Would you impregnate a jew, Sup Forums?
Would you impregnate a jew, Sup Forums?
actually, I have a fetish for jewish women, also weird looking somehow sexy girls
and well...
... consider pic related
Multiple times
Thats the plan.
>... consider pic related
fuck off with your fake bribes, netenyahu.
you lying jew.
you don't even let those you bribe in politics keep the money you give them without killing them and taking it all back from them.
I'm amazed, frankly, at how many of our politicians still believe you when you tell them that you will let them live and keep their bribe money.
Of course
Without a doubt. Jew women are the best women from a purely physical standpoint.
>Nobody posting best jewess
They dont want your semite schmetzel they want big gentile cock
In a heartbeat, kids would be smarter and have access to jew nepotism.
Is that the chick from the at&t commercials?
That's a terrible picture of her, but goddamn was Cuddy hot as hell.
Oh OK thanks ;)
damn who's this user?
Who is this senapi? Fuck me that is amazing.
Gal Gadot
>not knowing Batgirl
>Gal Gadot
thanks friend. She's too tall for a manlet like me, but were the same size laying down right
alison brie is better