I'm a right wing mostly libertarian jew from Germany.
Ask me anything go-guys.
I'm a right wing mostly libertarian jew from Germany.
Ask me anything go-guys.
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Why have you not killed yourself you stupid kike
I like to live and unlike you I'm good for society. Kys
>jew from Germany.
Do leftists kneel in front of you?
What do you think about us communists
What do you think about the Frankfurt School?
Do you worship Muslim cock?
>libertarian jew from Germany.
What do you do in Germany? Be honest
I hope you will be gassed during my lifetime you fucking parasite trash. Best Regards user M.D
Not really, they are also anti israel which is pretty dumb
I grew up here and study Economic Psychology
Keep dreaming bro
I think they have good intentions, but they are pretty stupid
Nope, i don't like muslims generally speaking.
Warum gibst du in einem imageboard preis das du ein verlauster jude bist was genau möchtest du damit bewirken ? Und wie die anderen schon gefragt haben warum bringst du dich nicht um ?
Ok, then do rightwingers see you as a god, when you rant about muslims for example?
Weil die meisten hier annehmen, dass Juden eine Agenda verfolgen und somit alle über einem Kamm scheren, was m.E. nach ziemlich lächerlicher kollektiver Müll ist.
Warum bringst du dich nicht um du Autist!
Most rightwingers here do not really care about me being jewish, however they are more supportive of Israel, because of our common enemy i guess
lols a jew thinks communists have good intentions day of the zyklon when?
btw couldn't you guys come up with better lies when it came to the holohoax.
>using literal pesticide to kill figurative parasites.
>have stock piles of sarin but refuse to use even though its made to kill people?
what do you think of banned free speech in Germany?
Also do you think it the a right of every German to own a gun and defend his property and his family?
you are not from Germany. You are an immigrant from the middle east
do you have any hopes of germany being redeemed
>study Economic Psychology
>Jews don't have a common agenda
>doesn't believe in the murder of 6 million jews
Who'd have guessed that.
I'm a libertarian, so that should answer your questions, but i can respond anyway.
Freedom of Speech shouldn't be as free as possible and any attempt to get rid of it is immoral.
Yes everyone should have the right to bear arms and to protect your own property.
Not sure, but there's some hope i guess.
I am rich, can I get a german jewish gf?
>Right-wing from Germany
So you're centered-left?
How would you describe the taste of foreskins? Are they a delicacy?
german libertarians are most of the time left-libertarians and definyng yourself as right wing in germany only means you don't like all muslims.
also I kinda distrust your tribe, that's why I had to ask.
Tell us all that you know about the holohoax
Can jews mentally rotate objects?
if not that would explain why you need goyim to build shit
What's jewish pussy taste like?
I guess it would taste like ash
Kill yourself kike
Pfff... Like coin, obviously..
No, indians look ugly.
Ask your whire of a mother.
She should know.
Like paradise.
If you mean chomsky type libertarians, they aren't really libertarian. I distrust some goyim as well, but i would not generalize.
Jealous Socialists mad at the wealth of the jewish people for their own stupidity. Basically how niggers think of whites.
But i guess you don't believe that niggers would ever try to genocide them right. Just a hoax in rhodesia lmao.
Danke Hansi
>good for society
pick one
Serious question, if Hitler gassed six million Jews, surely he got every last one in Germany? How do you exist - post-war immigrant?
Wrong assumption. Some jews survived like my grandmother who then moved to israel. My parents migrated back to Germany before my birth.
Real or propaganda?
Would you fight for german?
Do you consider yourself an stranger or a german (literally Hitler like)?
If you have to choose between or Germany which one do you choose?
If you consider yourself german, are you doing something to help to your fellow german brodas and sistars?
If 6 million jews were killed, why it is not recorded in the jewish world census?
Is it possible for a Jew in Germany to get arrested because of antisemitism?
Hahahah, it reminders me that men "cant be raped", or that black people "cant be racist"
you just set yourself up for defeat idiot.
if you mean the world almanac, it was updated in the 50s to record the -6 million jews. Mind you, i don't trust that either...
I'm more interested in the numbers of jews in Germany pre-holocaust, compared to the number of "holocaust" survivors, and to the increased number of jews in Madagascar and Israel after the war...
What is the interest rate in a $50 bill?
>I'm more interested in the numbers of jews in Germany pre-holocaust, compared to the number of "holocaust" survivors, and to the increased number of jews in Madagascar and Israel after the war...
Dude, I also was referring to this
Does Jewish law permit torture of anti-semites?
Fuck off kike.
It's always weirded me out that he supposedly missed so many German Jews in the genocide. I mean, okay, there are millions in Poland and the Wehrmacht just rolled in there out of the blue one day, I get how you might have failed to exterminate a bunch of them. But if you're engineering a German genocide, you'd probably be able to get everybody who was living in Germany during the seven years of Nazi rule before the war even started, right?
Anyway, I'm glad your grandma survived the intermural soccer games and recreational swimming pools, I'm sure it was a catastrophe.
Real. You guys have never read it i suppose. Very sad!
I would fight for no one but my family and yes I'd consider myself German aslong as other Germans do aswell.
No, because i believe in individual responsibility, so I don't give a fuck about others, who are not in my direct family.
Not sure, but definitely could be. Just because you are a jew doesn't mean you can't be antisemitic. But I find those laws appalling anyways.
Don't know but could be in the realm of possibility in a war I'd think.
>Just because you are a jew doesn't mean you can't be antisemitic.
sure, but what would the german court decide it would be a great shitshow in my eyes, if it happens one day.