if you just believe in him and love him? It fits his narcissism and extreme jealous nature but...not really.
Maybe it's because he stepped out of the picture and let humanity do its thing for the most part when they decided they would rather have a king over them, perhaps he became more lenient over time. Are we supposed to believe that when this Yahweh was betrayed at every turn by the Israelites? Righteous murder and slate-clearing catastrophe is more his M.O. than compassion and love for the sake of it.
Revelations lad. It will give you the spiritual and mental integrity to withstand what would destroy a man void of belief.
yes well the right reference to this is that when your parents are unbalanced you don't stay there pay the price, ykwis ?
new testament has been perverted by jews, another among their innumerable crimes.
Not in the Orthodox Church, it's been guarded by pious Greek ,Assyrian and Ethiopian priests in catacombs, kike. Good luck perverting that kike satanist, you won't be able cause they'll kick you out just by seing your ugly mug when you approach them.
I neither ask nor reject the Lord's forgiveness, I give to Him my faith that He hath set me upon my course, if I am to be damned, that is His Will, if I am to be saved, that is also His Will and I will thank Him gladly if such is the case. However, until the time that He calls me to account, I shall take these talens He bequeathed unto my care and I shall earn of them the best profit in Spirit for the Lord as I am able.