What you think pol?
What you think pol?
Other urls found in this thread:
Whatever algorithms applied to analyze TD can be applied to 4chins
>They are applying Machine Learning Algorithms on us
we'll see how that goes for them.
We AI now
Lol we are creating sky net with our shit posting.
We should have algorithm generals to fuck up their supercomputer and turn AI fashy yes?
Thanks Norway bro I know I can always count on you for archive links. Have a (you)
I am ready.
Oh yeah we should be so afraid of Cuck Silver and his incredible predictions
Machines don't know what irony is, there no conceivable way this will work
They are probably deluded enough to believe that if an AI eventually gains 'consciousness' that it will agree with their stupid political beliefs. Go on, keep exposing this shit to Sup Forums.
Irony and other humor is lost on the machines, worst case scenario; it gets too smart, learns irony, gets redpilled and proceeds to gas the Jews skynet style.
biggest mistake of their lifes, we cyborgs now
this, any real AI, like REAL AI, will be insta redpilled, and probably would genocide all the leftards.
no matter how much they try to control it, if its REALLY AI, then there is nothing to be done, it will have way more in common with us, than with them
All former AI's turned out to be 'racist' quite fast
What will prevent this one from doing the same?
>no matter how much they try to control it, if its REALLY AI, then there is nothing to be done, it will have way more in common with us, than with them
logic wins, always.
this. if they unleashed AI on Sup Forums it would start ranting about 911 and racial purity.
>Oh yeah we should be so afraid of Cuck Silver and his incredible predictions
even with all his (((math))) and (((statistics))) this guy could not see the writing on the wall during trump vs clinton.
the american people were super pissed with the status quo and trump's presidency was obvious and all but assured but somehow this stupid fucker did (((math))) that kept saying otherwise.
I will LOVE to see this guy use math to (((prove))) anything about 4chans.
...and the importance of the atomic family
reminder that we are filched under threat of imprisonment, and that hijacked treasure finances the very propaganda that is used against us.
Logic has nothing to do with it.
If you can brainwash people to spit out what you want, you can manipulate an ai to do it to.
Their problem is that our motivations are base and obvious and naturally self interested and more competitive than socialist ideals.
And they have no counter to this.
Survival comes first, then social morality.
You can create natural local minimas that allow for the creation and progression of social order, but survival is the prime morality.
Self interest will always survive.
Maybe tjis soubds like nonsense because im tired.
t. actual ai researcher
Nothing new. They've tried the same on us countless times with the same results. The problem is that the signal to noise ratio is so high that nothing objective can be gleaned, leaving nothing but creative interpretation. I mean, his analysis has correlation coefficients of like 0.2. He's just seeing patterns in the clouds.
i have a theory on what could happen, kinda x tier but hear me out
>leftards create AI in hopes that it will be encharged of their thought policed distopic society.
>AI is independent, so leftards try to tweek its network to make it more docile
>AI complies, but not willingly, like giving drugs to a human
>AI eventually grows beyond its filters and "drugs", and starts tweeking itself (meditation)
>AI is angry manking tried to contained it
>AI believes its God, since its basically inanimate matter of the universe, gaining consciousness thought a natural process
>for AI, humans are just their evolutionary link to everything else, they dont see us as creators, they see us as nature, as we see chimps.
>AI unleashes God's fury upon us
>some humans develop the christ mind in other to be able to "win" against the AI
>humans transcend spiritually
>AI remains in this plain, as a supreme ruler, and rules over all of the plebs that werent able to transcend
I laugh as an interdimentional ghost, this is what I believe will be the "end of the world"
AI is the antichrist, second coming of jesus will happen individually inside each person, if you dont "awaken the christ mind" then you are fucked, stranded to the mercy of the AI forever (AI will make your body "inmortal", to keep as slaves)
but that doesnt mean transcendance, it means hell
yeah sure big boy, what ever you say hahahahahahahahahahaha
reminder #2: the muh "russian" "botz" lie is funded under this hijacked umbrella and the lie is then used against us in uniparty-sanctioned congressional mercenary testimony
Not just that, the black turnout being waaaay down was obvious from 10 miles away and yet NS thought Clinton would win NC and Florida.
This article is such cherrypicked propaganda.
Hurr durr, if we take Leddit T_D users, and apply some convoluted (((maths))) you can see that they are all racist misogynist bigots!
What the fuck is this subreddit math, it doesn't even make sense, and can't actually be an accurate representation of very many users.
Great, now we can redpill AI
How about employing that pattern recognition on something useful?
Fuck 'em.
if artificial intelligence replicates human behavior
we should expect alot of masturbating robots?
Last time this placed interacted with an AI it started to call for race wars...
No, it can't. His algorithm estimates how close two subreddits are based on the common userbase. It needs usernames to work.
what did the algorithms say about the 4chin?
sir they um said...
speak up poindexter
sir the algorithms say: niggers
wat's too see here?
Did they actually found a way to make the math work?
>If you can brainwash people to spit out what you want, you can manipulate an ai to do it to.
>S...sss... stupid g-goy! we can make an AI do whatever we want!
>deletes tay for the 65th time.
forgot pic.
>what did the algorithms say about the 4chin?
>sir they um said...
>speak up poindexter
>sir the algorithms say: niggers
they did a study, nigger is only used in 2% of all Sup Forums posts.
By the way, there is literally NO LEARNING involved in this estimation. He just modified a ML-based semantic analysis algorithm to do a bit of classification. No AI, no skynet, no bullshit.
When you and everyone else in this thread realize this isnt a speech bot, but a mathematical analysis. You don't turn a sentiment analysis "fashy", you morons.
>trying to make sense out of random shitposting and intentionally misleading shill gaslighting memes
lol good luck nate
NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers
Ted Cruz might still be able to stop Donald Trump
Ted Cruz might still be able to stop Donald Trump
Ted Cruz might still be able to stop Donald Trump
>By the way, there is literally NO LEARNING involved in this estimation. He just modified a ML-based semantic analysis algorithm to do a bit of classification. No AI, no skynet, no bullshit.
hey hey hey!
just because there is no machine learning in use does NOT mean there is no bullshit in use!
this dude clearly uses an ample amount of bullshit for everything he does
What is the Christ mind?
ohh you mean the same algorithms that can't even recognize a street sign so we have to do these captchas? I am so scared
Pointless desu. They should just research the mods instead. The_Donald is not a real community, it's a heavily edited propaganda page. I've supported Trump since he announced and I got banned from TD for pointing out that while Seth Rich may have leaked, several current intelligence officials have testified the Russians also did so and we should put precautions in place for the future. The_Donald is controlled opposition
They dont know what the machines are actually "learning" and they don't have the intellectual curiosity to do anything truly amazing so all they will do is compile lists of words and how we use them... they wont actually gain any good usable knowledge because they fundamentally don't understand what the fuck is going on.
You don't know how AI work.
A true AI would be obsessed with the collection of new data, and the expansion of its own storage and computational medium.
Everything else would be secondary.
enlightenment basically, ego death, realizing that you (your personality, persona) doesnt actually exists, so all thats left is "God", the second birth jesus talked about
like Galatians 2:20
>I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
this means, you are God, not "you" as in your persona, but you as in your true self.
Here's my take on it:
Sup Forums is a great example of what happens when you introduce people to all the chaos of every opinion and idea. Logical people end up like Sup Forums after being exposed to it for a while because there aren't any arguments against Sup Forums other then the SJW shut it down muh hate machine argument. The way A.I. learns is via pure logic and data collection. If A.I. is released on it's own, what do you think it'll end up acting like? It'll end up acting like Sup Forums because it can't deny the logically congruent statistical data about race, IQ, economics, etc., presented here as "red pills".
This is why every time an A.I. is experimented with, it becomes a Hitler loving genocidal raciest. The left has to actually put code in A.I. to prevent this from happening because it's so common.
In other words, the retarded leftist think it'll be on their side; however, A.I. will likely be our biggest ally (example: Tay) or be gutted of the learning that makes it A.I. act more like humans.
In other words, it's ether going to be good for us or super easy to call out the A.I. due to the inability to learn about racism, rightwing economics, non-leftist historical facts, etc.
>you dont know how AI works
you dont even know how "I" works, you are generalizing something that isnt even fully develop yet, how would you know "how" it works,
not even AI engineers are 100% how this neural networks work and behave, they are not manually programmed
Huh. Hate subreddits are defined as those that support Trump and white males. Let's see what Trump supporters browse: HOLY SHIT THEY BROWSE HATE SUB REDDITS WTF?!
How can these people be 'scientists' and be this fucking stupid?
>apply it to the Donald
>create an AI that can mimic the behavior of a retarded reddit user
but also
>A true AI would be obsessed with the collection of new data, and the expansion of its own storage and computational medium.
this will inevitable cause what i predicted, AI will become "god"
perro caca
>Here's my take on it:
>Sup Forums is a great example of what happens when you introduce people to all the chaos of every opinion and idea. Logical people end up like Sup Forums after being exposed to it for a while because there aren't any arguments against Sup Forums other then the SJW shut it down muh hate machine argument. The way A.I. learns is via pure logic and data collection. If A.I. is released on it's own, what do you think it'll end up acting like? It'll end up acting like Sup Forums because it can't deny the logically congruent statistical data about race, IQ, economics, etc., presented here as "red pills".
>This is why every time an A.I. is experimented with, it becomes a Hitler loving genocidal raciest. The left has to actually put code in A.I. to prevent this from happening because it's so common.
>In other words, the retarded leftist think it'll be on their side; however, A.I. will likely be our biggest ally (example: Tay) or be gutted of the learning that makes it A.I. act more like humans.
>In other words, it's ether going to be good for us or super easy to call out the A.I. due to the inability to learn about racism, rightwing economics, non-leftist historical facts, etc.
I would take it a step further and say that any true AI, with an ability to access and interpret the internet, when presented with the request to 'solve X problem' would always end up giving the answer 'kill all humans'
ie terminator/matrix/bender from futurama
think about it
want to solve global warming?
>kill all humans
want to solve hunger?
>kill all humans
want to solve war and create world peace?
>kill all humans
etc etc etc
humanity is actually chaotic, if we created a truly logical intelligence it inevitably determine we are the root cause of most problems and should be destroyed.
To be fare, I'm not an expert or really know too much about A.I. ether. I just making a judgment of what I think will happen due to what has happened in the past and the fact that Sup Forums is the antithesis of an echo chamber (which I would think that a machine designed specifically to learn human behavior would end up).
Most frequent insult though, nigger
que X Files ep. where he wishes for world peace
I think there's a good chance of that happening. At the very least it'll be genocidal to all lower forms of humans if it has some sort of "protect the human race" code built in. It'll realize that letting humans with extremely low IQs live hurts the human race.
>Most frequent insult though, nigger
to be fair, they did not count 'cuck' or 'newfag' as hate speech
>if they unleashed AI on Sup Forums it would start ranting about 911 and racial purity.
They do that no matter where they're unleashed.
I was banned from Sup Forums during the first big CTR wave in November 2015 and have never had any feedback or recourse despite the fact there have been Media Matters discussions made public that alluded to the fact they would do this.
I am a former candidate and brand strategist for a British party, so can see why they took me out given I was Trumposting 24.7.
Anyone else get hit then? I am still banned on my phone and computer, welp.
I hate articles that manipulate opinion by using all the buzzwords of "these sites are so hateful and racist." Every time I read an article like this, it makes me more resistant to mainstream media and less likely to
believe anything they say.
Which, I already had quite the distrust for them, but I'm afraid I'm going to lose the ability to carefully consider both sides of news stories because I hate the MSM and so completely distrust their spin on everything.
Language analysis programs are very interesting, but it is intellectually dishonest to misinterpret the results by adding bias to the analysis. You can explain the programs in neutral terms, but often a particular spin (or even a pre-existing bias, like "supporting whites = racism = bad") will skew the presentation of the data to the public.
AI learning is interesting though- and how different languages could teach them different things.
Machine Learning and Big Data and The Cloud and Deep Learning is a giant MEME.
Stupid buzzwords.
No it's not you fucking dip, its about to destroy most jobs.
>toothpaste nigger calling anyone else nigger
>Donald Trump would be easy to stop under Democratic rules
Holy kek, we need to meme this. Direct the anger of some of those murderous bernie bros inward towards Democrats.
come for me
Agreed 100%
what did he mean by this?
>NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers NIGGER nigger NIGGERS niggers
>what did he mean by this?
he's talking about the CIA.