So, why did we go into Iraq again?

So, why did we go into Iraq again?

Other urls found in this thread:,9171,998512,00.html

To Kill Saddam

Cool, and what did that accomplish?

>he said Cus we'a goda gud malitrey ant'we maght swell use it.

because we are not cucks.

I don't understand



Capitalist Imperialism knows no boundaries.


Saddam is dead.

Also the military industrial complex

strategic location for a base
poppy fields
pipeline protection

Saddam tried to kill Bush Sr.
That's the only reason

It eliminated a large threat to Israel, our greatest ally.

Every Kuffar goes on a crusade from time to time.


we're extracting oil bigly recently

saddam stopped being puppet of United Slaves of Israel

same as Gaddafi

So Jr could finish what daddy started, I have no doubt Bush intended to invade Iraq regardless of the 9/11 attacks. In fact the 9/11 attacks probably postponed the invasion.

They tried to initiate the practice of sales of oil in currency other than the America dollar in the world market

This is the only true reason.

Ok so, has the securing of the petrodollar been worth the fallout of ISIS and every other thing that's resulted from it?

I feel like if they were more go eat about our wars just being resource wars people would be more for it. You could combine it with the whole "push a dictator" part.

>muh oil

Fuck off commies. It was literally a goverment that went to war - the responsibility is on statists to justify why they went to war. The free market was providing oil just fine. You faggots need to get the fuck off my board

go eat?

>confusing an American puppet state with an actual ally.

In order to avoid a Muslim empire from forming and impoverishing the west with oil embargoes

Without it the US dollar would have crashed already.

More honest* I'm not even sure how that typo happened. Freudian burger slip.

Honestly, this kind of thing bothers me. I like America, but I'd rather have our own culture / values rather than what the US exports to us.

To protect the petrodollar

"In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history."

--Ari Shavit, Haaretz(April 5, 2003)

“This was an insane war that brought us low economically, morally. We went to war against a guy who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was a total pretext! It’s inexplicable and there you go to Cheney, there you go to Bush, there you go to the Jewish neo-cons who wanted to remake the world. Maybe I can say that because I’m Jewish. To bring about a certain result ..”

--Carl Bernstein, Morning Joe on MSNBC (July 2013 )

So the Saudi royal family can get rich.

We have our own culture and values cunt. We are similar to Americans because both countries were colonised by the Brits and were large inhospital cunts of land. Burgers ultimately lucked out that their shit is more hospitable than ours.

>Saddam Hussein wanted to abandon the Petro dollar.
>Muamar Gaddafi wanted to abandon the petrodollar.
People don't understand how important it is to the US economic power to have the dollar be the currency oil transactions happen in. No amount of debt matters when you can print money and it's backed by energy credits essentially.


At the end of World War II, an agreement was reached at the Bretton Woods Conference which pegged the value of gold at US$35 per ounce and that became the international standard against which currency was measured. But in 1971, US President Richard Nixon took the US$ off the gold standard and ever since the US$ has been the most important global monetary instrument, and only the United States can produce them.
The fear of the consequences of a weaker US$, particularly higher oil prices is seen as underlying and explaining many aspects of the US foreign policy, including the Iraq and Libyan War. The reality is that the value of the US$ is determined by the fact that oil is sold in US$. If the denomination changes to another currency, such as the euro, many countries would sell US$and cause the banks to shift their reserves, as they would no longer need US$ to buy oil. This would thus weaken the US$ relative to the euro. A leading motive of the US in the Iraq war — perhaps the fundamental underlying motive, even more than the control of the oil itself — is an attempt to preserve the US$ as the leading oil trading currency. Since it is the USA that prints the US$, they control the flow of oil. Period. When oil is denominated in US$ through US state action and the US$ is the only fiat currency for trading in oil, an argument can be made that the USA essentially owns the world’s oil for free.

despite its magnitude, the event got very little press coverage in 2000:,9171,998512,00.html

To save the kurds

>We have our own culture and values

Something something greater israel...... killin arabs after 9/11......blah blah blah democracy...
Is this thread really needed or are you just a new fag?

The petrodollar, oil companies, and defense contractors. He was also an obstacle to the NWO plan.

Probably also to take the US public's eye off of what was going on in the economy due to globalization.

Saddam legitimately hated the US after GHW Bush kicked him out of Kuwait and was probably doing about half the things they claimed he was.

Well you see..

>Be America
>Spend 3 decades destablizing the middle east.
>Dump in boxes of guns and fire missles at goat farmers
>proceed to take down the existing government and put in a puppet government who is not only worse but turns around and betrays you.
>Round up muslims, teach them how to fight, then get mad when they don't die for YOUR cause.
>A generation of kids reach adulthood having their entire country basically destroyed by americans
>They turn around and start attacking the west
>"Wow Muslims are so violent dontcha think?"

>white people

So long as almost three quarter of world trade is done in US$, the US$ is the currency which central banks accumulate as reserves. But central banks, whether China or Japan or Brazil or Russia, do not simply stack US$ in their vaults. Currencies have one advantage over gold. A central bank can use it to buy the state bonds of the issuer, the USA. Most countries around the world are forced to control trade deficits or face currency collapse. Not the USA. This is because of the US$ reserve currency role. And the underpinning of the reserve role is the petrodollar. Every nation needs to get US$ to import oil, some more than others. This means their trade targets US$ countries.
Because oil is an essential commodity for every nation, the Petrodollar system, which exists to the present, demands the buildup of huge trade surpluses in order to accumulate US$ surpluses. This is the case for every country but one — the USA which controls the US$ and prints it at will or fiat. Because today the majority of all international trade is done in US$, countries must go abroad to get the means of payment they cannot themselves issue. The entire global trade structure today works around this dynamic, from Russia to China, from Brazil to South Korea and Japan. Everyone aims to maximize US$ surpluses from their export trade.


I guess I worded it poorly. I'd rather have *more* of our own culture than what we currently experience. It's kinda sad that a new GoT episode passes for a "common experience" here.

Halliburton needed a good Q3 report for the shareholders

Until November 2000, no OPEC country dared violate the dollar price rule. So long as the US$ was the strongest currency, there was little reason to as well. But November was when French and other Euroland members finally convinced Saddam Hussein to defy the USA by selling Iraq’s oil-for-food not in US$, ‘the enemy currency’ as Iraq named it, but only in euros. The euros were on deposit in a special UN account of the leading French bank, BNP Paribas. Radio Liberty of the US State Department ran a short wire on the news and the story was quickly hushed.
This little-noted Iraq move to defy the US$ in favor of the euro, in itself, was insignificant. Yet, if it were to spread, especially at a point the US$ was already weakening, it could create a panic selloff of US$ by foreign central banks and OPEC oil producers. In the months before the latest Iraq war, hints in this direction were heard from Russia, Iran, Indonesia and even Venezuela. An Iranian OPEC official, Javad Yarjani, delivered a detailed analysis of how OPEC at some future point might sell its oil to the EU for euros not US$. He spoke in April, 2002 in Oviedo Spain at the invitation of the EU. All indications are that the Iraq war was seized on as the easiest way to deliver a deadly pre-emptive warning to OPEC and others, not to flirt with abandoning the Petro-dollar system in favor of one based on the euro.
Informed banking circles in the City of London and elsewhere in Europe privately confirm the significance of that little-noted Iraq move from petro-dollar to petro-euro. ‘The Iraq move was a declaration of war against the US$’, one senior London banker told me recently. ‘As soon as it was clear that Britain and the US had taken Iraq, a great sigh of relief was heard in London City banks. They said privately, “now we don’t have to worry about that damn euro threat”.

Boongs and faggots also have a sub culture here what's your point?

First Iraq and then Libya decided to challenge the petrodollar system and stop selling all their oil for US$, shortly before each country was attacked. The cost of not going to war would be horrendous for the US unless there were another way of protecting the US$’s world trade dominance.
Guess how USA pays for the wars? By printing US$ it is going to war to protect.
After considerable delay, Iran opened an oil bourse which does not accept US$. Many people fear that the move will give added reason for the USA to overthrow the Iranian regime as a means to close the bourse and revert Iran’s oil transaction currency to US$. In 2006 Venezuela indicated support of Iran’s decision to offer global oil trade in euro.
6 months before the US moved into Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein, Iraq had made the move to accept Euros instead of US$ for oil, and this became a threat to the global dominance of the US$ as the reserve currency, and its dominion as the petrodollar.
Muammar Qaddafi made a similarly bold move: he initiated a movement to refuse the US$ and the euro, and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the gold dinar. Muammar Qaddafi suggested establishing a united African continent, with its 200 million people using this single currency. The initiative was viewed negatively by the USA and the European Union, with French president Nicolas Sarkozy calling Libya a threat to the financial security of mankind; but Muammar Qaddafi continued his push for the creation of a united Africa.
Muammar Gaddafi’s recent proposal to introduce a gold dinar for Africa revives the notion of an Islamic gold dinar floated in 2003 by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, as well as by some Islamist movements. The notion, which contravenes IMF rules and is designed to bypass them, has had trouble getting started. But today Iran, China, Russia, and India are stocking more and more gold rather than US$.

The entire fucking modern world is white culture faggot. From the governments running the show to the clothes on (((your))) back. It's white culture.
Every white country has many things the same and many glaring similarities, but there are many thing very different as well. All Anglo culture American included is based off of British culture; but from the moment the colony was formed culture began to diverge in those countries.

Bush administration experiment in Neo-con democracy building. Iraq was the perfect target, it was already a failed state, nobody liked Saddam even in the Middle East, and it's fairly easy to justify to your average citizen when you talk about all the legit horrible things Saddam / the Baathists did to their own people. Throw in what may have been a lie about "WMD's" / implied Nukes. That's 1 side of it I'm sure.

Heh, sure thing, white boi.

What about my chinese cartoons?

Saddam was threatening our economic stability by switching off the petrodollar.

Is a few dead brown people worth preventing economic collapse? Yes.

>little noted

Like this article from TIME Magazine from the year 2000?,9171,998512,00.html

Imperial hubris. Amerisharts thought of themselves as the sole superpower and set out to conquer the whole world by toppling the last remaining sovereign governments after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Their so-called foreign policy elite consists of far-right neoconservatives whose thinking is excessively anachronistic and forever stuck in the beliefs of the Cold War.

They didn't take into account that history, as it always does, would refuse to change its course in order to accomodate human dreams and wishes. The end of the Cold War did not cause the world to be united under the iron fist of the Anglozionist empire, but instead caused it to drift apart more than ever before, with only western Europe and a few Asian countries remaining firmly under the USraeli yoke. New power centers and alliances emerged, and the chaos caused by Anglo attempts to divide and conquer the Middle East led to the exact opposite of what they had intended: driving away or internally dividing their own allies, while in the long term strengthening and unifying their enemies.

It's what happens when a detached elite of fanatical ideologues with twisted and distorted views of the world direct a powerful and decadent empire.

I like what we were but it is no more. I wanna move to you guys, how are your women? I hear everyone is a literal Chad thundercock and game is tough

Saddam was using the wrong bank.

Our girls are much like anywhere else, only they're a bit more sheltered than other Westerners, just because we have it so good here. Then again, so are most guys.

it's a great proving/training environment!

had you been alive that year to give a qualitative opinion, you might know that it was barely brought up in the news as a possible reason for the invasion of Iraq a few years later

also see where I linked the same article. You might find the same newsbite from that article reposted verbatim on a few other websites, but it looks like major news outsets either steered clear or barely covered this major event

Because people were stupid, and were unable to see motive behind rhetoric.

Uh oh, sounds prime for peak degeneracy.

But also awalt

maybe the rhetoric was insincere simply because people are stupid and cannot be counted on to see the US interest in maintaining the petrodollar as paramount - just look at how many people felt negatively about the invasion because they felt like we were stealing oil or they were opposed to regime-building as a motive.

Do you really think people would have had an easier time believing (the truth)

>poppy fields
the american stupidity truly knows no boundaries

saddam had committed 2 genocides, used and stocked WMD, caused an ecological disaster in the south, invaded a neighbor country, and kept iraqis in constant terror by making them witness the execution of their family members, while surviving ones were forced to chant the glory of the Party

Baath party = Middle East communist terror

none of those are actual reasons

Operation Iraqi Liberation

Because Americans are addicted to Jewish cum.

Checked and keked.

Watch the Dark Knight Rises. The movie will explain almost everything about why the USA walked into this giant quagmire, spent over a trillion dollars and severely destabilized the middle east.

It wasn't due to our free will.

We went into Iraq because they had one of the largest militaries on Earth and they lived near Israel.

Almost nobody seems to know their military was larger than most European nations.

>saddam had committed 2 genocides
which are?
>used and stocked WMD
so? 90% of world uses them
including usa
>caused an ecological disaster in the south
how is that your business?
>invaded a neighbor country
how is that your business?
>and kept Iraqis in constant terror by making them witness the execution of their family members
how is that your business?
btw this is a guy who's members of family was executed had to say

consumerism is analogous with white culture. Industrialization and service economies are both western (see: white) cultural phenomenons. Your mongolian child cartoons always depict white people, because all the mongrel races around the world strive to emulate their white betters in almost all aspects of daily life.

I hate you all but this is one of the best conversations I've seen in weeks.

Time for archive

That makes sense. Good post.


No. saddam did nothing wrong. Kurds are terrorists, Kuwait was illegally slant drilling, and there were political party's openly opposed to saddam. It was only when the US failed proxy war for OPEC ended, and Bush invaded, and the CIA tried to coup him in 95 that he started to bring down the hammer which is reasonable.

We really invaded because ARAMCO had been trying to kill off saddam for 25 years.

>near israel
>don't share any borders

See, you think you just told me off but in reality, you were too autistic to recognize obvious bait. You should feel shame, user-kun.


Saddam had rape rooms and threw babies out of incubators

>merely pretending
every single time
if you were really pretending, you wouldn't feel the need argue it

Republican business interests.

You're right. It's more likely that I'm trying to save face on an anonymous board where I don't have to take responsibility for saying stupid shit. Well done, retard. How new are you?

wasn't oil. it was saddam parting ways with USD

are you now pretending to be upsetti too?

Welcome to 4chins. Things work differently than 9gag. Enjoy your stay c:

We are giving war a chance!

Because we (the west) can

>fuck, better call him a newfag
I love this meme

>consumerism is analogous with white culture. Industrialization and service economies are both western (see: white) cultural phenomenons. Your mongolian child cartoons always depict white people, because all the mongrel races around the world strive to emulate their white betters in almost all aspects of daily life.
You wrote that wall of text. Don't play yourself, homie.

Pretty much this.

And so did Ghadaffi.

Cuba, Best Korea and Iran are the only places still using non-Rotschild banks.

And Cuba's soon about to change, once they shut down communism there.

Big perhaps, but mainly packing shit from the 1950' and -60's.

To distract from the fact Saudi Arabia did 9-11.

Also oil.
Also retardation.