Otto Warmbier Released - With brain damage

The 22 year old who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in a North Korean prison camp last year was returned home to Ohio due to "humanitarian reasons". He is in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" and scans show severe brain damage. It is believed he has been in a coma for as long as a year.

What does Sup Forums make of this?

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Gook handler got a bit rough with his cane most likely.

Actually it was noted by doctors that they found no notable evidence of him being beaten / physically abused.

>steal a fucking poster from best korea
>return as a vegetable
they don't fuck around

Is it a fucked up situation? Sure. But the guy's a retard who travelled to a country hostile to his own and engaged in retarded fuckery. He didn't deserve it, but he knew the danger.

He did a very stupid thing in a very fucked up country. I don't know what he expected. The only thing is maybe they fabricated it so they could hold him hostage.

Obama claims another victim

There isnt even any real proof it was him. His "confession" is clearly scripted. He's saying the United States convinced him to do it and it all sounds like something the North made him say. The only evidence is a video of it but it's just a dark figure where you can't see anything.

We know.

If he dies, do we nuke nk?

Perhaps they tried to brainwash him MK-ULTRA style, but being the retards they are, just failed and dissolved his brain.

What did autist mean by this?

His (Jewish) family was claiming that their Jewish son was tricked by a church who offered him $15,000 to steal a poster. Presumably if he was actually innocent they'd claim that instead as it would make him a more sympathetic character in the public eye.

If he's been a potato for around a year then shit they aren't going to find marks of abuse you cunt.

>he broke their rules so who cares if they ruined a college student's life and the life of their family lulz! now my problem xD

Part and parcel of visiting an Asian country.

>go to norkland and act like a fruit
>come back as a vegetable

i am 22 and i thought this guy was 30

Broken bones can be detected for years to decades after they occur, even if they're set properly, and I've never heard of a method of hitting someone that melts their brain.

He put his hand in the lion's mouth and got it bitten off. There is only so much I'm willing to empathize with retards.

>What does Sup Forums make of this?

Was he a spy? Part of the job.

If hes a civilians and the norks are responsible for his current condition then its pretty much like a murder

Who said anything about breaking bones? How about just cutting off oxygen supply?
The guy is young and dumb. I doubt you would want your countrymen turning their back on your over something so petty. Your apathy is a sign of how much of a cancer you are. Again, KYS.