Hurr fuck Islam goatfuckers Poland stronk

>hurr fuck Islam goatfuckers Poland stronk
>Never learn or speak the local language when they're in other countries

Other urls found in this thread:

islam sucks
you're a fag

get raped

>Be burger
>Get shot


>High school
>New student from Poland
>Make friends and learn to talk Spanish properly

>Another sandnigger
>He just talk with their shitty skinned friends
>0 integration

One of them its now a cool kid the other one is another problematic ghetto piece of shit.

Guess who.

You Spanish faggots are no better to be honest.

At least the U.S has the right to defend themselves. We can't say the same for us.

Yes hello
Ich komme aus Poland
oui oui absolimou

>Wear recreational AR500 plates
>Shoot back with recreational AR-15

Shut up, cuck. Don't you have a daughter that needs to get sex trafficked or a van to lie under?

I didn't see the little children at sandy hook defending themselves.

>implying Sandy Hook actually happened

cuck harder, Hans.

Poland is a shitty retarded inbred christcuck country. The difference out of je countries you mentioned are that the others are intelligent and respectable when it comes to academics (in addition to having more non-religious common sense people), while Poland is filled with religious retards. Fuck christfags.

Better to be all those things than let your women constantly be raped and your children be butchered by muslims. Based poland!

You come to the country, have like four welfare kids, set up polish shops and restaurants and only go to pole restaurants and shops. Fuck you you worse than Muslims.

At least not a swedish faggot or some shit proislam like you who need use the european flag to browse pol

Europe first policy.

Go shill for Israel, Alex Jones.

I like poles better than romanians desu. Latvians are alright people too. Romanians are like the niggers of eastern europe.

their women = whore escorts
and the men are just always weird and slimey

I'm surprised you're Spanish flag, I'm surprised you haven't moved up to Germany or uk like all the other faggots from your shit country.

>and the men are just always weird and slimey


Here's a protip from a Pole. If you don't want Poles in your country, don't let them in. We don't want sandniggers in our country, we don't let them in and we don't have a sandnigger problem.

Jesus Christ, why are westerners so retarded these days? Always blaming someone else for their own fuckups.

Sort yourselves out.

"Islamic" Terrorist Attacks in the United States:
1. 2016 Orlando Night Club Shooting
2. 2015 San Bernardino Shooting (workplace violence)
3. 2015 Chattanooga, TN Military Shooting
4. 2014 Oklahoma Beheading
5. 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing
6. 2009 Little Rock Shooting
7. 2009 Fort Hood Shooting
8. 2006 Seattle Jewish Federation Shooting
9. 2002 Los Angeles Airport Shooting

Before 9/11
1. 1993 World Trade Center bombing

Right Wing (WHITE) Terrorist Attacks:
1. 2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting
2. 2015 Lafayette Shooting
3. 2015 Charleston Church Shooting
4. 2015 Florida Police Ambush
5. 2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush
6. 2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting
7. 2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting
8. 2014 Forsyth County courthouse shooting
9. 2012 Tri-State Killing Spree
10. 2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush
11. 2012 Sikh Temple Shooting
12. 2011 Pacific Northwest Killing Rampage
13. 2011 FEAR Militia
14. 2010 West Memphis Police Shootings
15. 2010 Carlisle, PA Murder
16. 2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack
17. 2010 Florida Sovereign Citizen Police Ambush
18. 2009 Minutemen American Defense Hispanic Slayings
19. 2009 Okaloosa County, FL Police Gun Range Attacks
20. 2009 Brockton, MA Black Targeted Shooting Rampage
21. 2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings
22. 2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting
23. 2009 George Tiller Assassination
24. 2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ
25. 2009 Brockton, MA Murders
26. 2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting
27. 2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery
28. 2003 Abbeville, SC right-of-way shootout
29. 2001 Anthrax Attacks


All you ever do is blame Germany or Russia for your problems.

Poland why do so many of you leave he country?
Because the Germans did mean stuff ;-;

It's pathetic, you are crybabies.

Nah, only the faggots move to that countrys thinking they are going to get a lot of money and be "cool", a lot of them are come back to spain because their discovered that go to that shitty multicultural shitholes its a mistake.

The only problem of Spain its the bad goverment, the rest its ok, could it be better? yes but at least not a full shithole place like the almost all the countries of western Europe.

We're not blaming them doing nothing. We had a nazi problem for a while, so we killed a lot of nazis and captured Berlin. We had a soviet problem, we started the chain reaction that ended with the dissolution of the USSR. Now we have a German problem, so we're slowly getting rid of your newspapers and preparing to leave your shitty union.

You on the other hand? You westerners always talk the talk, but never walk the walk. You couldn't even help burgers with killing some sand people, because boo-hoo war is too scary for the modern Germans XD

All bark, no bite. Fuck off.

>euro flag
>pro-muslim cuck
>checks out

Us killing ourselves is the natural order. We don't need or want your help Mohammad.

Funny I don't see any nazi flags flying in Germany.

At least, he isn't spasming under a truck

your point being...?

Damn I love seeing Germans get assblasted over Poland.

Spain >most of Europe

But the USA is less than 1% Muslim...

So you just destroyed yourself with your own chart.

I know math isn't liberals' strong suit.... well, actually, liberals arent good at anything... so...

Poland + 'Murica = BFF 4 Eva

not a single country in the world likes americans, only americans can tolerate other americans, and that's not even true because all you do is shoot eachother with guns. Everyone in the world thinks americans are retarded, loud and annoying.

t. 50% Spanish blood, 50% aztec

Poland is not strong, it is crumbling from the inside
And the worst part is that they elected a woman to try and lead the out of it
Poland is fucked and they have nobody to blame but themselves
And inxe you have I will never forgive you for whatever happens to Kasia

you forgot 9/11 but this is bait so why bother

That its the definition of a southamerican guy.

I don't know what you're happy about. They'll either take in Muslims, or revert to being Soviet tier, no EU're living in Fantasyland if you don't think that.

wtf are these weirdo cult pedos doing in this picture

sacrificing a baby in that barn, raping kids? wtf is going on

>Clearly a banner in English.

Wait, there's other languages worth learning?

>have like four welfare kids
Continuing your race and lineage is wrong?
>set up polish shops and restaurants
Wanting to continue your culture and being an entrepreneur instead of taking a native man's ability to work and money is bad?
>and only go to pole restaurants and shops.
Being a foreigner in someone else's home and going out of your way to stay with your people and not shit up the native man's neighborhoods, shops, and restaurants is bad?

I really want to visit Poland. Whats the best tourist spots for white people to visit?

Like any average American, I don't actually value your opinion.
> We didn't dominate your empire by getting your approval

So what is wrong when Muslims do it?

This is you being faced with the hypocrisy of your own argument.

At least he wears his flag with pride instead of hiding his shame like you.

Polish Christian's forming a circle of prayer and community around a newly built mosque that many of them personally worked on to build

bigger cities, Kraków, Gdańsk

Yes cause children have guns. Fucking Euro kike. Have fun watching your wife, mother and sister get gangbanged by the shitskins you let in.

Nice, very nice


Just like every one is starting to see that Brits are spineless cowards who rather stand up for immigrants that kill your countrymen rather than actually standing up for your countrymen. Don't act all high and mighty. Soon you'll be under Sharia Law and if you don't convert your family will be raped and murdered in front of you then you'll get beheaded.

Because they don't
The poles usually pay for their own families and the ones in welfare tend to have less children than those that aren't on it.
The Muslims buy out stores, restaurants, and shops that native born people own and turn them into whatever garbage they prefer instead.
Muslims pop out as many kids as they can and expect the government to pay for them.
Muslims also don't confine themselves to just their areas but move all around your city or town and buy/rent homes in the native man's neighborhoods as well as shitting up where the native people congregate/eat/party/etc instead of staying to their own community of shops and stores
Tl;Dr- Muslims spread, poles don't


bro you a nerd who posts memes all day

Don't mind that cuck he is just salty that he has to watch the Arab's fuck his Swedish women while he sits at home and insults other nations on Sup Forums

>Everyone in the world thinks americans are retarded, loud and annoying
Not true
>Everyone in the world hates you
Also not true, actually there are quite a good amount of Europeans who love us and hate you as well as their own countries

please take me in

you are acting like thats bad

lets be realistic, if they are rude to the muslims its only going to make intergration harder, americans cannot understand intergration

if the muslims who go to that mosque that those kind polish people built for them and disrespect the poles, they have every right to kick them out. whats the point of taking in muslims and not trying to intergrate into your society instead of just complaining and causing more fucking tension

Way better than being ran over with a truck desu.

I'll fucking lecture you to take in more Mexicans then shall I?

Fuck off burger you know nothing about these shitty animals

wow it's almost like every country hate's every other country who would of guessed
also (you) for both of you attention whores

>United nations


Extremist radical nerds on an anime forum is not 'everyone'

Believe it or not most normal humans don't even fucking consume as much politics, especially indentity politics, as you nerds. not everyone is thinking about fucking immigrants all the time. you nerds think about it all the time because you are in your dungeons hating life

Every single one of my Polish friends speaks English at least passably after a year or two of living here. On the other hand, sandniggers who lived here for 20-30 years still speak in a retarded pidgin.

>be europoor
>Muslims break into your home on a sexual emergency
>no gun to defend yourself
>get shanked
>go to prison for Islamaphobia
>get shafted
>finally released from prison 50 years later
>90% of nation is Muslim
>nothing to live for
>get suicided

>implying that islamist terror attacks are only a US problem and not a global one.

You're a cry baby who feels helpless... sort yourself out.

That's hilarious. 1 st gen polack here. Speak fluent English better than most half illiterate Anglo leaf peasants.
Also, show your flag faggot.
Secondly; umrzyj jebana żydowska szmato

Just because i'm swedish to does not mean anything besides it looks cooler than europe

ok mate

You want them to help goatfuckers? Make them. Stop crying you powerless chump

>be polish
>live in a shithole
>savior of white race

I like you, Poland. Let's shoot guns and burn shit.

>all signs written in english


That's Moldavia

>no flag
yeah, you're totally not some sand nigger or swedish faggot

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of Muhammad fucking your wife and daughter.

> not a single country in the world likes Americans
> what is flipland

>its polands fault we let in people we dont know

feels good to have polish heritage man

holy kek, nice one m8

If you used percentages instead of values you'd see that mudslimes are extremely over-represented.

Of course it will be less sandniggers on a country with like 1% mudslimes.

Good contribution.
I'm glad you told me I'm a
>Whom no one likes
What grade are you, new friend?

Why would they learn your language when you all speak English anyway?

>Live right next to polish family
>everyone speaks fluent english

Why so desperate cuckmenistan?


eurofag btfo


> ID says FufqEu8k
> Fuq EU
Fuck you, dumb cunt.
Long live Poland, true defenders of Europe.


>Germans are eternally bootyblasted over Poles now
Haha I love this timeline.

>not a shithole
pick one


>not a single country in the world likes americans
but we like Americans

>Bank robbery
>terrorist attack

Wtf you dumb fuck


Are all poles like this?
>I've found my new home

Also we've helped to build US

Sure they did. The Sandy Hook children rode their unicorns into battle while welding lightsabers. Because imaginary children can do whatever the Fuck they want