Other urls found in this thread:
Of course it's a bunch of niggers
this country has become fucking retarded
>be american get shot
You can tell by the large crowd it isn't good
Larping faggots like you will beg on your knees for the US to free Europe again.
"Become" isn't the right word.
I can defend myself, no need for Jamal and Carlos to "save and liberate" us. Worked out so well the last time..
2 many happenings fuck
>Seven people, including the shooter, were hospitalized with “non-life-threatening injuries.”
Absolutely nothing habbening/thread
>Myrtle Beach
Bikers or niggers?
>Be German
>Let entire country get raped by sand niggers
thanks for the input achmed
looks like the black dude was defending himself.
>be australian
>get defeat by a bird
>Be German
>Go to wave to someone and realize you don't know them
>hesitate too long with arm extended
>go to jail
>Started as a big brawl.
>Guy pulls out a gun and shoots people point blank
>Grazes a security guard in the leg and the guard jumps in a bush
>Guy keeps shooting people
>Goes to parking lot
>Jacks a car
take a wild guess
Police released this image of the suspects
Oh wow, I wonder if they're niggers.
*clicks link*
imagine my surprise when they are.
black on black violence doesn't exist!!!
The thing is when you try to make fun of Aussies you can only come up with jokes but things we can make fun of Germans for are actually happening for real.
Cuck My life
Cuck my life into pieces
This is my last cucksort
Cuckocation ... no spitting ... only swallowing
I love that Muslim cum
Cuckuocation out of sight
Should I cuck my self tonight
Ohh cause I'm cucking my self , Cucking my country
Black sons are fine cucking's alright
It's alright ...The T.V tells me I'm fine
And now I'm living in a cuck shed
While the black man sleeps in my wifes bed
I pay the morgauge and bills
But's it's all worth it...for the cuck thrills
Ohh cause I'm cucking my self , Cucking my country
Black sons are fine cucking's alright
It's alright ...The T.V tells me I'm fine
This isnt a happening. Niggers overrun Myrtle Beach every summer. White people no longer want to go there. It should be renamed Nigger Beach.
That isn't a "happening", it's a "chimpout". They only cross over when the chimpout affects other races. Newfag detected
fucking niggers
>it took this koala cuntfucker at least 15 minutes to upload his post on dial-up
>black people shooting black people
How do you read that?
race mixing isn't a thing in germany
Enjoy your intra-net soon cuck boy and careful don't spread hate speech or Merkel will send a swat team to your door.
I hate living in Myrtle Beach so much
Sweatpants of Peace, these guys could use some pancakes
>“I thought they were dancing. That’s why I started filming it
Triggered? :^)
>worked out so well last time
Maybe you can use that unfair trade deficit with Europe to pay back your fucking war debts.
Like turtle but with an M.
>Germany owned by Jews
>go to Dirty Don's for some oysters
>get freakish radio flyer wheel sized chewy boogers
>get shot
and they'll check your tv license why there there!
Muh er tull
If you're not getting your oysters from crab catchers or filets you're doing it wrong fampai
We pay our debts when we will get our land back
So who has actually been to MRYTLE BEACH?
Don't let chimps have guns
When will white people flee the US? The violence is shocking.
dat screaming.
You can tell the race by the sound of screaming
Best looking vagina ever
It was your land. Now it's ours.
oysters and fists flying everywhere.
Yep, second civil war when?
Theres happenings like 2-3 times a day now. Im getting concerned.
kek my thoughts as well
How is Myrtle Beach nowadays? I have the best memories of that place, I loved it so much and want to go back with my girl. My parents took my sister and I camping there every year for 2weeks, during the 90s. He would also tell us to stay away from black people because they are ''méchant''. First time seeing blacks, was wild!
surprise surprise its the negro again.....
Every year they have black biker week. They literally can't send enough cops. The town council has been begging the governor to send in the National Guard. 90% of the cities shooting deaths happen in that one week.
Absolutely disgusting. Avoid at all costs.
Go to North Myrtle. Less tourist. More rich people.
I worked there for a summer back in 98. Had a blast shagging the Southern grills. It was looking tired even back then so I cant imagine its got better.
if you guys don't know about myrtle beach it used to be a really nice place, my family used to vacation there every year. Now, it's a literal beach ghetto thanks to niggers; beach covered with trash, drugs everywhere, shootings every other day.
Picture of the suspect, samilious hydeson jr.
>According to Myrtle Beach Online, the shooting Hinson recorded was one of three that happened over the weekend in Myrtle Beach
Just blacks being blacks...nothing to see here, move along.
I'd never be in this situation because I'm not a complete dumb fuck but I can't blame this guy for chomping
if I got chased down by a pack of monstas and they started putting the boots too me I'd start shooting as well.
Really? I remember going to the dragon dungeon mini putt and the minotaur one. Broadway at the beach and that other place too...and the arcades. Shit was so cash
I was only 12 in 98. That's probably why I have such found memories. Pic is where we stayed, the ''travel park''
Juz kangz bein kangz iz all..
Last time I went was 9 years ago. It was on par with Ocean City, but from the looks of it, it closer to Wildwood now. How the mighty have fallen.
Last time I went was like 14+ years ago. It was fine because I was in the rich part. Lots of old rich people. It was a pleasant experience. I used to go all the time in the early 90s. I'm not racist/trying to be racist but I don't even remember seeing any non-whites back then
They were just participating in their great and diverse culture. Why are you being racist?
I was there last month. It was infested with trashy niggers, white trash, and the pilonidal cyst I've had for over a decade with no problems got infected so badly I had to go to the hospital. I think it sensed the filth and tried to kill me to save me from it. 0/10.
Nigger beach, avoid
New fag identified. Niggers destroy everything.
Nothing but expensive condos/hotels and washed-up beach bums working at nic-nac shops
The dindus are worst around the boardwalk and south of 6th ave. Anything north of the skywheel is whiter but N. Myrtle is much better these days sadly. Used to be a great place.
but its OK and never should be mentioned or collectively shamed because a white person didn't do it.
we used to stay on ocean blvd about 10 years ago and starting staying in garden city after it went downhill. We stopped going all together after one of the rental houses down the street got robbed by armed nogs. It makes me sad to see how quickly it went downhill. Lot's of good memories there.
Nigger/Myrtle beach are used interchangeably but sometimes people think you mean virginia beach when you say nigger beach
This thread breaks my heart, I was planning for a nostalgia trip next May to Myrtle Beach. I'm taking suggestions for a similar place
>cant swim
>doesnt go fishing
>just uses shorelines as a toilet and trash can
It should be illegal for niggers to be anywhere near shorelines.
Hilton head is a beautiful place. I've even considered moving there a few times.
it sounds like actual chimps chimping out in the background
This is not a happening.
This is just niggers doing what niggers do. Happens every day in every nig infested area.
This is why any self-respecting white man does not live with the nigs.
aka Peanut Arbuckle
koh samui Thailand
>entire country
>literally nothing has changed in my all white neighbourhood
>he will wait until the fire reaches his house before believing there is fire spreading nearby
Ultimate fucking retard
Is this what Myrtle Beach is like now? I remember going there as a kid and it being a decent vacation spot.
He just used self defense. I don't see a problem.
This happened yesterday or 2 days ago
Outer banks well north of wilmington are pretty comfy. Topsail and oak island are south of wilmington and are 90% white. Best shot at a nigger free trip is Ocracoke island because you have to take a ferry there and most niggers are afraid of them. Most of the island is undeveloped national seashore and you can have sections of beach all to yourself.
>niggers shoot each other
>this country has become retarded
>being this new
>never relax around niggers
Every fucking time
>tfw one of my co workers went to Myrtle Beach for the week
and you are in love of him or something? Why do you care?
>The two other shootings in Myrtle Beach over the weekend occurred Saturday afternoon.
Black neighborhoods do not belong in white countries.