Say his name
Other urls found in this thread:
Phillip Castro
double nigger
Fidel Castro
Deshaun Eyehatewhitey
Dindu Nuffin
Maybe Winston shouldn't have used his ultimate when he was surrounded by enemies. Stupid gorilla.
r i p ;(
dead faggot
>let's leave out the information that explains why the cop was legally justified
Filipino castle
Wasn't he pulled over like 60 times?
Two of the jurors were black. Rest were white. I wonder why the pig got off though.
Ebba Akerlund
Correct, Paddy. He shouldn't even have had a driver's license
This dude #didn'tdonuffin
F for respeKS
>found a single picture of him in a suit
N'igger McApe
His name was Seth Rich.
Wuz Kangz
RIP Philandindo Nuffin
He had at least 55 driving violations. He had been driving without a license since 2002. That is a criminal record.
He had two drug offenses on his record but they were dismissed because he was a good boy turnin his life around.
There is no available proof that he had a CCW in Minnesota. This is a claim made by his girlfriend, and is totally unsubstantiated. The county they claimed issued his permit stated they had no record of issuing him one.
Never trust niggers.
Frank Castrate
>Be Me
>Riding in car with dumb bitch girlfriend
>She's always driving like a retard, but won't stop bitching if I drive so whatever
>Does some dumb shit and we get pulled over
>Nervous asian man gets out of car
>Tell that bitch to record this shit but not do anything stupid
>Cop gets to car and ask for ID
>That shit isn't legal. I'm not driving shit.
>Reach for ID
>Dumb bitch girlfriend yells he's got a gun as I'm reaching for my ID
>Get shot
>Girlfriend tells me not to die after she gets me shot
>Jesus, just take me now
>no criminal record
that isn't what I heard
So is he supposed to have a criminal record?
Niggers are so dumb they dont realize they call themselves subhuman all the time.
when a cop says "don't do X or I will shoot you", don't do X, or he'll shoot you.
Joy Lane
Hashtag Philanderous Carbuncle
>say his name
gud boi wuz kang
12/10 would hang from sycamore
Hashtag Philando Castle AKA the artist formerly known as Prince
His name was Nigger Paulson.
Hash brown Benediction Cumberlandovitch
get the fuck out of here Steve. YOU ARE DEAD
This was all literally his girlfriend's fault.
He wasn't driving because of previous driving violations. The bitch gets them pulled over for being fucking retarded. He says from the get-go he has a gun + carry permit.
The cop asks to see the paperwork, he tried to get it, the bitch goes "O YA THE GUN IS IN HIS POCKET" as he's reaching for the paper.
>blat blat
>omg why did they shoot him what did I do
Philando "reaching for muh fugging gun in front of an officer" Castile
Serious question: why didn't the jury convict?
Because this dindu dindu what any CC trainer will tell you're supposed to do when pulled over by a cop while you're carrying.
He had like 52 traffic violations.
shit I have more than that.
Seth Rich
His name was Dead Nigger. What an eerie coincidence!
nigber :::::DDDD
The girl friend's video showed the chain of events. The prosecution basically shot themselves in the foot, and the defense torn them such a huge new asshole that Castile's coffin was dragged right through it.
>cop asks for his ID
>Castile indicates hes reaching for his ID
>Its mentioned that he has a gun
>cop tells him to stop reaching
>cop allegedly can see visible grip of gun sticking out of his pocket
>because Castile was a nigger he didn't have a holder, it was just hanging out of his pocket
>Castile still reaches for the gun after cop is shouting for him to stop
>Cop shoots in fear that Castile was going to pull the gun
A veteran police instructor also testified that he followed procedure. Blacks are just too loud mouthed and dumb to listen. The prosecution never had a chance in hell of getting a conviction.
Philando "tell cop I have a gun, decide he probably wants to see it even though hes screaming at me to keep my hands up" Castillo
He had a criminal record and was a suspect in an armed robbery 4 days prior to the traffic stop
(((They))) always do that, it fits their narrative of all law enforcement, inising blacks and Hispanics, are evil and prone to shoot the dindus on a whim.
Which, as you and I know, is a very retarded, one-sided way of looking at things. The real question is: Why do expect anything less from liberals?
Traffic stops aren't criminal
I ain't taking orders from a fucking donkey.
1 post by this ID
Except he wasn't licensed to carry and apparently habitually breaking the law having been stopped 52 times by police.
Castile is actually probably one of the cooler names in existence.
Just another worthless nigger
living on borrowed time
they are when you don't have a license and registration and a weapon and are high on drugs
Being convicted of driving without a license is criminal. This guy has done it a dozen times.
He should have been in prison, but he kept getting breaks by the libfag legal system in MN because he was a good boy wif a jawb in da skoo, werkin wif dem keeds.
>he had no criminal record except for a marijuana possession charge years before
>also he wasn't a suspect the cop just stopped him because he thought he looked like a guy who robbed a gas station 4 days prior
Fernando Bastille was one of the good ones (as good as coons can be)
Because he didn't follow what the officer said and matched the description of someone wanted for an armed robbery earlier that day.
He was also a member of the crips and liked to smoke weed in the same car he died in with his baby in the back.
3 cents has been added to your account. Thank you for correcting the record
Triple nigger
Another black man shoot, except it was a cop that wasn't white and his bitch of a girlfriend was the one who got him killed by yelling, for whatever retarded reason compelled her to, that he had a car in his car.
I personally think that the girlfriend should be held legally at fault for the death.
>that he had a car in his car
Wasn't he intoxicated too?
So when you add it all up
>Announce you have a gun while grabbing for wallet
>Gun visibly hanging out of pants
>Doesn't put hands back on wheel or in the air when commanded
>Cop shoots and lives to see another day
That sucks but it's definitely not murder as far as I can tell. I'm glad the cop is free
Second post best post
>more than likely smoked weed in a car with a baby inside.
What an absolute degenerate. That's exactly like smoking a cigarette in a car with children.
NRA should have said something about this.
Goddamn it
I believe so, his girlfriend was high as shit at the time.
I was on his side until I heard the cop is Mexican. That's what the nigger gets for messing with la raza.
Kunta Kinte
Fidel Castro
Fuck that nigger
What happened? Gangsta life bitten back?
>this means he deserved to be executed
wow look how diverse, it's always the same fucking person!
Thelaundry Castoroil
>which is degenerate
Yeah, exactly like smoking a cigarette in the car with your children.
Ffs man, its doesnt materr what it is that you are smoking here, its the fucking SMOKE
>say his name
Wow, thats some pro tier choice of words you commie piece of shit.
Robert Paulson
Nigger McNiglet
killed, whatever. Point still stands