Radical Islam has done more to cleanse the west of degeneracy than any of you Pepe worshipers. Sure, there's the occasional goat shag or child bride, but each truck of peace claims a weak European unfit to live. Thank you Mohammedans!
Radical Islam is White
Perfect example of the "white terrorists" thing they're pushing. Find more pictures of white ISIS members.
Agree. As a European Tribalist I fully support Mohammedan and Indigenous European terrorism on European soil as a punishment for docile locals for not rising up after the first pack of non-Europeans arrived to our lands
oou yes.. white are super radical musilm ! good bait niggi
another top tier white radical islamist. both were born in Georgia
that's no excuse for having those shitty beards
why are muslims' beards always shit? Why are they incapable of aesthetics?
Because they don't trim them, don't moisturize or shampoo them and they don't comb them. Filthy mudslimes are still filthy mudslimes even if they're """white"""
Let's not forget the recently apprehended wannabe sub-Caucasian from USA, Mr Connell.
Chechen ISIS = weaponized white power.
they do trim them
look at the shape and how shot the mustache is
It is, honest truth. One of the red pills you need to swallow right away for Islam.
Muhammad was white.
White muslims, always with the ginger beards.
West Asian and Persian influence
Chechens are west Asian
Fuck off shitskin subhumans, some people can act civilized AND not fuck goats or marry children without stoning people to death for shit like drinking alcohol. We did it in the 50s without you dumb subhumans, and we sure as fuck don't need you animals to do it again
Why is it ALWAYS redheads
> acting civilised
you fags sit here all day, fap to little boys and cartoons, shitpost and play video games while being racistr in your safe space like a coward. You live the lifestyle of a worm, of an insect if that is "civilized" you can have it
>not inbred mountain goatfuckers
>huge viking beard
You wot?
Any white man no matter how shit is still better than the best shitskin.
guy in OP was a top commander of ISIS, half georgian half chechen.
more than occasional goat fucking, plus they are all retarded due to inbreeding
Post more white holy warriors
American education folks
He was a very notable terrorist, but I guess with your stormnigger victim ideology you can only look at that picture and assume it's a Jewish trick to make whites look bad.
>Sup Forums is one person
Most people on this board since the election are literal cucks
We won, most Sup Forumsfags left, then you histrionic leftist losers came in droves because you're all butthurt and alt right and Sup Forums and shit was all over the news and you need someone to blame rather than acknowledging your party is up it's own ass
I think the beards are sweet, they probably look that way though because of Muhammad's teachings
One of the reasons these jihadis love growing out ginger beards is because Muhammad recommended it. This is why you'll find Afghans and Pakis painting their beards red.
Muhammad probably didn't give instructions on cleaning and trimming so they look all worn out.
These guys look pretty white
Also be careful going around ISIS commanders on the internet, pretty sure thats illegal.
Supposedly it's because Muslims recruit gingers who are bullied in the U.K.
Otherwise though redbeards are revered in Islam
So part of it is just a selection bias, guys with red facial hair are probably more likely to show it off.
Gtfo you disgusting fuck
Ukranian jihadist of Tornado Battalion
Are those christian values these women are propagating?
>Any white man no matter how shit is still better than the best shitskin
Top kek you wish, redneck trash.
If you are retarded enough to get hit by a fucking truck you are unfit to survive.
It's an attempt to diffuse focus from radical Islamic terrorism by suggesting, "Oh, well, this guy's white! Do you still want to kill him?" I'm talking about throwing a spanner by responding, "Yes, he is white, and a terrorist. Kill him." It's bait. They want to see our true resolve.
Can you stop autistically spamming this shit? People were trying to have a discussion and you just shit this thread up.
Gulmurod Khalimov, trained by Blackwater aka "Academi".
The professionals know talent when they see it.
this based swede migrated with his white wife and 4 white children
Shills will claim he is not white
>Gulmurod Khalimov, trained by Blackwater aka "Academi".
A lieutenant-colonel when commander of the police special forces of the Interior Ministry of Tajikistan until 2015, he has since defected to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).[1][2][3] In September 2016, he was reported to have been appointed as the minister of war of ISIL in place of Abu Omar al-Shishani;
>From 2003 to 2014, Khalimov participated in five counterterrorism training courses in the United States and in Tajikistan, through the United States Department of State's Diplomatic Security/Anti-Terrorism Assistance program
what's the deal with the index finger?
All Muslims should burn, even the white ginger betas who join to make friends.
It's always the gingers.
"Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train fighters to kill Muslims,” he said. “God willing, I will come with this weapon to your cities, your homes, and we will kill you."
People still think Isis isn't a cia operation
He's not exactly chechen, he's from Kist village in Georgia, they are ethnically related but not exactly the same.
Also don't think that we take this shit lightly, his fellow villagers and sympathizers are getting regularly beaten up every time they show their face in public. There's no place for radical Islam in Georgia, only radical Christianity.
it isn't. Just because the CIA funded the groups that later became al qaeda during the afghan war in 80s, does that mean 9/11 was a CIA operation?
You rely on a rabid dog and it will bite you
>Your party
If you read his grammar and spelling, English isn't the the first language.
It is some roach laying eggs in Europe.
No one cares about your shit nation. We can take it over in a matter of days.
most people on this board since /new/ was axed are literal cucks
oh wait
Honestly don't understand how """Christians""" tolerate this. Over 1/3rd the Quran is about Jesus with an entire chapter dedicated to The Virgin Mary. Why shit on Jesus's name like that, even if you don't agree with it?
Just because he's white doesn't not make him a nigger
How do you know 9/11 wasn't? During the Cuban crisis the cia killed American citizens in Miami to turn public opinion against Cubans. We just sold weapons to saudis despite them pumping out terrorists like a factory. Isis opposes Iran and Syria. The u.s has also prevented assad and Russian troops from taking out Isis targets plus Isis appologize to Israel for accidentally hitting their soldiers.
Isis is obviously a cia operation for destabilizing middle eastern nations.
>We can take it over in a matter of days.
You've been trying to do it literally for thousands of years. Arabs, Ottomans, Persians all of them have been invading with armies ten times larger than ours, and look at how successful they were.
I hate western degeneracy as much as anyone desu, but this shit just won't fly.
good, the guy claiming ISIS is CIA thinks CIA did 9/11
Yeah, it's actually pretty fucking disrespectful to everyone if you ask me.
Most of this edgy shit doesn't come from Christians though, at least not the ones who's practicing it.
radical Islam is done by Russians & Iranians false flagging Sunni's & using it as a means to place military assets around specific areas.
There is nothing to respect about abrahamic sandnigger shit. Mudshits are good useful idiots for our goals though
So how do you explain Isis opposing the only governments that could protect the middle East from western invasion? Pretty weird that a rag tag group of child rapists has almost the same interests as the feds. Kind of weird that Isis gained most of its power after Obama armed "rebels" in Syria.
Deny it all you want but Isis is a bunch of dumb Muslims being manipulated by the states. How come the only attacks America has had lately have been from lone wolves and not multiple attackers like Europe? Sure seems like America is protected despite being the nation that drops most the bombs.
What makes a bunch of low i.q incest babies immune to cia infiltration? Don't you think it's weird Isis has had such an easy time locating and executing Russian spies within their ranks?
Why did the u.s leave oil in Iraq and Afghanistan for Isis to fund itself with? Lots of coincidences. I'm sure you're right and Isis is just very lucky.
Just because you still exist doesn't mean shit. You are a weak and worthless nation that no one cares about
Good little bitch