Brit/pol/ -The Careersaver edition

>Transgender woman's inspiring journey(£147)

>teehee, don't hack off my hands silly boys! xD

>No self defense goy

>Kensington's Tory council had the money for sprinklers at Grenfell Tower, but spent it on cladding.

>The majority of people would back a referendum on the terms of the the UK's departure from the EU, a Survation poll found

>Mugabe to rule Rhodesia FOREVER (even after his death)

>Attempted stabbing outside army reserves

>Attempted attack on officer in london

>Car "deliberately hits" Paris police van

>White man van of peace name revealed as Darren Osboune

>Paris attack?

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder nonwhite aliens in Britain must be killed

Is there something new about Oval Station stabbing?


I'm worried about this 'day of rage' on Wednesday lads.
Is it all going to kick off?

>people actually pay for this heat annually for a week or two

must be beady anglo blood, cause my celt genes can't stand it

So everyone here excited for the inevitable GE 2017 2.0 coming in Autumn?

May is fumbling too hard, this DUP deal is paper-thin, and if she crumbles in a Tory party leadership contest, the party could go into civil war. Get the popcorn out lads.


>is it all going to kick off

of course!

Of course. This is the best era to watch politics

>every time someone from Britain does something good

>every time someone from Great Britain does something bad
OI HE WAS ACTUALLY FROM SCOTLAND/WALES/NORTHERN IRELAND (which we just decided to single out in this particular situation).

Fuck you Brits blaming everyone else for your problems.

I'm surprised it's taken this long tbqh


>tfw leaving the country tomorrow

When will you do yours, Brit/pol/?

>kills nobody
>my bit

What a gay.

Give at least one example of the latter, where we've pushed blame onto Wales/Scotland/NI

Don't come back traitor. You're ancestors are ashamed of you.

How to Bluepill yourself into thinking that Britain is not dead?

In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name.

His name is Darren Osbourne

His name is Darren Osbourne

Quote from Darren Osborne's neighbor posted by the Guardian.

What the fuck does she mean by this?

Where to lad?



Brit/pol/ FAQ since OP forgot it.

it's only alleged that he said that.
Alleged by the congregation of a mosque with ties to radical political islam.
Not beyond belief they fabricated the whole fucking thing.

mans 48 with a wife and 4 kids, good luck in prison matey. watch him convert to islam.

Top kek, who does this remind you of?

>Being this much of a degenerate

Hang the traitors first

>sherazi the white paki lover thinks that converting to islam makes her a different race

kek they actually slapped the car insurance advert on it.

Osborne, Tommy mair, Raoul moat

What is it with anglo spergs killing random people?


Leave.EU is pretty much fucking owned by Skippy now.

Have a (you) for posting my OC

>I get called batman

Any news on whether he was a drunk driver?

That's a comfy as fuck nige right there. I plan to frame a small pic of him and put him on the wall.

Haha made me giggle


You're all doing it right fucking now you imbecile.

>scores a big fat ZERO
> his bit

Ya I dont think so, try again you stupid fucking .....

ok brits are Limeys or Mongs
Irish are Micks
Scots are sheep shaggers

what the fuck do you call a Welshman to insult him ?

Thanks for the upvote mate.

>wanting integration

No thanks. They can remain separate from the rest of us until the day of the rope.

Welsh are sheep shaggers, Scots are sweaty socks.

Welshmen are sheep shaggers. I don't know where you got that Scottish meme from. Just call Scots chippy bastards.
Pic related is your average Welshman.

Who is this pretty boy?

Got back from work shortly ago, fuck I nearly melted. I was outside all day, god damn heat.

Wales is Anglo clay, we need one of those big flubber things loving over Wales as it looks concerned.

>every time someone from Great Britain does something bad
>OI HE WAS ACTUALLY FROM SCOTLAND/WALES/NORTHERN IRELAND (which we just decided to single out in this particular situation).

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are Britain dummy.

"fookin let me have 1 good night's rest lads" - Theresa May

The string of attacks is clearly taking a toll on her.

Has anyone here had a wank outside before? Would you recommend it?

>He's never been to Aberdeen
Sheep shagging is not confined to Wales.

Half English, half German. English side goes back to the Mayflower, German side migrated here 100 years ago

Can I be one of you?

If I was welsh I would be driven to murderous rage as well.


My fucking bananas went all mushy, fuck off sun

>Anglo clay
You mean it's Franco-Norman clay? Since your Norman and French ruling class did it all for you.

How? Nobody's done anything bad?

tuna cucumber sandwiches for dinner lads, too hot to have anything hot. What you lot having?


>race war soon

Can't wait lads.

Don't expect much news this or next week re: Brexit, it's going to be July when it gets exciting.



It's better than Anglos holding candle-lit vigils and singing gay pop songs.

Reading through all the anger and tears on Twitter from the left while listening to Burzum, who else /edgelord/ here?





Spinach and Ricotta pizza.

thank you

Raoul Moat unearthed an ANIMENONCE plot that goes all the way up to the top, he died fighting the ANIMENONCE menace and died a hero.


it seem to be mostly corbynistas pushing it on twitter
upper class students are too much of pussies to riots

EDL/tommy Robby have planned a march around parliment, if black bloc or antifa show shit could kick off and it probally bigger than the croydon demo so expect even more violence

No, it is English Celtic clay, seeing as we raped you good. Wales is of Anglo rape now, you are of rape.

Why would you want to be one of us?

t. vegan labour voter

What do you mean?

So what is Brit/pol/ doing to celebrate Independence Day?

It's not blame, it's praise and YTKD jokes

>blaming wales
were praising wales

The point is that you can't just accept that wrongdoers are simply British. You have to single them out by race/country of origin to make yourselves feel better.

It's the typical Anglo blame game.

Jackie Stewart though, I bet he's more British than he is Scottish according to Anglo logic because he did something good, right?

Batman is cool. What's her problem?

Nope, try again. Your Norman massas conquered South Wales (less successfully than they conquered all of England) and then your French massas conquered North Wales under Edouard Plantagenét, Roi d'Angleterre, with sheepshagger soldiers from South Wales.
You're Norman clay, seeing as the Normans essentially genocided a lot of you (what is Harrying of the North).

they should of put a van rental advert

We know the police in London are at critical point - now they're being deployed to babysit every single mosque in London after 1 (ONE) attack - so a bunch of niggers and the occasional pozzed Guardian writer holding up some Socialist Worker signs is the last thing the Met needs.


I mean, can I be English? Can I consider England my homeland?

I don't think of where I live right now as anything other than hostile enemy territory. Where I live, I'm probably one of the very very few people that have my ethnic background. Most people here are Mexicans, Swedes, Asians, or some crazy mix (lot of jews too)


Loads of fucking sirens near me boys. Edgware road area... lots of fucking muslims up here

>Bumped a thread that was at page 10 that wasn't at bump limit.
>It stayed there and archived, even with multiple posts appearing after it.
Is there shadow-auto-saging going on?

I think we should revive the £350 million NHS bus and drive it around London to annoy the Europhiles

Thomas Mail

>From Kilmarnock

if you can trace 50% of your family to a single boat your a bit inbred

>Not Anglo-Saxon
There's a reason Edward chose William as his heir you Muppet

The eternal taffy strikes again