Anti family, anti white, women hating spam

>anti family, anti white, women hating spam

/r9k/ newfaggot losers and kike shills need to be shut down

>3D is worth about wasting a second of your life over


Yeah and what's up with these fucking newfags and this anime shit?

Fucking Reddit ruining Sup Forums with that stupid degenerate crap

DEUS VAULT. Praise Jesus Christ.

>LOL just masturbate to hentai when you're 50 XDXDXDXD!!!!!!!^^^^

Fucking degenerate loser


>Anime is reddit
Hello newfriend

That's the plan, actually. Fapping to hentai on my piles and piles of cash that I never lost from divorcing some life-sucking harpy.

living the dream right?

>Lol maybe if I just slap a happy merchant on my opponent's face people will think I have an argument! xDDD

well it kinda has a point. Why would you not want to have a family and why would you hate all women because of one bad relationship?

I love when this happens

>anime is reddit
>reddit spacing
>uses newfag

Because it's not a bad relationship, it's the goverment changing and executing family law in the benefit of women at your expense.

Can you explain to me why I keep seeing anime girls when threads go 404?
Is this because of reddit?

>it's the goverment changing and executing family law
the government is forcing you to have a kid with a slut that's going to leave you when you run out of money. People need to take reasonability for their actions and that includes men who make poor marriage choices.

stop white kinghing for women women are degenerate women destoy countries that liberate and give em rights just like ancient rome stop your beta simping for women keep women in check keep white women in check stop destroying the west if you simp for western women who want you dead youre a beta

Loving you
Isn't the right thing to do
How can I ever change things that I feel?

If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
How can I
When you won't take it from me?

You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way

Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packing up
Shacking up's all you wanna do

If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
Open up
Everything's waiting for you

You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way

>poor marriage choices.
That's the problem right there. Before, marriage wasn't risky. Now it is. Therefore, fewer people do it. Then you blast the people that didn't do it because they deemed the risk too high, by saying they aren't properly evaluating the risk.

I can tell you're poor with no money.
Having lots of cash doesn't make you happy.
I know that from personal experience.
I'm probably more stressed and miserable now than before to be honest.

And thank you for being honest about not being able to get a decent woman or being able to hold down a relationship, since you're presupposing divorce. That suggests you're aware or fear that nobody will want you once they discover what you are truly like.

Nobody blasts you for not marrying, they blast you for your stupid views of human relationships.

You're either larping or the dumbest person I have ever seen here.

>I can tell you're poor with no money.
>Having lots of cash doesn't make you happy.

Having lots of cash is not a sufficient requirement for happiness. However, it is a necessary requirement. Anyone who says otherwise either is a poorfag with a bad case of sour grapes, or someone who got handed everything in his life on silver platter and can't even contemplate being poor.

I legitimatly don't understand your point. Are you saying that marriage isn't risky, or that there's enough traditional women for everyone to marry?
Because if there aren't enough women, someone will unavoidably be left out, and then people complain about "manchildren not marrying".
Explain me your worldview, I'm interested.

>the risk too high
no it isn't. you're either surrounding yourself with sluts or you haven't even attempted to interact with a girl before. The only people who hold this naïve view that girls are raging whores are the ones who don't have much experience with them.

Well user, statistics are against you. But feel free to tell me your anecdote about that totally redpilled qt you once saw.

>Why would you not want to have a family

Why would I want to? It is a massive sink of time and effort, and all I get in return is sex, which I can get more cheaply at better quality from whores, and companionship, which would be a net negative for me, unless the woman in question is willing to limit herself to 10 minutes of talk per day.

>and why would you hate all women because of one bad relationship?

Observation on women suggests that that there is no such thing as good relationship. The extreme best case is that the woman will use me as a walking money dispenser for her children (which are not guaranteed to be mine chidren too), in exchange for making decent meals and keeping the rooms clean. But that is the extreme best case, an ideal that is nearly unattainable today. Almost every women of my age I know cycled through 3+ lovers, changing them on the flimsiest of reasons. The one who was really pretty cycled through like a dozen of guys got jaded enough by sex to get into BDSM shit before 25. Some followed the "alpha fucks, beta bucks" patter to a T, marrying past 30. Others ended up as single moms, including my sister, so I've had a chance of being a largely dispassionate observer of the process of a reliable boring guy being discarded in favor of getting knocked up by a Chad.

yes. Sup Forums got hacked by an infamous redditor named moot.

Money is time. Having unlimited time as a sack of shit is still a horrible life.

>woman hating
You literally don't even know the first thing about MGTOW. It's literally about men. How is that anti-woman?

Yes we know this already. I know 3 people who are full on mgtow. Fat bluepilled losers. It's cute how they pretend avoiding women is a choice, though.

>Well user, statistics are against you
Statistics don't cause you to get a divorce
Being a beta faggot that can lead a woman does

What statistics? People are having less sex than previous generations.

The blackpill here is that everyone has an agenda.

Women want your money and time. They put both their future kids and their own future above yours.
Kikes want your money and power. They put their money and power ahead of your future.
Stormfriends (white knight nationalists) want you to have and support little shits (money and time). They put the collective racial future above your own.
MGTOWs are trying to rationalize their own failures with women. They're right that the game is rigged, but they blind themselves to the possibility of playing and winning like frogs in a bucket.
Your parents want grandchildren more than they want you to be successful stable and happy.
Even your own body is trying to betray you by pushing you into sexual situations that aren't in your interests in terms of health and prosperity.

Make your decisions in a detached and calculating manner, don't let anyone else tell you what to do. If you want to have a family, do so after careful planning and securing your own future. If you look after yourself and build a life for yourself, you can still attract a mid-20s if not even younger wife even at age 35 or so.

>How is that anti-woman?
It is egalitarian and tries to blame women for the problems of modern society

Yea that doesn't work. You can only "lead" a woman as long as she lets you. If she finds someone better or changes her mind you are fucked even if you are "alpha". Also getting married isn't alpha.

WEW lad
>blame women for problems
No. It mostly blames beta men for giving into the demands of feminism.

>You can only "lead" a woman as long as she lets you.
women are programed to follow men
if you can lead a woman there is something wrong with you not them

The women are the same as they've always been. The laws have changed. Women are also programmed to be able to attach themselves to a supperior provider if they are able to.


>Provides none
you're more pathetic than I thought. Never thought I would hear a grown adult use the "girls are icky" argument

Thing is in the old days, you didn't have to lead a woman all by yourself, you had a clan and a wider society that would be sympathetic and on your side. if you weren't a complete asshole (drunkard, insane) people would respect your role as head of the family.

Today you have to be Chad+ and you have to compete with the government.

Not saying that it's impossible to make a go of it, but you have to be realistic here.

I do not know if mgtow are manipulated by anyone, but i am sure of this :
Life is a fight, and so is love and family.
They have been weak and lost, and now they give up. For most, they are just virgins.
To be alive is to breed.
They are worthless faggots.
"muh feelingz, muh sheckels,... "
Now, we know there is something bellow the beta cuck.

If Eve still fucking rebelled when literally living in paradise, how a mere man is supposed to "lead" a woman in the world where she has all the power?

And if he's the rare sort of a man who has women pay his expenses for a chance to suck his dick, where exactly is the benefit for him in limiting himself to one woman?

>You get a divorce even thought you're alpha because you married a whore
>You get a divorce because you're beta that can't lead a woman
Kek stay in one narrative user.
Yeah I wonder why

>my only purpose in life is to produce decendents even at the expense of my own wellbeing, assets and potentially even life
Man you must be a sad sad person if producing offspring is your only goal in life.

Having lots of cash is not a sufficient requirement for happiness. However, it is a necessary requirement. Anyone who says otherwise either is a poorfag with a bad case of sour grapes, or someone who got handed everything in his life on silver platter and can't even contemplate being poor.

>if producing offspring is your only goal in life.
if you dont want was the point of you being on this earth

Divorce rate by country, which gender starts the most divorces, time to get benefits vs time before divorce, etc.
You know them perfectly well and you gain nothing by playing the fool.
I do not need to prove the sky is blue.

>Getting married/in a relationship in a gynocentric society.
Go MGTOW until women are desirable housewives again.

Yes humans feed off each other to survive we call it a society. At least you can find solace in the fact that we have a consciousness. Imagine being a robot animal who just does? Humans have the power to choose their destiny even if your body or outside influences tell you otherwise. I admire MGTOW as its forward thinking.

The 20/80 rule was always true, 20% of the top men get 80% of the sex. This means that other men can never live fulfilled lives and should go MGTOW while not contributing anything to society. Can't play fair? Don't play.

Not really. Quite the contrary.
I am not a loser complaining about "everything rigged against me " like a little girl.
I face difficulties, i succeed or lose, i continue. Each step making me stronger, braver and happier.
In every aspects of my life.
And unlike them, i get pussy. Just need to find one worthy to bear my aryan children.

I do actually want childern. Just not in the west with a western woman. I'm saying that if your only goal is having children your life isn't very fullfiling.

I'm never getting married and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>Go MGTOW until women are desirable housewives again.
It is not hard to find a women that wants to be a housewife

>unless the woman in question is willing to limit herself to 10 minutes of talk per day.
I'm sure you have already heard this before but I will say it again. Being alone feels great now but it sucks when you're 80 and have no one to talk to.

>I grew up in a shitty potato village and now assume every women is my failure of a sister
that's a nice tale but i'm not going to use that as a way to view every girl. if you couldn't even provide guidance for your sister then I can only imagine how much of a failure you are in life.

But can you stop yourself? Most people cant.

Yea good luck with that my man. Just don't come crying back when your children are ripped away from you and your assets disappear.

>The 20/80 rule was always true
Wrong. Civilization was started to bypass the Paretto principle. In a patriachal society even the lowest beta scrub would have a chance to get married, so instead of wasting his time competing with other men for a woman, he would right away start building a family and working towards improving it (and be taxed on the way).
Now Sup Forums argue that you should compete against each and every man for the privilege of being taxed.

You said it was.
It is not.
But it is maybe the most important.
If i want that flag high in the sky again.

And Yes. The principle of life is to spread. Not fapping on hentai, playing vidya, etc.

I am not a loser.
If that happen, i will retry with another.

Civilization isnt bad its in the name. Try surviving alone its not easy. The problem is there too many of us now. Humans are not evolved to live in such large interconnected tribes.

>Being alone feels great now but it sucks when you're 80 and have no one to talk to.

Besides the completely unsupported presumption that my desire to talk to people will increase by 80, experience of my grandfather suggests that having friends is considerably more helpful on this front than having a wife, children and grandchidren. I'm still not sure why he left any of his inheritance to his blood relatives.

>that's a nice tale but i'm not going to use that as a way to view every girl.

Even though every piece of statistics backs up my view? Well, that's the problem of your personal stupidity.

>he thinks he'll be able to support his ex wife and her children (allimony and child support) and be able to afford to support another wife and children
Well if you're Bill Gates I guess that's a good plan.

>I do not need to prove the sky is blue.
Great since we are going that route you can go have fun googling mine.

>which gender starts the most divorces
Studies have shown that the majority of women do want to marry and stay in a long term relationship but the problem is not that marriage is seen as negative but that society has put it on a golden standard that's unattainable. Meaning that women divorce more because they are under the false reality that their spouse is supposed to be this 100% perfect guy that suffers from no stress in life. Because of that high standard women are encouraged to get out of a bad relationship as fast as possible in order to find their price charming.

These days couples refuse to work out their problems and choose instead to look for that golden standard. The divorce rate is up not because of the silly notion that girls are raging whores but because many are chasing something unattainable

Anti family is logical
Anti white is not
Woman hating spam is logical

No I'm not r9k. Shut the fuck up.

I made OP's image, however I've slowly started to agree with MGTOW's about marriage laws and divorce rape. I will probably get married to a white woman, but only if she's a first generation immigrant or is Eastern Europe/White South African. I can't trust Western women, not just whites but all of them. I don't like Niggers,Latinas nor Asians. And I don't want my future kids growing up to hate me for being white like most of our Nonwhites.

Personally Marriage and divorce laws should be fucking fixed so the man doesnt get raped and children should be more beneficial to white couples. The American Government only cares about Shitskins at the moment.

I sorta regret making that image of yours OP. The kikes have screwed up marriage for a lot of whites

Yea I'm sure the whole "no fault divorce" laws didn't have anything to do with the divorce rate. Honestly as if society suddenly decided to change the way it views marriage.


fuck off roastie


im mgtow because im a 33 year old loser who never had a gf and lives with his parents and has a very shitty job

whats the most painless way to suicide?

>women do want to marry and stay in a long term relationship
>but that society has put it on a golden standard that's unattainable.
Those poor little wymyn can't do wrong, can they?
When will manchildren man up and follow their god given duty?

Portugal is filled with Hedonistic roasties, I can't blame you mate. Hopefully you'll get out someday. Trump will be opening America's doors with white immigrants because of the Raise act so maybe you can come here. In Pennsylvania we have a ton of traditional white women and have the least amount of divorces in the whole country.

It's the age of individualism. Swallow the epicureanism pill.

You sound more like a TFM but whatever. The most painless way is probably a gun. If you can't get that just hang yourself. Make sure to drop at least 3 meters though.


Helium, but why are you going to suicide you pansy?
Freeze sperm, get a vasectomy and use your beta personality to bait post wall women who are "ready to settle", "are tired of playing games", "want something real", "are tired of players" or some carreer grrl whose biological clock is tickling hard and use her for your wildest fantasies.
Right now the world is your oyster.

Hedonism is basically dying, it's the main reason women are degenerate sluts in the first place. Younger whites in America will probably more anti-immigration and traditional after seeing the mess caused by boomers and Millennials. Once boomers die off, a lot of their fuckups will be removed and traditionalism and the repairing of our marriage system will slowly come into submission. Roasties will be looked down upon and viewed as degenerate whores. And of course the white birth rate will rise once more. Not to mention a fix in all immigration laws. Hedonism and the asexual Revolution will take a longtime to fully get rid of. But once it's gone, it will be worth it.

thanks bro for the kind words

cant get a weapon in here unfortunately or i think i would done it years ago. hanging sounds too painful, maybe throwing myself under a train? been thinking about it a lot

>Women have stopped abiding by the social contract
>but you still have to like a good little cuck :)


No problem dude, the marriage laws and our women have basically become more unlikable. MGTOW is basically a reaction to all the bullshit hedonism and the sexual revolution caused. It will slowly become more disliked and eventually all of that garbage will be avoided once the remaining boomers die out.

If you drop enough while hanging yourself you'll instantly break your neck and die.
Don't throw yourself infront of a train unless you don't care about traumatizing the train driver.

>society suddenly
It wasn't a sudden thing and sociologist agree that it its been a slow change since the 60's onward.

Ow so you mean since the femenists started implementing their version of divorce laws? Weird how it all coincides.

>since the 60's onward
Bam! Sexual Revolution.

>Those poor little wymyn can't do wrong, can they?
No one said they weren't wrong. All I did was give a reasonably social cause for why it is that way. One that actually has been studied for awhile and not some "girls are sluts" meme

but where to meet them tho? i have no friends, and my coworkers dont socialize anyway.

only thing i do besides job is going to the gym (which does more good foe my mental health than physical desu), but in 2 years never met a women there (its a really small local gym).

im too old to go to bars and discos, alone like some freak..

Tinder user, tinder. There's were repentant sluts congregate. It's payback time, bitches.

Agreed, Sup Forums was always a feminist board.

Why aren't you serving the needs of a woman, user?

> lol goy the government isn't forcing you to buy a home with ridiculous prices

> lol goy the government isn't forcing you to live near niggers when you get robbed

> lol goy the government isn't forcing you to live in Manchester or go to a concert

Drop this, and
>im too old
this too.
That's a first step.

Next, you need to understand that w/o breaking out of your comfort zone (read: daily routine), you won't catch any fish. Period.
You have time to work on yourself, right? So let's start there. Gym's great, if you're feeling inspired to achieve a great form, that is. Preppy clothes, a haircut tailored to you face (ask the barber!), and a nice beard - those go without mentioning.
All those will make you feel so comfortable and adjusted that you'll no longer feel "old", or "out of place", which is the key to... Approaching women. Yeah, just like that: you greet the ladies, or a lady, that you're interested in, then the standard. "Hey, how are you doing? I just wanted to say that you're really beautiful. Do you have plans for the weekend? Say, what about ?" Think this is awkward? That's cause YOU are awkward. But what I've mentioned so far, coupled with some sunglasses or a drink in your hand, it actually works magic.
Oh, and dating sites. Find someone you like there, then meet. Talk. Enjoy.
Hope this helps.

>their version
the no fault law affects both genders not just men.

>government is forcing you to live near niggers
Fucking poor fags complaining about not being able to move

This is correct. Remember when responsible, intelligent, loving fathers were the heads of the households, before the jews launched their propaganda campaign to convince subsequent generations that stronk independent wymmens don't need no man (circa 1966)?

mgtow must go

remember when that wasn't true and that most ended up settling down and starting a family despite what they said