Demisexual means you only fugg people you are really connected too.
>inb4 gender theory is 100% bullshit
Demisexual means you only fugg people you are really connected too.
>inb4 gender theory is 100% bullshit
my queer twin is in a group chat with other queer people who all make fun of demi's because you're all retards
Get your gay shit out of my Sup Forums
Someday you'll progress beyond that.
Gender theory is bullshit, there's only one gender: the human gender
I came from reddit a few weeks ago. What do you mean by that?
>people you are really connected too.
what did he mean by this?
Gender theory is 100% bullshit.
>only fugg people you are really connected too.
I assure you 'Demisexual' is a made up term.
Caring about the person you have sex with is not an unusual, taboo lifestyle choice.
you dont get a flag, or a parade, or a day of acceptance. youre not different.
AnCap is the only true form of anarchism
Gender theory is 99% bullshit and 1% untested hypothesis
he means you want to fuck nige up the chippy
>"Hey, what's your name?"
>"OK Sarah, let's fuck."
No one cares about the use of you wiener. They have their own wieners to worry about without affixing a special-snowflake theory of sexuality to it. Bang whom thou willst; but do not bore thy neighbor with gender-theory short-stories about it.
They're just copying my flag
It's when you have a mix of severe self-worth issues and low testosterone.
No, it means you're fucking faggot. Don't invent new words for being bisexual scum.
I remember when it was called being normal.
Your flag sucks and country flags should be banned
you just added illuminati triangle to my flag
Accept refugees you fascist pig
So normal then? Fucking randomers isn't healthy.
>you only fugg people you are really connected too.
Since I am a virgin, I guess this technically applies?
What did you say?
We used that flag for centuries, you stole it from us!
Some people do not fugg strangers because they're losers.
That's not the case for everyone you know.
Uneducated poles...
>1831/1919 vs 1920/1993
I don't think so.
> people you are really connected too.
Incest is wrong, user.
ours was used as royal banner since 14th century. Anyway, I was just taking a piss out of you, who cares.
I honestly don't care either, but that doesn't change the fact I think you're a cunt
I'm the nicest person I know.
Nice argument