When Trudeau fails to get his budget passed in the Senate, he will be likely subjected to a vote of no confidence in Parliament and we will have an election soon after.

Carpe Diem Bros. Write your MPs. Let's get this whiny butthurt loser out of office.

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He won't shut the fuck up about the senate blocking his bill that fucks over the taxpayer harder than ever before.

Take the shady bank out of the bill you moron.

Or the'll simply come to a compromise on the budget.

>a compromise on the budget.

He needs his banks to get passed. The senate won't budge and neither will he. It's Scheer Madness



*bank not banks

Will he get relected leaf bros? I feel like he's way too liked and popular to lose an election, despite his many shortcomings

Canada Yes! Vote this little runny cunt out of office!

I actually think this could be bad for us. (A snap election.) The cuckservatives just elected a beta bitch as their leader. I'd say we need de-confederatiom before another election. Democracy will not fix Canada.

He's going to have to promise us a bunch of shit he already should have made good on.

>Voting for DUDEWEED twice...

His usefulness as a puppet is waning... I guarantee you they want to replace him sit Scheer to make the conservative movement (that's growing) complacent. Tax farming 101.

if he loses because of a no-confidence originating in the senate, he'll get 40%+ of the vote, sealing a larger majority
canadians (for some retarded reason) hate the senate. they want to devolve everything to either referenda or or just give it to the liberal party for eternity

also, senate won't shut down the bill. they're all about "sober 2nd thought" and really don't do much and typically pass things along.

This man knows the game.

Angus Reid polls suggest Trudeau holds a 37% to Conservative 34% edge among Canadians when they were asked who they would vote for in their constituency… Trudeau holds a 54% approval rating among Canadians overall.,, although there is a growing resentment in a similarity to the silent majority phenomena that was evident among voters in the POTUS election.. Trudeau would be wise to call a snap election the tide is turning on him, people are becoming aware of his duplicitous nature and lack of transparency.

>canada hates wynne

>canada hates trudeau

we're going to make canada great again, bros

Thanks mate. Trudeau is fun to make fun of, and a great target for anger, but he's not the fucking man with a plan. He's officially a front man for Gerald Butts, (and Soros).

Even SJW's didn't get what they wanted from Trudeau (full communism probably) and the dude weed LMAOs didn't either. Canadians are tax & debt cattle for the elites. Nobody fucking mentions the massive amount of legal immigration of phillipino and Chinese. They want to dramatically increase the population to keep the scam going. It's not a democracy if you can import hundreds of thousands of voters a year.

We have to take our countries back and if voting ever changed anything... It would be illegal.

>Trudeau would be wise to call a snap election the tide is turning on him, people are becoming aware of his duplicitous nature and lack of transparency.

He has a tight PR game, He has our media saturated with promo material and subsidies. All those photobombs all the time. It'll be a tough win but we might have better odds now than before DUDEWEED is made legal and everyone becomes more complacent or starved.

all of this is true

> vote of no confidence
> has absolute majority
Do you even parliamentary democracy bro?

this is true.

Problem is a fucking neocon kike shill just won Conservative leadership

He's a fucking Muslim sympathizer, he's beta fuck garbage. If they do decide he's a better puppet, buy as much guns and ammo as you can.

What's the deal with the banks everyone is talking aboot?

If he can arrange things so I can afford to eat meat every day he has my vote.

>He's a fucking Muslim sympathizer, he's beta fuck garbage. If they do decide he's a better puppet, buy as much guns and ammo as you can.

Trudeau is basically the same as Harper, but running a shitty deficit and DUDEWEED! when it comes down to it. If I had to choose between Harper or Trudeau I would pick Harper, same goes for Scheer.

But the immigration is to fucking high regardless of the party.

>electing a drama teacher as your PM

Canada deserves whatever happens to it

they loan money they dont have

>Scheer Madness

Trudeau ran the election with a deficit platform and won.
He's a much better posterboy for Soros than "initiate cold shoulder for putin" subroutine Harpertron 2000.
Scheer is just a foil to contrast with Trudeau.
>sit back
>watch Canada die
>cheer for Trump

I know, I couldn't believe how retarded that was. Especially when we were already close to a balanced budget. But I guess many Canadians are retarded.

Exactly, this is stupid

If anything he'll get reelected but lose his majority

Ideal is to have the NDP lose all their power so he can't form any kind of coalition with them because it won't pull him above 50%.

>balanced budgets
No one in the middle class actually cares about this. We want what we pay our taxes for, not austerity.
>Stop dying for that neocuck hill.
Trudeau ran a nationalist platform, coupled with multicultural outreach. He then revealed his globalist sjw agenda shortly after getting his majority.
>know your enemy

You always mess up fakebrit

I can mess up too

>Scheer Madness

This is the meme we need to push.

Your taxes should be used for services, but borrowing money from China isn't using tax money from the middle class.

It will ALWAYS bite you in the ass eventually. (See, Detroit)

Scheer Madness TM

>Buy the T-shirt it'll get you laid!

Snap election. Yeah, then Canada can elect a squishy-faced cucked Conservative, or a faggot SJW from the NDP.

>spend to give freebies and subsidies to giant corporations
>spend on lobbyists pet projects
>spend for (aid) to foreign countries
>spend on (studies) for environment
>spend to bring more refugees
Oy vey, we're out of money. Really. You'll have to lower your expections or else we'll have to borrow. What neocuck brrows money?
>be alberta
>have surplus
>somehow it all vanished, time for austerity.


No fucking way that cuck said that.

Fake and gay, there's enough to criticize dudeweedman on without the disinfo


Fake and gay.
Real leafs both bilingually.


>He's officially a front man for Gerald Butts

x 1000

>>>Daily Reminder

I hope we get an election so that Justin gets Scheered.

And you're going to replade him with? Oh right, with or without him, this country is cucked beyond repair.

is it still burning? they said it would be out by spring.

>is it still burning? they said it would be out by spring
It was still smoldering as of January

I'd have a beer with Scheer, a brandy with Big Andy.

A choice between our Big andy and their dumb dandy.

Alberta fag, here.
I actually went to volunteer to help clean up/ look for people at the Fort Mac incident while it was still going on.
They wouldn't let me because apparently only people out of province could go help even though I'm certified in a shit ton of qualifications for it.

They wouldn't let me and a bunch of my friends go help but that fucking worthless subhuman Trudy was fucking tripping over himself to make him look as progressive as possible and to make the entire disaster about him.

>They wouldn't let me because apparently only people out of province could go help even though I'm certified in a shit ton of qualifications for it.
You lacked the most important qualifier tho, you weren't African

there won't be an election, the no confidence comes from the members of parliament not senators.

Senators just review shit and send it back to the house to say "fix it" or we're not passing it.

“The Infrastructure bank would collect fare, fee and toll revenue when Canadians use infrastructure financed by the Bank – transit, roads, bridges, waterworks, etc. – and remit it back to the Bank’s private investors.”

So you telling me Trudeau is bad, ok, you might be right, but who in Canada is good replacement?

This is the bank the senate is stopping.

The whiny bitch loser trudeau won't shut up about it in the media. I hope the senate don't sell us out.

How often does butt's slam trucucks boipussi?

Who here ready for Based Kevin

you realize that there is a 0% chance of him being voted out of office?
Your country is as devoted to your leader as North Korea

This does not sound likely, but I would laugh so hard if Trudeau got impeached and Trump didn't.

What is this bank business? Is he making a new bank?

I totally remember him dropping out months ago.


>As part of the Government of Canada's historic Investing in Canada plan, the Canada Infrastructure Bank is a new tool that our partners could use to build more infrastructure in communities across Canada.

Our government has partners that they don't name?

China. China will soon own our infrastructure and if there are any losses along the way the taxpayer will cover those. The profits will be entirely privatized, of course.

Soon we will chinese military bases in canada, to help them protect their vast interests here

I.e. Provinces that actually build the roads
They get touchy about jurisdiction here

Soon, our fake Canadians will be americans masquerading as brits pretending to be redditors

Sounds like it's more for foreign investors than anything else. (similar to China creating fuck tons of infrastructure in South africa

how many layers of post irony neo cold war layers of bullshit we at now pham?

I asked a teacher ten years ago what he saw the future of Canada as. He said one day we will be a province of China or India.

They were "college roomies"

>if voting ever changed anything... It would be illegal.

The leaf gets it.

>we will have an election soon after
We are not ready for an election though.
A solid conservative leader has to emerge first.

Andrew Sheer looks like the chubby best friend on a bad sitcom, or the rookie cop sidekick that always fucks up.

I asked a teacher if you're a faggot.
He said yes, especially when you have to add a layer of artificial authority to make your point.

How did Maxime choke it away?

Being this fucking thick. It was the perspective of a man born in Toronto in 1950. Yes I ask my elders their opinions.

Computer generated 49%
Well, they chose to cuck out to Trudeau for the next six years. Probably hoping this nationalist Trump fad peters out.

>national observer

fake news, my dude. no snap election coming. no senate reform either. justin castro was always a lefty pipe dream.

he's a supporter of big government, big taxes, and big business. you have never mattered to him or the Liberal (corporate) Party.

every pipeline you oppose will be approved. the oil sands will continue unopposed and the Liberal Party will continue to award lucrative infrastructure contracts to its biggest contributors. just watch, sergei. justin cares not for the economic end of your agenda.

Votes of no confidence are real? I thought it was just a meme George Lucas came up with.

Can you also ask your mommy for me please? I'm not quite convinced yet.

>American education

When confronted by logic, the sjw will double down on its position.
>a baby boomer told me what to think
>baby boomer
>responsible for this mess in the first place
>muh Beatles

I will ask yours after she finishes cleaning up.

Bitch I took advanced placement courses in high school (including history) and I'm studying electrical engineering at Uni.

Stephen Harper had one in 2011 (lost his majority government) and his predecessor had one as well in 2005 (got replaced by Harper) they aren't that weird. All it does is initiate a snap election where the sitting Party has to prove they are capable of running the Country.

the sitting party doesn't have to be committing a crime or anything else drastic they just have to be failing at their platform promises and/or in Trudeau's case fucking up the budget.

>failing at their platform promises

It's not even legal yet.

he's a lying sack i hope his budget get stalled and he gets tossed.

so this is their way of getting around raising taxes?
what the fuck