Trump's going to crash the econom-
Trump's going to crash the econom-
yes goyim... focus on the economy!
>giving a shit about sandniggers
Germanys economy is doing great as well, thats why german sheeps are still loving Merkel, because of the Euro they have total control over the european market, weaker and poorer countries like greece or spain cant devalue their currency to make their shitty economies more competetive, basically Germany lives off all the other Euro countries and controls them politcally as well, Juncker, Schulz and Merkel are the new fuhrers
If the neocons hadn't destabilized th middle east, there would be no immigration problem on such scale.
yet no one forced Europe to open its borders
also Trump is not a neo-con, he's a 4D chessmaster
You drooling /sg/ tards don't know how to win! Trump will teach you!
Trump is a fool who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.
>market is fine
>totally not going to burst soon
What's causing the bubble this time? Still property prices?
The Chinese user, the Chinese.
trump wont crash it, but jews will.
>yet no one forced Europe to open its borders
jews did.
and of course its jews that caused the middle east problem in the first place because they want all that shit desert land.
there are only so many smart people out there. The stock market represents the wealth they accumulate.
Without competition, the money just keeps piling up.
>implying stock market index has any relation to real economy
You should see how much Dow Jones has shot up during Obama's 8 years.
Trump got elected at stock market peak.
He has no upside, only downside.
This is bad.
Actually at the moment the US market is climbing legitimately. The promise of less regulation, and lower energy prices has restored confidence to an extent. As well as revised trade deals and tax cuts.
More importantly, there isn't a competitive economy anymore. The European economy has to look stable in the midst of all this migration and terrorism which is obviously not going to work. China is completely reliant on the US which gives us leverage on trade deals again.
The economy has been stifled by bad policy for years, and while we have a massive debt bubble from student loans and credit cards looming over it, I believe the overall impression by big money has been positive, which is why companies are starting to talk about moving over here.
>Trump got elected at stock market peak.
can you read the graph retard?
his election is what caused the massive bubble.
Kek When did he type that
There's a bunch of plates spinning: real estate, tech bubble, student loan debt, medical industry. Any major shift could cause a collapse across the board. If Trump keeps the military industry complex and zionism plates spinning, he can maybe hold it off until next year. Maybe. Gold and silver is already starting to dip in price. Not looking too good.
>trump caused bubble
looks like it started in 2010 dumbass
its been flat lining for years.
good try retard
You must be young. We've been in a bubble for close to 10 years. Trump is also causing climate change! What a monster!
once fracking dies down, and oil prices rise again, the market will suffer. but with fiat currency, it's difficult to figure out what that means.
What? He gave a little spike but it's been rising steadily since the crash of 2007.
>his election is what caused the massive bubble.
you look like the retard, buddy
Good for you goyim, you are going to have to pay the bills for all those precious boomers when they retire. We can't let anything happen to them now, can we?
>stock market goes up linearly right after the election
>not the cause
good try kike.
>bubbles flat line
good try kike
My brilliant kike uncle says the Dow will never go under 20k again
Could you imagine being this wrong?
No profits today
The effects of economic changes take months to manifest themselves in a trend like the one you posted. In other words, the upward trend you are identifying is a result of world policies set into motion months ago.
You are doing God's work user.
>What's causing the bubble this time?
Short squeeze of Trump haters. Market will go back down once they go bankrupt.
>worthless land
OC from today, am I autistic?
>tfw when you're not emptying you're portfolio
>must be a kike tricking goyim to buy into stock market
>Bombing piles of dust
Because everyone knows that the stock market is the economy.
so now we know you're 100% jew.
>tfw when
Alot of shit. Tech, Student Loans, and Retail
It was said the crash would happen when the Fed raises rates at his behest
it literally is you retard
Nov 8, Obama president
no bubble, market is relatively well valued atm
I think he means in a broader scale
If I understand it the stock market are public offerings, so doesn't show private business?
I could be entirely retarded though
And yet once Trump was elected the numbers skyrocketed. There's a fairly strong correlation.
Hmmmm, it's almost as if Obama was deliberately hampering our economy, makes me think...
To be fair the financial markets are probably one of the worst things to look at to get a situation of the economy. But I expect stocks to perform all right to good over Trump's presidency, even with the FED becoming a net seller.
I love you nordarchivanon
amerisharts are going to start post quality threa-
I just noticed the volume of trading more than doubled after Trump's election. What does that mean?
I am retarded in economics but I wanted to make sure this is true or not, some user please let me know:
Essentially the markets were rising with Obama in power but isn't it true that we hit the lowest point ever since the great depression and regardless of democrats or republicans in office, the market was going to go up gradually anyway?
People can not stop circle jerking to "OBAMA FIXED THE ECONOMY" if that's the case Trump made it x5 better, right?
Help me....
It's just paper
It's hope.
One paper money = four of coin if you put the mushroom on top ya dingus.
Bush left office bailing out banks and giving everyone like 200 bucks to spend immediately, Obama took office continuing it. America under ZOG control.
Tech + debt. Last week the question was "are we in a bubble?" Even asking that question caused the nasdaq to fucking die for a few days. Now it seems the market has said "no we are not keep buying stocks goy." We are in a bubble and its going to break hard.
hoping for what specifically?
Still waiting for Obamaleaf.
Hoping for increased productivity. The people pushing stock prices up believe Trump's hype. Now we'll see if their hope is well founded.
Look at the bottom of that chart. That's trading volume. There was a qualitative change, with volume nearly tripling and remaining steady since November.
Anyone know what that means?
had some cuck tell me that the growth was due to "left over Obama Policies"
that people holding stocks are fucked
It was going to happen either way goy
It was going to happen either way goyim
Any time some mongoloid calls the Dow Jones the "economy" I immediately know that you don't know jack shit about either....go back to playing video games
I like when greedy people talk shows you how shallow they are to be so greedy
It's political uncertainty combined with positive growth.
IF something major happens everything is fucked like never before
Has anyone seen this guy lately?
It was going to happen either way goys
Not at (((JP Morgan)))
So.....How much debt you Goys in?
fuck you nigger
quick question
is trump the first multi billionaire president america has ever had
The markets basically crested in 2016. Trump's election gave the markets justification to go higher with promises of deregulation, tax overhaul, and infrastructure spending. None of that will happen now. Price to earnings on the DJIA and SP500 are 17:1. Although not the highest they've ever been, markets will need further justification to stay at those sorts of valuations. Leading indicators like consumer spending, inventories, and new house starts are rapidly deteriorating. Let's way to see two more quarters of numbers but this seems to be an expansionary phase on the way to recession. Can't hold off the business cycle forever.
Possibly but we don't know his actual net worth so likely not multibillionaire
It will happen on September 23
No, but he is the first President in the WWE hall of fame.
None. Do you work at JP?
It's impossible to predict financial crises exactly so you are full of shit.
imagine being wrong about everything. then you are closer to understanding Krugman.