You can only post here if you haven't had a muslim terror attack in your country in a long time
You can only post here if you haven't had a muslim terror attack in your country in a long time
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck usa
irrelevant country reporting in
I guess if America counts then so do we
Reporting in.
Checking in
>in a long time
>long time
How about never?
its ok
australia never had a terrorist attack, only psychotic meth addicts who had been let out on bail 4000 times and decided to yell 'allahu akbar' on their latest meth rampage.
Wasn't orlando like last year?
based black kekistani reporting in
You had dumb burger
Peace truck virgin in
feels good goyim
Didn't we have that bus full of israeli attack?
define "a long time". For the UK a long time is like 3 weeks
I don't think we ever had one.
Can anybody confirm or deny?
Sup. 6 Montreal muzzies BTFO.
Leaf white supremacist terrorists support to pitiful bong white supremist terrorists.
Checking in
we have had no terror attacks, just aggravated disturbances caused by certain minority groups.
But that "infamous" guy from your ČSFD is really onto something... so remain vigilant
*superior to.
hate fucking phone fagging
"long time" looks like another case of Morbus Trump, ultra low memory span.
It's been over a year man
No one said anything about your country. You just assumed we were talking about you because you keep having terrorist attacks.
No that was a racist bigot white that hated fags. It had nothing to do with Islam.
This. No terror attacks in the UK.
Just a few PART and PARCEL.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Is 18 hours considered a long time?
hei guis
idk about the last attack in my country
I don't know anything about this. Can you give me a quick rundown?
sup cunts?
False flag my dude
0 muslims attacks in 13 billion years. We may be getting niggerfied, but at least we are noi the UK
The UK built an empire for hundreds of years then decided to give it to mohammed. Absolutely hilarious watching the downfall of the brits.
Please elect jezza! I want to see how far the mighty can fall1
Feels good man.
.tfw never had one
Think again
We only have workplace violence or lovers spats. No terrorists here. ;^)
Still waiting to get victim status to abuse
ok abdul
Not like we need on either.
Jews arent that bad i think we need to view them as white to be compeltely honest. Whats with all the jew hate anyway?
I think I win again.
Define long time
>6 montreal muzzies BTFO.
Care to elaborate? I live in pic-related. Probably the most peaceful place in Canada
non v4 may fuck right off
>we will destroy rome and the vatican we stronk warriorz xdddDd
uhmmm no sweetie, you won't.
We just had a Muslim terror attack, are you guys even trying?
Alexandre Bissonnette shot up a mosque in Montreal back in March. How can you be a leaf and not know about it?
oh shit you went full retard
PFuck off nigger
That was in Qc City tho
not a single one, ever
t. latin america
49 faggots and 1 dune coon
World champs for 207 years.
cartel does its job i guess
Cartels are profit motivated illegal businesses.
Terrorists are just fucking crazy
we had a couple of palestinians blowing up in Romeairports during the 60's but that was classified as left wing terrorism at the time.
Hola amigos.
Thank you, Trump.
Hmm... Latin America doesn't have any active soldiers or bombing campaigns in the middle east or mistreat sizeable Muslim communities...
... and they haven't had any terror attacks. Surely, a coincidence?
How about never?
I am actually enjoying it. There is never going to be an attack where I live and people are actually starting to wake up because of this.
Just regular terrorism.
still crazy in human shit happening over there
Ain't had a terrorist attack in my state ever. We exported the Fort Lauderdale shooter instead of letting him pull shit here
i think leafland counts right?
Oh sorry my mistake.
His new account, previous two were banned (you can only guess why)
Comfy third world
holii c:
1995 reporting in...
"""they weren't muslims""" so i can post here :^)
Hello dear burgers, last terror attack here : 4hours ago
No muslim attacks whatsoever, do i win something?
1994 reporting in
Lets take it one step forward : You may only post in this thread if your country has never had a terrorist attack to begin with.
Yep, everyone get out its my thread now.
None here.
Those horrible terrorists weren't real Muslims, because Islam teaches peace.
buenos dias my fellow goyims
>in a long time
no terrorists here :))))
would you look at those!
Hey there
its been a while
Hi guys
Dunno those fires seem pretty fucked up and location correct to me...