What does Sup Forums think of Alex Jones?

What does Sup Forums think of Alex Jones?

I have never paid much attention to him before but after watching that megyn kelly interview I went and watched Jone's response. In my opinion the guy is fucking unhinged, he just ranted and babbled about George Soros being in a Satanic cult and using the blood of children to inject himself to stay young. I mean just really angry and out there stuff. Do any of you listen to this guy? What do you think of him?



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if he was just a bit laid back he could be the ultimate tool for redpilling people

but when he starts talking chimeras and vampires he just looks and sounds like a fool

He's awesum

I think drumpf is finally blumpfed this time.

But yeah the stuff about time-travelling lizards is too far. Otherwise I would believe him.

IMO he legitimately suffers from psychosis. He is disconnected from reality.

What a lay person would call "crazy"

>using the blood of children to inject himself to stay young
This actually works you know. Peter Thiel's company is studying it.

>George Soros being in a Satanic cult
that's true

>but when he starts talking chimeras and vampires he just looks and sounds like a fool
I mean I know you are joking but he was only one step away from talking about vampires in the videos I watched on his channel

He knows of the Majestic 12


And everything he throws out there he never offers the slightest shred of evidence for it.

Nothing, he just says outrageous shit and never backs any of it up with fucking anything

He's a millionaire, must be doing something right.

hello shill

maybe your the crazy one

Jewish cointelpro actor, who got rich larping and being a gatekeeper, descrediting non-mainstream political opposition. All the distributors of his crappy merchandise are of the tribe aswell.

Never took him serious, but a goodest goy for Trumpenstein indeed.

The link to the full video doesn't work for me, is there another one?

Who the fuck are you to criticize Alex Jones, nobody.

Yeah, this is exactly what I had in mind.

A lot of the stuff Jones says sounds crazy because he intentionally words things in a mystical and inflammatory way. But when you look at his sources, the content of what he's saying is literally true most of the time.
Part of his performance is making these crazy conspiracies(that are real) sound even crazier and more mystical. But if you press him on what he means and ask him to clarify(like Joe Rogan did in his podcast) he's actually telling the truth.

>All the distributors of his crappy merchandise

OH, and he was shilling some kind of vitamins and health products and saying how much weight he has lost and how the vitamins make him in shape and healthy.

He looks like a potato, how can he even shill that trash with a straight face

>The link to the full video doesn't work for me, is there another one?


>the guy is fucking unhinged
ok. explain spirit cooking then

by being a humble merchant

i don't even know what that is

The endless hitjobs on him today are hilarious. Glenn Beck just got done spending like an hour shit talking Alex with the same exact line as everybody who came before him about how awesome Megyn Kelly is and all the rest.

Morning show guy couldn't let it go, and you could tell he didn't really care and was just following his (((marching orders))) to push the narrative. He even inadvertently said he hadn't watched it in between the detailed review I suppose he was reading off copy.

Let me just summarize a daily 4-hour show by saying how it doesn't meet my expectations for cultural change, because I'm such a professional.

This exactly, I like him but I think he just gets too worked up and looks like a spaz. But that's also why hes hilarious.

I don't criticize him for making money selling snake oil. There are plenty of snake oil salesmen. Hell probably half the FDA approved pharmaceuticals and supplements are snake oil.
Health Science in this country has devolved to the point where you're almost better off eating random plants in the forest and seeing what works than trying any new treatment (((Big Pharma))) is shilling.

He was good a few years ago. His stuff on the Bilderburg Group and the Bohemian Grove is probably his best work. Did some eye opening stuff on 9/11 too.

He gets lucky sometimes now, but he is definitely out there now. He's worth listening to because I think he legit has good intentions.

Post-modern Jew larping, derived from Sabbateanism as a decadent delicatesse for the deranged celebs and power figures in the (((USA))). And playing around with blood, sperm and feces isn't limited to heebs larping as satanic witches, that's all over modern """"art"""".

he isnt far off the truth

Nah, you can't run a successful business operation for over 20 years the way he's done it if he was genuinely pyschotic. He's just an extremely dedicated performance artist and conman

The problem is that, until recently, his bread-and-butter was peddling wild, unsubstantiated, conspiracy bullshit. And now that hes trying to be more serious and respectable, his old material is coming back to bite him in the ass.

I mean... you really should have seen what infowars was like 5 years ago. It was the most ridiculous and absurd shit-show on earth. There were NO standards of evidence or argumentation. It was just a free-for-all of wild, stupid, accusatory bullshit. And, of course, SOME of it was also true.

But that's the problem of being a public figure. You have the be strategic and restrained. Because the stuff you put on the internet lasts forever.

>I don't criticize him for making money selling snake oil. There are plenty of snake oil salesmen.

Yeah but at least don't be a fat blob when you are selling me diet pills, I mean come on

When you know too many redpills it's really hard to get your point across.

If someone asks you something, you have to explain 3 other things first to even get their understanding up to the point where they can comprehend the idea of a 90 year old man injecting himself with a human fetus

Just another person walking the planet like the rest of us.

sweet talking point

now explain away all the missing kids from known cia hotspots


I prefer the term gatekeeper over conman.

>I mean... you really should have seen what infowars was like 5 years ago. It was the most ridiculous and absurd shit-show on earth. There were NO standards of evidence or argumentation. It was just a free-for-all of wild, stupid, accusatory bullshit. And, of course, SOME of it was also true.

has he ever been sued for slander or libel because in just the few videos I have watched of him he seems to get pretty close to that line, trying to harm a famous person's reputation with absolutely zero evidence and stating that stuff as fact

cringey art shit that involves pigs blood. Podesta was invited to do it with that weird chick that invited thousands of people to stare at her few years ago

>but when he starts talking chimeras


>AJ is a kook acknowledging what MSM says exists


Always archive those

>theguardian com/science/2017/jan/26/first-human-pig-chimera-created-in-milestone-study

sounds like a garbage argument, all of his videos are on youtube and his site, feel free to present any evidence

pretty sure the tale is that the woman that invited him has been accused of being a fixer for occulty kind of things. so the hillary campaign have been accused of being involved with occultists. if you ask me, its just rich people circle jerking.

He's an idiot

>All the distributors of his crappy merchandise are of the tribe aswell.

lol that's an old thing people have been saying for years. maybe it had a basis in fact then but it's a worthless statement now

A humble water filter salesman, with a small internet site to extol the virtues of his wares.

You'd be surprised how much of what he says you can corroborate for yourself with google or another search engine. It's actually freaky how on the ball he is. Its just his delivery that makes it seem unbelievable (until you check it yourself).

Is he serious about the pizzagate thing

has he ever provided any evidence in any way those accusations are true?

Look it up, Schlomo

Alex Jones is a lunatic, but he is our lunatic. Also, his products work. One more thing, if he was really shilling for jews then why would he need to sell all those products to fund his operations. Just saying

Because that money goes to the tribe.

>cringey art shit that involves pigs blood. Podesta was invited to do it with that weird chick that invited thousands of people to stare at her few years ago
that's pretty weird but I don't see what it has to do with anything

>You'd be surprised how much of what he says you can corroborate for yourself with google or another search engine.

I literally googled "chimeras" and hit The Guardian, Smithsonian, and several scientific publications immediately. here's the MIT if you still believe in conspiracy theories:


people attack all this tangential shit about Alex Jones and his operation with so much ammunition, but ultimately the things he says are usually sourced straight out of the MSM, and it's usually impossible to challenge what he reports.

I get it, snake oil, jew wife, jewish vendors, whatever. but how do you explain the accuracy?

>pizza related handkercheif maps
>keeping up with denny
all cohencidence

Do you believe the pizzagate accusations?

but you have no evidence it goes to the tribe, do you?

I looked into his vendors like a year ago hearing about the whole jew thing, but the articles floating around on the web are A. old as shit and B. don't really have any evidence, nor do they actually refer to any of the vendors that he pushes these days

I looked into the Jew wife thing and the divorce, obviously that turned out to be true... not sure what point it made, though

if it goes to the tribe then how is alex able to live?

Pizzagate is the most stale meme that won't go aways straight after McInnes

he's controlled opposition to make normies ostracize and ignore anyone who believes in conspiracy theories.
anytime he has a guest on he constantly talks over and interrupts them with insane rantings so that people associate the guest with retardedness.

Nah AJ is right when he talks about that stuff because hes right you know.

>sounds like a garbage argument, all of his videos are on youtube and his site, feel free to present any evidence

LOL, are you fucking serious?? Do you know how many end-of-the-world, WW3, and martial-law predictions he's made (with specific dates)?


Alex Jones is a lunatic water filter salesman. 5 years ago InfoWars was tied with The Onion for "total bullshit no one believes". How he ever got crowned the expert on anything speaks volumes about the decline of critical thought in modern society.

But what am I saying? This is the site that gets their news from anonymous blogs, Twitter macros, larping tripfags, shaky youtube videos and fucking greentext stories.

Pizzagate in regards to the codewords used in the Podesta emails? it's certainly odd, and WikiLeaks made the point of releasing the FBI email that explains pedophile codewords

Pizzagate in reference to James Alefantis and Comet Pizza? he certainly looks like a fucking creep, and he was dating (ugh) David Brock, and GQ said he was like the 48th most powerful person in Washington

dunno wtf was going on there

I'm confused as to why people are confused about this. He's using the human rights angle to get people to pay attention to this.

be specific
for example nobody clsimed that hillary operated anything out of a basement, but it seems thats the only claim the media claims was claimed

My problem with jones is his scare tactics , when he could present himself in a logical manner. Look at the y2k broadcast saying russians were assaulting the U.S. . And his threats to fight callers which he never backs up.

brutal listening to thernvoitch try to do damage control right now. Why is he on every fuckign day now? Expanding his faggy "brand" obviously.

Mike Thernovitch " Megyn Kelly isn't even worth releasing the audio. We were having fun last night drinking champagne"

if you watch footage from alst night aj is rambling trying to convince himself everything worked in his favor while thernovitch was buried in his phone and gab guy was sitting there awkwardly.

>Look it up, Schlomo

you mean

>burden of proof is on you because I have no evidence of my accusation... therefore I lose the argument

fair enough

This. Most of what he says is true, people just don't want to acknowledge or accept it. They'd rather just roll their eyes.

is he alex or shlomo jones

they thought they could re create the night of the election lol

>If you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it.

I was watching him yesterday murdering Megyn Kelly live.

Fucker is awesome!

the Megyn Kelly shit is pretty dumb at this point, especially in light of how they're pushing the Megyn story on Infowars while the US military is flying CAP missions for ISIS in Syria

you cant call a meme stale. it either is or it triggers someone into claiming its not relevant
like you just did
and all the wikileaks are real

>be specific
>for example nobody clsimed that hillary operated anything out of a basement, but it seems thats the only claim the media claims was claimed

Alex Jones' claims that there was a pedophile ring run by the Democrats at the highest levels of goverment

No, it means I don't have the link proving it on my hands at them moment and I can't be bothered to spoonfeed your, Amerifat.

>Alex Jones' claims that there was a pedophile ring run by the Democrats at the highest levels of goverment

I expect that is precisely what's going on, but it's not like I can prove it. it certainly makes fits everything else that's happening. although to say it's the Democrats implies the Republicans aren't involved... I highly doubt that

Hi shill faggot

>But what am I saying? This is the site that gets their news from anonymous blogs, Twitter macros, larping tripfags, shaky youtube videos and fucking greentext stories.

I don't know know that it was very pre-planned, but it's pretty clear that the (((MSM))) is going crazy on this in part so that they don't have to actually report on the news.

Heeey, I am autism too xD xD xD

Jew globalist calling Jones a good goy...

"42 Stupid Ales Jones Predictions"

Stop defending this guy. He's a nut that you don't want to be associated with.

Jones is a shill, was married to a Jewess, has Jewish business links, is used by intelligence agencies to make alt media look bad. Stratfor emails outed him years ago. Straight up disinfo agent, like most.

He's either a disinfo agent or just a plain old snake oil salesman. He's a great meme and is entertaining.

I think he is a complete clown on the Newton thing.

However, he did help to raise awareness about Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg Group for years when no one else cared.


Literally just heard him say on air that the ADL has been caught trying to frame people with fake hate crimes and was founded by the Jewish mafia

Stormnuts btfo

>tattoo of Miss Piggy


your literally retarted

Don't forget the ice cream tattoo



Check right back after the commercial break, where PAUL JOSEPH WATSON will explain you how MAYNSTREEM METEOR CAN'T HANDLE THA NU COUNTA CULTUA!

wow fucking this.

Other arm
>I know the worst tattoos of the ugliest model
thanks /fit/ for your endless fat hate threads

Of course the MSM is going to try to discredit him you fucking idiot.

he sucks at being interviewed.