How do we solve the African Population problem ?

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stop aiding them

end gibs

We don't. Its an influx of valuable workers. Cheap, effective, and it keeps the natural populace busy and unfocused.

Also anyone else really tired for a Monday? Think I'll go to bed


Quit giving them free food

Shalom Mr.Shekelberg

Allow them to migrate to Europe so they can contribute to the economy.

>not just putting birth control in the food

Your fucking kidding me right?

We don't.

As long as Europe comes to its senses and closes its borders there will be massive starvation, disease, rioting, fighting etc. in Africa. If Europe is still cucked then we'll be fucked but the best thing to do is just let Africa sort itself out.

Immigrants are a drain not a net positive you fucking nut job and that ruins wages and job opportunities for the low skilled native population, what is wrong with you guys in Europe?! White Genocide when?

Plague will solve most of our problems.

"Give a man a fish; feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish; he will feed himself forever."

That is the answer to your question. Enough with the insane amounts of free handouts. It is literally killing Africa.

(((The Economy)))

Cutting off aid will make the current migrant crisis look like your relatives coming over for Christmas. We've already opened Pandora's box. Africa's population is too fucking high and the people who are artificially supported by aid won't just lie down and die.

>The union is long gone, and so are most of the white faces of men who once labored in the broiling heat of the killing floor and the icy chill of the production lines. What hasn’t changed much is Mr. Smith’s hourly wage, which is still about $16 an hour, the same as when he started 37 years ago. Had his wages kept up with inflation, he would be earning about $47 an hour.
>Similarly, the important thing is immigration is good for The Economy. It hasn’t been good for Mr. Smith, but that it has been bad for the personal economies of the Mr. Smiths of America is just the cherry on top. The important thing is the good of The Economy.

Let ebola run its course properly.

stop de-AIDSing them

even if they try to close the borders they will still come; its not like the libtards are going to let the border patrol just gun them down

>and the people who are artificially supported by aid won't just lie down and die.
You're right. And as we know from pavement ape behavior in the first world, in their rage they will simply kill each other.

Either that or more predators, but chinks keep encouraging poachers to kill off all the predators.

>How do we solve the African Population problem
1). Stop fucking feeding them and treating AIDS +ebola
2) turn a blind eye to there ceaseless small wars
3). Let the mega corps run wild with resource extraction and their private armies

Deal with the leftist problem in our countries and then the AQ will be an easy thing to deal with.

>dat graph

you are like little baby

Scariest graphs on the planet

We already do 2 and 3 you uninformed, racist disgrace.

noice, thanks

Divide and conquer

Its simple, just have the coast guard turn their boats around until they stop coming.

>We already do 2 and 3 you uninformed, racist disgrace
Cry me a river r_thedonald, but first tell me about the based black man and the selfless jew


This shit pisses me the fuck off.

lol good job Ahmed, how are the tight Netherlands cunts, do you hunt for pussy in the night ? If you are already on welfare it's even better - you are real EU indeed

>meanwhile in reality

botswana has birth rates lower than 2.5

not like they'll multiply endlessly - africa is big, not that big
won't do much unfortunately

we'll wait and see if their IQ in the 80's is high enough for them to sustain their countries (it probably is, they'll just have more crime and lower grades in school)

Stop giving food to them.

They clearly don't have infrastructure to keep all this people alive. We're just prolonging their suffering

Fuck you scumbag, how about we focus on helping our native population instead of immigrants the majority of which are on welfare. Your spewing pro corporate propoganda and you lay it all out in your comment this is why republicans and cuckservatives just need to die. If there were no immigrants Mr.Smith's wages would've gone up BTW because people would be forced to pay him a living wage.

let them take over the world, and let the human race die from war and famine is one way to solve it

They need to pass through the fucking Sahara to get into Europe. You can't do that if you're starving

>If there were no immigrants Mr.Smith's wages would've gone up BTW because people would be forced to pay him a living wage.

that's exactly my point

Botswana is a fucking desert and they are still multiplying above replacement

The good of (((the economy))) is more important than the white working man and his family(which they're a lot of still in the US)which why we created these conditions in the first place. KYS Bitch how much did the Agri business pay you to make this post 2 dollars in cash an hour?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Wait you agree or disagree with Immigration? I want it all shut down!!! I want more emigrates than immigrants.

>and they are still multiplying above replacement
it's projected to fall and they are following the medium scenario as per my link

also, it's not certain if it's above replacement since a lot of them die
in a western country replacement is 2.1 not 2.0, botswana has below 2.5



disagree with immigration duh

the working class always suffers because of immigration

We have something called... machine guns?

Lol nigger I was thanking him for giving me some prime redpill material. not because I like its content

It's not Pandora's Box buddy. You can slap this lid closed right quick. No difficulty there.

>people who are artificially supported by aid won't just lie down and die.
Ever hear of starvation? It happens all the time in Africa and people most definitely do 'just lie down and die.'

It's sad, but it's a reality that they are facing. Organisms with zero resources and hope for the future should have a declining population, not one that is exploding exponentially. This is a catastrophe that was created by leftwing, Liberal ideology.

Stop feed them.

>It is totally okay to be a racist

This site is creating a lot of dangerous individuals...

how new are you ?

nuke it before it's too late or make it so ww3 starts and continues there for a century

How about Niger, Mali, Tchad, Nigeria ?

>stop having kids, its awful, overpopulation is going to destroy the planet
>hey let all the niggers fron africa move in because they overpopulated and ruined the natural resources

What could go wrong?

Cut off the gibs.

They'll spawn ten billion niggers by 2030 and then they'll all starve to death, nothing to worry about unless Merkel tries to bring all 10 billion to Germany

Not at all new, bub.

Why would my post make me new?

>that declining euroshitterstan population

holy shit. holy SHIT. this is about as close to international cuckoldry as you can GET.

the ENTIRE continent of europe is without a doubt the single biggest embarrassment to humanity in existence. even AFRICA, with as far behind technologically as it is, is actually managing to show a greater concern for their people and their ability to promote actual human life.

how do you sexually inferior, genetically useless euroshits explain this PATHETIC display? i look forward to your cognitive dissonance and boogeyman attacking because each of you is clearly too much of a gutless, stupid little bitch with malfunctioning genitals to manage a REAL argument in favor of this mass spread impotent rage.

Famine, AIDS, Ebola, Zika. I'd say that God is trying to solve it for us, but we keep interfering.

the point is, they won't breed endlessly
unless niger and botswana have different niggers living there

>mr. 60% calling others cucks
By far the best part about American posters is how oblivious they are

if we counted the way americans count, more than half the non-whites in europe would be counted as white

Obvious or oblivious?

Ask Bill Gates CIA.

Do nothing, their population growth is unsustainable, once it reach critical mass, it will crash and it will crash hard. Do not send food. Let it burn.


we're not as used to non-whites in our country, so I could see it happening there but not here

Weaponized genetic germs. Nuking Africa would be stupidest thing ever. Africa is a resource jewel of the world.

They are very different

Botswana and Namibia or more Khoisan, the rest of Sub Saharan Africa is Bantu

Bantus mostly genocide and replace the Khoisans especially in South Africa.

Apefreaka is blight that can only be purged with thermonuclear hellfire.

Serious question; surely out of all the non profit organizations that give them the gibs, there's bound to be some that see the inherent problem with africans right? They survive on nothing but handouts while doing nothing for themselves and decide to have 9 kids. Rinse and repeat. Why do they continue to give the gibs?

>Botswana and Namibia or more Khoisan
botswanians are mostly bantus
don't be retarded

when people say bantus replaced khoisan in south africa they mean the geographical region not the country

either way I don't see anyone here saying - "but black africans aren't all the same"

>why do they continue to give the gibs
Because muh feelings and muh humanism.

If by birth control you mean irreversible sterilization, then OK.

Nature already tried to fix it but noooo, we need to stop ebola, aids and other things there with medicine and tech....

Well he didn't fucking say 2 out of 3 did he cunt?

They speak Bantu but are partially Khoisan just like Turks speak a Turkish languages but are still majority Anatolian genetically

>They speak Bantu but are partially Khoisan just like Turks speak a Turkish languages but are still majority Anatolian genetically
>they are partially khoisan
>turks are majority anatolian
partially and majority are not the same

Hell yeah.
It is call redpill.
Sieg heil

>nothing to worry about unless Merkel tries to bring all 10 billion to Germany
She will.

This is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums

stop sending missionaries who demand aid,
more food = more people = inevitable famine

inevitable famine = more government funding to prevent it = more people

>poorest continent in the world
>population exploding

For what purpose

>>poorest continent in the world
t. burger education

We're obviously talking about GDP, not the abundance of natural resources that native Africans are too stupid to exploit.


All of this growth is because of food aid. All of the famine is because the food aid destroys local agriculture.

Stop sending food and their population will quickly return to the environment's natural carrying capacity.

Because when you give niggers handouts they fuck like rabbits instead of trying to better themselves or survive on their own.


We bring them to Europe to black us as we slowly let them join the EU one at a time

swap handouts for small, zero interest business loans

food aid with sterilizing agents
or just no food aid at all

meant to OP

Too late. We treated them like pets without being willing to spay and neuter them as such. Short of reviving imperialism and telling human rights activists to fuck off while the problem gets solved, nothing can change. Take away their aid and say hello to Tyrone, the 240 pound 12 year old and all 20 of his brothers and sisters. Give them more and the population skyrockets further.

Nothing short of mass eugenics is going to solve the Africa problem.

How much of your money are you willing to invest, without interest, to anything in Africa? You can do this today, you don't need to wait.

Africans have a different reproductive strategy, one that quickly gets out of control much like an invasive species when relocated to a (soon to be former) first-world country


>too stupid to refute the argument
>attacks a boogeyman
>shows his desperate obsession with america for some reason

what will your next non-argument be, abdul?

This guy gets it

They cant even create and economy in centuries...

Sure that they will help... suuuuure.