Thanks for Jew World Order you fucking douchebags.
I hope your grandchildren transgender to a fucking potato and die of gangrenous anal AIDS, forever erasing your mud bloodline.
Heil Hitler!
Thanks for Jew World Order you fucking douchebags.
I hope your grandchildren transgender to a fucking potato and die of gangrenous anal AIDS, forever erasing your mud bloodline.
Heil Hitler!
How many whites did Hitler kill? 50 million? Is it worth it for 5 million dead jews?
Winston churchill is the biggest traitor mankind has ever known
>fought for jews
Choose one.
I would kill all of them.
anglosphere and jews have always been tied together
if you fight against america or the uk, you're fighting the jewish interests as well and their islamic dumb gorillas
>killed Germans because lol nazis are bad
>came home, lynched niggers, bitched about commies, and rioted when the schools were desegregated
Gee, it's almost like they fucking asked for it.
The soldiers were tricked. Be mad at the leaders and the jews not the soldiers.
Stop living in the past
How many whites lives did Hitler save from the communist kikes?
You're the only gorilla here
I'm living in the future.
sure thing mr. Rothschild
I agree.
The german nation is to blame, fucking autists, everybody hates them here in Europe.
>Libertarian flag
>Heil Hitler
You're not a very bright person are you?
(((The Greatest Generation))) the jews thank you very much for destroying the White race.
Reminder this is the type of shit that started us on the path to National Socialism like 8 years ago. Radical feminism, muh white privilege, duh patriarchy etc etc.
>make tears
Its like you want to be gassed by everyone around you, with absolutely zero compassion or empathy.
Please, how can I unsee that pic?
If the german autists wouldn't chimp out with their complexes, white man would be still powerful and commies wouldn't rule over half of Europe.
American Jews used Hitler to get rid of their European rivals
ill just leave this here