>Criticizing Islam isn't racist because it's an ideology, not a race
Anyone else tired of hearing that argument? Islam is clearly an ethnocentric ideology and the conflict in Europe is a power struggle between ethnic groups, not ideologies. Islam is merely the ideological fuel of one ethnic group, or rather the umbrella that unites several ethnic groups that would be disjunct under normal circumstances.
What's the best argument to convince people who believe it is primarily an ideological conflict? I've been citing the USA as an example for a country which is heavily divided among racial lines even though blacks, latinos and whites share the same religion and (roughly) the same culture.
Muh racism, people is very stupid. Brainwash is so deep they believe racism is bad.
Jason Sanchez
You could hate Muslims but not people from the middle East. The disdain has nothing to do with their skin color or ethnicity, but the beliefs they choose to hold. Hating a Muslim regardless of ethnicity is not racist, just as hating a klansmen is not racist against whites
Eli Hughes
It's like right-wingers think leftists will suddenly like them if they can just convince them they're ideologically opposed to the foreign invasion, not because it's racial. Fucking idiotic.
Gabriel Scott
Islam is an ideology that is not tied to race. There are plenty of people who are not from the Middle East who are Muslim through Northern Africa, the USA (the black supremacy group known as Nation of Islam) and a large part of Indonesia. You are the one tying Islam to one's race which, funnily enough, actually makes you the racist.
So, having established that islam is indeed an ideology, is it subject to scrutiny in the same way that Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Scientology and Pastafarianism are.
Jaxon Cook
>South-East Asian muslims >Bosnian muslims >Western European muslims >Black muslims
Asher Ross
I hate sunnis, no problem with Shiites since they're the ones pushing ISIS' shit in.
So yeah I hate the ideology, not the race.
Owen Fisher
don't forget the white as fuck Chechens
Levi Lewis
So you're saying that I, as a white western European, can just join the Islam and be accepted as an equal? Even if Arabs and Turks become the dominant ethnic group in Germany?
Jose James
Curious, if a US city was to be taken over by migrants, say somewhere like Austin Texas - what would happen?
Would the citizens take up arms and force out the migrants? Would there be a mini civil war within the city between armed patriots and law enforcement? How would this unravel?
Camden Gutierrez
Does that mean you're fine with non-white immigration as long as the immigrants aren't muslim?
As an American your guess is probably better than mine, but I'd think the city would just be abandoned.
Connor Murphy
Pretty much all tribes are uniform in their belief systems. It has everything to do with ethnocentrism. Their different cultures are their proxy-ethnos, which probably does have genetic basis anyway. Every tribe needs something to fight for. It's like why it's nice to have sex, because it feels nice, but did you know the real purpose was for procreation? People want to have a reason to fight, but why is there that hook that lets us in? >Muh culture >Muh ideals It's not the core of the issue though.
Julian Morris
I'm saying that if you were to take up Islam as your one and only faith that you would be subject to as much scrutiny for your beliefs as the Arabs and Turks. There's still plenty of infighting in Islam, look at the Sunnis and Shi'ites.
Interestingly, if you're a redhead you're something like 4 or 5 times more likely to become radicalised by Islam than someone without red hair. Apparently the imams go after them since filthy rangas are typically ostracised (and rightly so) so it's not uncommon it certain places to see an imam being followed by a harem of them. They normally look for a place to belong and the mosque often gives them that chance. Doesn't really have anything to do with your question but it's something I found interesting.
Levi Stewart
Who cares? The only good muslim is a dead one
Gavin Ross
As long as it's kept to a minimum and aren't allowed to form shitty ghettos.
Never had a problem with the chinese for example, great chip shops and they don't drive vans into people.
Nolan Perry
What if we targeted Arabs instead of Muslims?
So instead of attacking a religion, we attack a race of brown people instead? We're good at that.
Connor Carter
nativism will always win, it's human nature! That's why nationalism work, and EU imperialism won't. It's why the union which force people into submission and death will eventually fail.
And it's why you don't identify with all of the groups of people in your comment.
Eli Morgan
It's always a problem if you seek approval of your opposition. If you need to plow a new path you probably have to do it yourself, it's always like that. Just reframe racism as something positive would be the goto strategy desu
Caleb Williams
>There's still plenty of infighting in Islam, look at the Sunnis and Shi'ites.
The infighting primarily seems to take place in their own countries, not in the countries they're trying to conquer though.
>Interestingly, if you're a redhead you're something like 4 or 5 times more likely to become radicalised by Islam than someone without red hair.
It really is interesting. There's a famous German muslim convert called Pierry Vogel who is also a redhead. In my opinion these Western converts are useful idiots, nothing more. They'll be disposed of after Islam establishes dominance, similar to the useful idiots of communism.
Christopher Taylor
Race, ethnicity or religion, the problem is primitive violent mindset.
Anyone who says something like that is taking a defensive posture. Nobody ACTUALLY believes that anti-Islam positions are race neutral.
Elijah Garcia
My point is that foreign ethnic groups will inevitably form parallel societies with or without a shared ideology like Islam if the original population doesn't protect its own ethnic dominance via strict immigration laws, that also applies to Chinese.
Yes, Identitarianism is the way to go in my opinion. Repackages "racist" ideas (ethnic ingroup solidarity) very efficiently. I just hope the Identitarian Movement won't be subverted by civic nationalists who want to get rid of the genetic aspect.
Brayden Smith
>The infighting primarily seems to take place in their own countries, not in the countries they're trying to conquer though.
Being Muslim definitely doesn't stop someone from being racist. In fact, i'd say it's part of the deal. A person who is Muslim will still have their own racial preferences like anyone else (whether they admit it or not) You can have a Christian Turk, but if you hate Turks, you're probably going to hate him anyway, same as you can be a white Muslim and someone of Turkish descent may still hate you on the basis of your skin color. If they only really care about your religion then yes, you would be accepted. The point you originally tried to make is that Islam is always tied to race; it isn't.