Obama wasn't bad. Period

President Johnson signed the Immigration act of 1965, allowing mass nonwhite immigration, and started the Vietnam war

Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals and started the practice of allowing illegals to stay. He also started no fault divorce, spiking the divorce rate

Bush Sr. did more immigration reform, allowing many more nonwhite immigrants to enter

Clinton, who passed NAFTA, and Reagan, destroyed US industry and forced millennials into shitty college degrees

Bush Jr. started two neocon wars over oil

John McCain wanted to give amnesty and was against the idea of a border fence, which Obama built

So why do we hate Obongo? His most destructive policies, the TPP, the Paris Deal, and Obamacare have been repealed or will be repealed before they do any real damage.

Other urls found in this thread:


Republitards will deny this


>Obama wasn't bad. Period.

Obama was a puppet of the jews.

Possibly an unwilling puppet, but a puppet nonetheless.

Every US politician is pro-israel, so what?

Because mass immigration is social engineering just like the other crap you mention.

Best thing about Obama was that he was pretty fucking lazy and didn't give much of a shit. He'd mouth of about various issues, but he did almost nothing about them.

I'm way happier with Obama than I would have been with Romney or McCain. If Sandy Hook happened under Romney, I wouldn't be surprised if the Clinton Era gun ban was back in effect right now. Fucking cuckservatives.

Obama? Don't you mean Bombama?

>why do we hate obongo other people are spending time and money cleaning up his mess
are you retarded

I wouldn't say Obama was a "bad" President as in he was a Net Negative for the country.
I think he was bad because he was an ineffectual con-man.

how many on food stamps in 2008
how many now

The only reason that President Obama wasn't that bad is that a large (and still growing) part of the Republican party realized that you can never compromise with a Democrat. While there are still a few cucks like McCain or Graham who will agree to progressive deals because "It's the right thing to do" (in reality so CNN doesn't call them mean names), more are realizing that if you give an inch, Democrats will come back tomorrow for a mile.

He was basically the black Jimmy Carter + 8 straight years of wars he was suppose to end.


Obama was one of the greatest presidents america ever had,

he was not liked by every one BUT! he had everything under control, governors did not openly rebel, US reputation was climbing, US was recovering.

Now you are free falling without a safety net.

GG no RE!

>why do we hate bush other people are spending time and money cleaning up his mess

fiexed it fuck up

Thankfully, we got a president like Trump who is getting rid of most of the shit he did, as opposed to letting bills like the ones other presidents passed go on for decades

and all because of obama fixing america and trump fucking it up.

Obama and Jimmy Carter weren't

Obama was basically 2 years of neoliberalism and 6 years of Republican blockade. Didn't really do much bad

He was, but to an arguably lesser degree than a lot of past presidents. You could feel the animosity between Obama and Bibi

>Wasn't a war over oil
>obama did nothing to stop the divide in our nation and only drove the wedge further in.

>Obama expanded NSA powers
>Obama assassinated a US citizen without giving him a trial.
>gun control
>National debt has doubled.
>DACA and DAPA, which were both shitty orders on top of being unconstitutional.
Obama should've been impeached and removed from office; stop cherry picking points to make Obama look good in comparison to the complete shit we've had for the last three decades.

>the TPP, the Paris Deal, and Obamacare have been repealed or will be repealed before they do any real damage.
i hope you're right based user.
but there is still the fact that he signed those and thought they were a good idea.

I see cherry picking and historical revisionism are alive and well on Sup Forums.


DACA will expire soon, DAPA has been removed by Trump, and these would have done nothing compared to reagan/mccain amnesty

Obama didn't do shit with gun control

Obamacare will be repealed sometime this year

The rest is meaningless compared to the things I named that other presidents did

Obama wasn't good either. Obama has been one of the most meh presidents in U.S. history.

Unleashed the third world.

They're all garbage if they aren't racial separatist/nationalists.

>Obama didn't do shit with gun control

He has distabilized Syria and Egypt and caused the refugee crisis in Europe. Israel is the country who profits most from your politics and US Marine deathcount.

A silly rule that has already been repealed that only affects mentally ill people really didn't do anything, especially compared to the AWB/Brady bill

>one of the greatest presidents america ever had
>being this autistic


>The "refugees" in Europe are actual refugees
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA I bet you think they'll go back to Syria when the war is over too

>Obama didn't do shit with gun control
It still proves you wrong.

why? because mass media were sucking him off, not letting one negative thing he did slip past to normies ears.

>Every US politician is pro-israel, so what?

They are pro-israel at the expense of America.

>Obama wasn't bad.
Obama was a war-nigger who drained all the US wealth by blowing it up in the middle-east.
Millions and millions of rapefugees flood into Europe to brutally rape little white girls.
All because the King Nigger with bombs and Globalists brings more hates upon the white man than anything seen before.

You're right, but Obama era gun control was a literal joke

Of course I don't. Most of them will stay in Europe and will pollute our countries and fuck up our economy on the long run. If the burger politics aren't controlled massivly by kikes we could have world peace.

Reagan got jewed on the amnesty bill, and referred to it as his greatest mistake. It was sold to him and the American public as fixing the problem for good, and what happened was that amnesty was granted, but the Democrats nixed the border enforcement provisions. The other side of the bargain was never enforced.

Also, how in the hell do you make the cast that Reagan was behind no-fault divorce? That goes back to the 60s and 70s. What hand did Reagan have in that?

He was a good president and meant well, but he made major mistakes.

Obama is responsible for the Africans flooding into Europe. When he destroyed Libya the Libyan people were forced into people trafficking to make a living. Now they're flooding hundreds of thousands of migrants into Europe.

He was the first US governor to pass a no fault divorce law in the 70's

Obama started the current syrian conflict, created isis, which caused the mass migrations of shitskins to europe.

It's europe's fault for taking them in

No, it's all right.
Obama nust encouraged the status quo and edged us towards socialism

>campaigned on a platform of ending wars, ended up starting more
>wasted the political capital from first landslide election on a watered down stimulus that didn't help the people that needed it the most
>pushed through a 'health care reform bill' that forced poor people to buy shit quality insurance from private companies that they couldn't afford to use, and fined them if they refused
>didn't repeal the Bush tax cuts
>took W's mass surveillance programs and made them even more invasive
>installed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State allowing her to burrow her toadies into the department, and grant Clinton Foundation donors direct access to the highest levels of government

I voted for the fucker twice because I didn't like the other options. But Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ, you have to be a true sycophant to not see that he actively screwed over the people he said he wanted to help.

Fucking Obollo nigger kang, Kenyan negro motherfucking bush-trash!

Id buyrh my above average almost 6 in european deeck


>So why do we hate Obongo?
because he was weak and ineffective, basically the proverbial affirmative action president/

single handedly destroyed Libya and Syria, yeah Obama is a shit stain on humanity.

>Don't hate someone who tried to destroy your country because someone else came in and is trying to fix it

No nigger, you still hate the person for trying.