Deluded Burgers

>inb4 "muh freedom"
Burgers are not able to provide one good reason why owning an m16 or any other military arms is reasonable.
Pistols are entirely sufficient for self defense and anything else just contributes to mass shootings

Other urls found in this thread:

Yankee Spotted

Hunting, Sport, Recreational, Home Defense, Militia Duty and acting as a deterrent against foreign invaders or home born tyrants.


It's so I can shoot commie motherfuckers like you when the race war comes.


This is for hunting, not some semi-automatic 60 shot room clearer. America never had a problem with home-born tyrants, it's been a democracy since the declaration of independence.

"mass shootings" are the litmus test for goyim retardation. the fact that white people fall for this shit proves that none of you deserve rights.

The Constitution is the only reason that one needs to cite.

There will be 1 post by this ID.
So this pistol is cool then?

Burger brainwaves flatlining. They prove my point.


First off, your not American so fuck off
Second, the Constitution is to defend against a tyrannical government

>This is for hunting, not some semi-automatic 60 shot room clearer.
An AR-15 or AK platform rifle is equally competent at hunting as a bolt action. Also there is stuff like pest control which require a high volume of fire and ammo capacity. Stuff like boar population control sometimes requires a gun short of an LMG.

>America never had a problem with home-born tyrants, it's been a democracy since the declaration of independence.
And the right or at least ability to bear military grade arms has been a part of American since it's creation.

Also you have said nothing about all my other points.

>ARs and AKs are just as competent at hunting
If you want to riddle an animal with bullet holes, yes. You can also put it down with a much more appropriate rifle that also doesn't double as a military weapon.

Arms never had to be used to protect the state.

We live in a police state and are surrounded by a armed government
The police are rolling fucking tanks down our streets

My guns are for resisting the tyrant

Yeah, there's a reason for that.

History always repeats itself, and the founding fathers wanted to create a document that would be prevent a lot of the issues that destroyed countries in the past.

One being the dissolving of a political party through a dictator or king, and the oppression of the people through military might. If the people are armed, they can defend themselves and preserve both the freedom of the country and the constitution itself.

Shall not be infringed is the only thing they'll ever need ya fucking shitcunt.

>the american government exists

QED faggot

>wipes out hideout
> and my local guerrilla community will be able to withstand against the military might of the government


>imblying that most people who serve aren't also right wingers.
>Imblying pilots and infantrymen would fire upon their own citizens

>military killing it the people that their supposed to protect
Cant wait to get liberated by some other country

>Implying the military are a bunch of mindless drones that will happily kill citizens

That only happens in Communist societies

Come and get 'em then faggot

Be MotherFUCKing Infringed.

>using an intermediate cartridge for hunting
Shoot yourself.

I'm fine with semiauto deer hunting and shit, but lets not pretend like 223 is a good round to do it, its cruelty to not use 308

God Bless.

200 people per year die to rifles
Only 100 or so are from "assault" rifles
10,000 people per year are killed by pistols
20,000 of the gun deaths are suicides

you're literally retarded, assault rifles have NOTHING to do with gun violence in america

you know what the cause of gun violence in america is?


You realise that the USA cannot be invaded and occupation ed by any foreign military force? Ever?
300million guns is more than even the armies of the globe combined could deal with.

Its Cruelty to take a shot that will not put the game down.
Shot placement is everything.
Or 308 if you cant shoot

Hearts and minds.

Implying that same jet and carrier wouldn't be used by the resistance to bomb the fuck out of the tyrants armies


Shall not be infringed. Stay mad you disgusting foreigners and libcucks.

>If you want to riddle an animal with bullet holes, yes.

That animal would be (((you))).

You have no point.

You're some yurocuck shilling a movement that died in the united states before you were born.

You are a sad and pathetic loser.

Why tf do you use the EU flag and care about US gun control, are you a californian in disguise?

What do you need 3 rifles for? Fucking lunatic

Pistols pose very little threat in this age to the noble class (politicians). Rifles however are still a very real threat and much more difficult to defend against.

This is why the push for rifle limitations is high, even though the threat to the general public from them is very low. The nobles don't care about the peasants killing each other, they worry about the one that can reach out and get them.

You can't give me a good reason NOT to own one faggot.

What do you NEED 1 for.
I have a bunch Because I can.
Probably over 50

>Stay mad you disgusting foreigners
I am not mad, this is beautiful.

>I should because I can
Going by this reasoning, you should go get assfucked by aids infested niggers.

What do you think a slingshot is going to do against an army of oppressing force?

>I don'know why the second amendment exist
>Let me be a smartass about something I know nothing about.
>EU flag

The rope is for you too.

I feel like it is the Opposite.
semi Auto Pistols pose the most threat.
Just cant get rid of them.
You can hide one easy and take someone out up close.

Winner winner chicken dinner! Now did you know that all major anti-gun legislation from 1968-present has been written or sponsored by Jews???

Look boys, a goy who has never seen feral hogs or south west US white tail.

You clearly know nothing about hunting if you assume every form of game is an elk or grizzly.

Even asking why I do or dont need an AR is a violation of the NAP

You'll do nothin, bitch

you do relise that wepons dont make a rmy or else arabs would win wars?

What do you think will happen once army takes the US? you go to the shop and buy ammo? spare parts?

It will be wako all over again everywhere and in the end the foreigner army still won by destroying the US industrial and intellectual capability´s.

Son, its not the 1900 anymore you dont go to other country's and keep them occupied.

Once a year or 5 you just drop by kill everything again and leave.

Your AR16 or what ever toy you got wont save you.

You lack cohesion, supply's, Intel, defensive structures in short the US is widely open like the 5 cent whore of a mom that brought you to the world.

Way to change my words FAG.
I can get assraped but i chose not to unlike you.
But everyone can make there own choices.
So best of luck to you getting assraped.
While i chose to shoot the nigger.


like vid related?

AHHAHAHAH your dead son one way or the other.

PAfag here. OP's a faget.

I am sure the goyim will continue working consuming and paying taxes after their neighbourhoods are subject to random drone strikes

Because i live in the woods i need high powered rifles for bears i dont need a semi automatic or automatic but it does increase the chance of me living my neighbor was killed by a bear he only got one shot off you could say well why dont you move but i could make the same arguments about you moving over something you dont like

But statistically handguns are used in way more crimes sempai

Concealment yields more kills than automatic fire, the first shot causes everyone to duck and scatter anyway.

>Your AR16 or what ever toy you got wont save you.
maybe not but not having one wouldn't save him either.
also you don't have less if he has a gun, typical eurocommie.


A well regulated militia, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
I am announcing the formation of a new militia.


Good reason:
Protecting myself from you and your oppresive ideologies.

You do realize there is smaller shit than a deer, stuff like wolves or foxes.

Also the AR platform comes in 7,62 as well.

Usually when some twit says someone doesn't need something then they probably need it....

I want the normal flags back, also kys.

Guessin youve never had a bear or wolves try to steal the deer you had just killed...or realized those same wolves have been tracking (You) the entire time

>oh they are trying to intimidate and oppress you
>just give up why bother

Ok Achmed, you can stop with the shareblue posting now.

Yea I kinda doubt OP has even been outside

Most hunting rifles are also semi auto.
And they also double as military weapons.

And during both the war of independence, 1812 as well as many other internal conflicts though albeit on a small scale militia, aka citizens with guns where present and made up most of the army.

You realize that siege cost the Feds 4 lives and probably $100s of millions of dollars

>Burgers are not able to provide one good reason why owning an m16 or any other military arms is reasonable.


Tyranny is defined by that which is legal for government and not the people. I should be allowed to own a tank, bazooka, fighter jet etc. Every gun law is an infringement!

.308 is a hunting round, so I can have my box-mag'd semi-auto m16-styled while you ban those piddly 5.56 NATO coyote killers

>oh no my illusion of control and self determination is in shambles

>s s s sharia b b blue p p p poster

Faggot wake up and see the light. Your shit and you cant do shit no matter what.
if the gov wants it will take it no matter what.

Wakko proves it.

To kill faggots like you seems good enough for me.

We need them to kill democrats and the UN.

>Burgers are not able to provide one good reason why owning an m16 or any other military arms is reasonable.
The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

It is. The right to bear arms was not meant in case the deer rebel against us. It was meant to protect us in the event that the government becomes tyrannical.

Most shootings involve handguns in the inner city. Basically gangbanger niggers shooting other gangbanger niggers with Hi-Point niggersqueezers.

Rifles account for a statistically small number of shooting deaths.

>Wakko proves it
>You see this small isolated community that nobody really liked is proof that the guberment can take all the guns.

M8 if the government can just take it explain why in Afghanistan or Iraq the US have failed to stop Islamic Insurrection?

you realize that the weapons and laws did int prevent shit and the guys are dead and all the feds had to do was pay worthless paper money.

the gov got what it wanted.

4 vs 80 dead. kek

Yea, they can take it if they want to, if they are willing to lose their men and spend loads of cash doing it.

Waco proves it.

>if the gov wants it will take it no matter what.
They had to shut down Boston looking for two retards with pressure cookers
If even just a few thousand people bugged out and started hitting soft targets the economy and the government's tax base would collapse within a month

Because gun ownership in America isn't about self defense, it's about safe guarding against tyranny.

Ban pistols

unban rifles

Problem solved

To defend against the government.

>4 vs 80 dead.

because Americans are more retarded and incompetent then sandniggers, sadly.

makes you think what some sandniggers with finical support intel and logistics from nations all around can do that dont want ameriniggers around them.

It's not called the Bill of Needs you faggot.

I need to protect myself from Tolerant Liberals because I'm white.



Just leave me the fuck alone and you'll never have to worry about my guns.

You've clearly never dealt with hogs before, you Eurocucks and CityCucks like to fantasize about the zombie apocalypse. Well guess what niggers, its already here and they go UWEEEEEEEEEEUWEEEEEEEEEEEUWEEEEEKRRRKRKR

That's the beauty of the constitution, we don't have to give you a reason because it's our right.

>So this pistol is cool then?

Looks fun to me

makes you think, what if the gov wanted it to happen in Boston.

It is about as reasonable as importing muslims, until that changes, neither should the gun laws.

The left was anti-handgun from the 20s into the 1980s. Check out the Brady Campaign's original name.

They changed to MUH assault weapons in the 1990s because Americans widely own handguns.

>because Americans are more retarded and incompetent then sandniggers, sadly.

USSR also failed to stop Islamic Insurection in Afghanistan.

And in Afghanistan you also have sectors controlled by the British Army, German Army, Polish and so on.

What's even more funny is that Sand Niggers themselves can't stop insurcetions, look at the Houthi rebelion and how Saudi Arabia can't do jack.

Wanted what to happen?