Finsbury Park mosque terror: Theresa May says attack justifies her plan to crackdown on internet use
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What if we archive it
Who gives a shit? You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide. I'm all for it if it stops terrorist attacks and pedos.
in what way is internet related to this
this is such a fucking conspiracy
its not like the attacker planned this in an organised way with some other groups through the internet
just some retard who was angry and taking revenge from the previous muzzie attacks in uk
Ok who voted for this cunt rag?
Shit is retarded. What attacks have used the internet to carry out their attacks?
Allah, the mosque attacked yesterday was known for extremists. Will they ban mosques next?
no more degenerate porn, no more piracy either
golly it will be a terrible time to be a virgin neet, no wonder this board is so scared
What the fuck are you talking about?
GCHQ surveills everything you do already.
Sad thing is 1. She got voted in after telling everyome her internet plans.
2. Any excuse would have done
3. When has any interner crackdown stopped terrorism. So really....whats the real reason behind it
I think she'd be better off draining the GHCQ swamp if they couldn't figure this out.
This. Did she bother to explain how it's in any way related to the internet??
Got "network error" on link Norgebro
if you let them, you deserve it.
they brought muslims here so they could use them as an excuse
fight back or be a slave.
Someone needs to skin this bitch alive.
I've been thinking it over brits and I've come to the conclusion that the best bet would be the following:
1. Secure a suitable replacement who could manage a brexit
2. Agitate the Tories to get her kicked out sooner than later
Regardless of outcome, I think it's time to put up some more pressure.
"Those plans include launching a massive crackdown on internet security so messages on apps such as WhatsApp can be accessed more easily by authorities, and censorship of what can be published online."
how is the internet related to this, he probably just got fed up over the constant attacks and thought "I wanna fucking kill these guys"
And he did
Daily reminder that Sup Forums spent months shilling for Theresa May
Traitors will hang first
>Who gives a shit? You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide. I'm all for it if it stops terrorist attacks and pedos.
This level of delusion, this is not stop criminals but to control the common folk. I really hope she does this, and then there won't be any more brits here in Sup Forums
Well It was choice between Lady 1984 or Comrade Corbyn
>You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide
>Until you're arrested for wrongthink.
>mfw there are STILL drones in Brit/pol/ who will defend this whore cuntbag even after she has said this
Is there a more cuckd general than Brit/pol/?
The unfortunate thing is it was either authoritarian May or Commie Corbyn
A police state sucks, but it's still better than a communist state.
>english "people"
They want to crack down on all the people questioning their agenda on social media
>GCHQ surveills everything you do already.
I believe what the government is after ability to put people into prison for their opinions.
My government passed a law last year allowing you to be sentenced to prison for partaking in a "organized hate group" for up to 4 years.
Given the alternative was Comrade Corbyn, UK made the less shit choice keeping the Tories in power.
>It stops pedos
You sure about that boy?
>the attacker
There were 3 people in the van user
>Daily reminder that Sup Forums spent months shilling for Theresa May
Because the other viable choice was a fucking commie.
Corbyn would have redpilled a lot of people on communism and socialism
He also has a spine
He was 1000% the better choice
Just like Fillon was better than everyone else who ran
Tories are worse since labor doesn't take away your rights they only make new laws
Theresa May is the only strong leader we have left. Corbyn is too weak to run a country.
Fucking Muslim Nazi bitch
Theresa May's genetics are amongst the worst in human history. It's the same truth with the British Royals, the Rothschilds and the rest of the British gargoyle sub-race.
These subhumans are a ghastly abomination and it's despicable to think they even exist.
Yeas such a leader indeed
>justifies her plan to crackdown on internet use
Of course, anything that happens ever would be evidence that the elites are right. Just look at how the talking points on immigration just morph around. The solution to every problem is more immigration, the reasoning changes because it's really irrelevant.
There are jihadi mosques they refuse to close down despite knowing about them. There are open forums people report over and over, they refuse to do anything about it. They get direct warnings from relatives.. and refuse to do anything about it.
But just trust the government goy, if you give them complete control you'll be safe from terrorism. Just like giving them more control solved the terrorism issue the last time. And the time before that. And so on.
The solution is always more spying, more government control. Not because it works. The reasoning never matters. Only the end goal.
>Imying commie labour wouldn't take away rights.
Corby literally said he wanted to seize people's property to house those who lost their apartment in the fire last week.
Fuck off commie sympathizer
False flag?
>Only threw an election to increase her majority and ended up losing seats
She's fucking useless. Literally the worst PM since Anthony Eden.
Blair is the worst PM we've ever had. Theresa May is not a war criminal.
That's not taking your rights away though, he would be passing laws that allow them to do that
Tories just outright make things illegal and or get rid of rights defined in the legal system
>Commie sympathizer
I sympathize with anyone that has a pair and will tell you the truth to your face instead of stabbing you in the back while it reams your asshole
Everyone in bongistan is more or less commie so the idea of choosing a side that isn't Britian first guarantees you support a communist
>Theresa May is not a war criminal.
>Mum voted Labour all her life
>Never once voted for anyone else
>Says she liked Blair
>On this election she votes for May
It's like she's purposefully choosing the wrong choice, everytime.
>A police state sucks, but it's still better than a communist state.
Same difference.
without a doubt
Seems like communications will be an issue during the coming race war. Sad!
So will the British still be able to visit and shitpost on Sup Forums? We know it's only a matter of time.
You won't be able to post here anymore. Enjoy your sterilized internet of Faceberg and BBC News. Those will be the only two sites you're allowed to use.
Do they even have the power or votes? I'd hope Muslims feel this is an attack against them.
>That's not taking your rights away though
>Seizing your property without your consent isn't taking away your rights
Fucking moron.
>I sympathize with anyone that has a pair and will tell you the truth to your face instead of stabbing you in the back while it reams your asshole
So you're ok with communism if they're honest about it?
Theresa May has all the power. Corbyn has none.
I for one can't wait for the retarded bongshitters to be locked behind the censor wall. Worst most butthurt posters after ironic leafs badly imitating australians.
EU is trying to shut us down too
>Encourages members of national and regional parliaments and political leaders to systematically and publicly condemn anti-Semitic statements and to engage in counter- speech and alternative narratives, and to set up cross-party parliamentary groups against anti-Semitism so as to strengthen the fight across the political spectrum;
>Stresses the important role of civil society organisations and education in preventing and combating all forms of hatred and intolerance, and calls for increasing financial support;
>Calls on the Member States to encourage the media to promote respect for all faiths and appreciation of diversity, as well as training for journalists concerning all forms of anti-Semitism, in order to address possible bias;
>Calls on those Member States where there has as yet been no invocation of motives based on race, national or ethnic origin or religion or belief as constituting an aggravating factor in a criminal offence to remedy this as quickly as possible, and to act to have the Council Framework Decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law fully and properly implemented and enforced, so as to ensure that anti-Semitic acts are prosecuted by the Member States’ authorities in the online as well as in the offline environment;
and people thought she was going to censor muslims.
you know you are in a war when communications are disrupted.
We'll all be arrested for being on Sup Forums
>mfw all those pasty white anglo NEETS becoming fuckbois of strong black Jamals about whom they used to make fun on the internetz
That's why there will be outrage though, Muslims will thinks it's just aimed at them.
>the left fucking creaming themselves because the guy was white
I'm calling it. they will only censor white people. Just like all other hate speech laws.
>just got BTFO in what should have been an easy election
>had to crawl on her knees to the Irish to stay in power
Fucking cuckservatives, she's going to put labour back in power at some point.
It's to stop people saying mean things about muslims and islam- by force if necessary
Labour is unelectable. May didn't even campaign and she destroyed Labou.
>5th fire victim named as khadija khalloufi
the fucking state of London
She wanted to do it long ago, she was going to do it no matter what.
That's what I love about May. She sticks to her guns and she never backs down.
How the fuck is this a terrorist attack.Easily an isolated incident.
How can part and parcel be a justification?
To have an internet that is wholesome and protects the public good and prevents harmful foreign ideologies that lead to counter revolutionary revolutionaries.
Because obviously we aren't entirely stupid enough yet.
t. GCHQ stock holder
>You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide
the sad part is that probably most of the people living in your police state agree with that statement
Its not a secret
They want to censor facebook/twitter because they are getting decimated by meme posters.
That's Joanna lumley mate, i'd knock the dust off that.
its part and parcel living in a 1984 britain
Blair could have redeemed himself
If only he chose to accept the deaths he directly caused following american lies rather than run away with millions of dollars and do paid shilling for the EU
So the Police State has begun
the comrade was the right choice
he was hated by Obama and all the mainstream leftists too
she campaigned and voted against Brexit in 2016
So they were using the internet to conspire while in the van?
Why not just ban speaking?
>Muslims will thinks it's just aimed at them.
This angle should be memed hard.
Just imagine Sup Forums without the fucking brits
Its like a dream
Are you really so dumb that you think the elite would ever pass Corbyn's laws?
>the elite will create a law that will confiscate THEIR property
>the elite will create a law that cracks down on free thinking
Which of the two sounds more likely to you?
Corbyn talks a lot, but would achieve nothing.
She possessed?
>she is weak
>she is a corrupt, lying opportunist
>her political goals are retarded and orwellian
>it's questionable if she has a tripple digit IQ
But at least she guts!!!! BASED MOMMY!!!!!
They'll use any pushback to justify police state policies.
They'll use the inevitable chaos to justify the EU army mobilizing on their own countries.
Britbongs are still a step or two behind and playing deeper into the spiderweb trap.
How does one get out of spiderweb when struggling only gets you more caught up in it?
These globalist fags are pretty smart, senpai. How does one think their way out of this catch-22?
alright, she's a jewish plant.
and I suspect she's related to merckel, and not even british.
Censorship is part and parcel of living in a police state that exists to allow Islamic terrorism.
Honestly you shouldn't care. You'll end up on a list which means nothing, just ask the Muslims. They get surveilled and still the government does nothing to stop them.
Too many tripfags there too.
Jesus's Christ. What a terrifying future we have ahead of us. We need to let this collapse NOW, before it's too late any European nation to survive and not just become another exploited continent full of Brown people...
Women should not be allowed in politics.
One muzzie gets killed, "time to ban the internet". Yeah because the internet is the reason people dont like muslims, it has nothing to do with all the people they keep killing.
(((She's))) just following the (((script)))
which was drafted decades ago
like the (((US))) aggression in the mid east
to create migrant flooding of Europe