>i participate in "no fap"
You participate in your death if you do that.
>i participate in "no fap"
You participate in your death if you do that.
Fucking hell, leftists really are mentally deranged
go learn about how bacon and eggs became a generic breakfast you stupid jackass faggot
Barnays loves you stupid goy
>tfw trying to no fap
>always end up lasting a week
>this time I got to two weeks
>got on /gif/
>got the hardest boner ever
>jerked off to sissy thread
I recommend suicide
the problem is porn not fapping you gay losers. there's nothing wrong with cumming.
Can I watch a woman ejaculate?
fapped into a sock last night. felt great
good luck moralfags
it's piss
No porn > No fap
i'm in the same boat desu
are they implying that women have prostates?
>do no fap for a month
>heart now makes random stomach noises from time to time
porn has been scientifically proven to ruin your reward center
Fapping is natural; it's porn that is an abomination and should be outlawed.
Just give yourself a monstrous wank session every month and go on no fap from there. Blowing a load after a month to some good stuff is so satisfying and you always have something to look forward to.
right here
Get a woman faggots
Technically, they have.
>sissy thread
Cletus, get the rope.
It makes me wanna KMS tbqh.
only the women who have penises
This. If you really can't help yourself just stick to softcore stuff.
Outlawing things because people are retards who can not control themselves never works m8. The only thing you accomplish by criminalizing porn is creating more outlaws.
lol sorry but youre wrong, retard.
the fact that none of you even know what 'wet dreams' are proves that you are fucking doomed.
>heart now makes random stomach noises from time to time
see a doctor
This. Go get on okcupid/interpals or something and seduce some foreign QT to give you nudes and talk dirty to you.
Porn fucks with your head and at least this way you are actually simulating real life seduction/sex.
>and women
Women have period specifically to change their "eggs" and maintain health
are these people so stupid?
>And women...?
Women don't have prostates.
Fucking retard.
Nofap is to get rid of your porn addiction, most people can't help but do one thing without the other - so the best option is to not do either and perhaps shove in just masturbation after a month or so.
>Pedophilia should be legal because outlawing things because people are retards who can not control themselves never workes m8
Lolbertarians everyone
I'm also finding myself getting more and more turned on by the sissy threads on /gif/, not gay or anything. Maybe it's due to no fap too. Strange.
I haven't masturbated in 27 years and I typically have one or two wet dreams per month, how fucked am I?
Now you are just picking at straws statist nigger. If you are the only one hurting yourself I see no reason outlawing anything.
Start masturbating to our porn and emotionally numb yourself, so you don't get prostate cancer goy.
RIP in peace.
same but fap to anime trap doujins
Me too. I think its instinctual to be honest. My dick really throbs when I see that stuff. Thinking about is even getting the tip wet
>porn is bad
>here, go try some other kind of porn
nude pictures = porn
that's like trying telling a lactose intolerant person to drink 2% instead of whole milk
I'm good.... :D
>Create Porn
>Hurt millions of other people, and whole nations
This shouldn't be legal. I am not in favour of punishing porn watchers, no. I am not in favour of punishing drug addicts either. Punish the suppliers.
>and women?
well with no prostate I don't think it's an issue
Fapping should be done in a way that sex feels as good or better than fapping. The problem is when your hand is more skilled than a dumb whore.
Just my thought, why the hell would semen in the balls be carcinogenic. Makes absolutely no sense.
>to have a better brain, you need to exercise it
>to have a stronger heart, you need to exercise it
Seems reasonable.
>to have stronger muscles, you need to train
I know.
>to have a healthy prostate, you must use it
No fap logic.
Enlighten me.
Yeah, why not just shove a big cock into your ass to train your prostate while you're at it.
Ejaculate in your wife degenerate
neck yourself you massive faggot
I get laid over 21 times per month no fap needed
>checks flag
>checks out
No fap is bullshit. Masturbation is perfectly healthy. Viewing porn excessively isn't.
i agree. i had to learn that for myself though. nofap + serious workouts = extreme, bottled up rage all he fucking time
Adult men are meant to have permanent mates and be fucking them daily, it is bizarrely unnatural for anyone of reproductive age to actually be "single" or not be pursuing sex in some way on a daily basis.
cumming weakens your testosterone receptors for 3 days,
>Swedes think the only way to stimulate prostate is by having a big cock up their asses
Wet dreams are just unintentional masturbation. Your body is begging you for a release so badly that it has to use your dream state to get rid of the old degrading sperm that you've let rot inside your balls.
That said at least your body is working. If you didn't fap and didn't have wet dreams yet still had a working pair of testicles then you should be worried.
>europeans begging the government to take away their rights
well colour me surprised
i've done the yoga exercise of dick movement and it doesn't involve fapping you degenerate
>See flag
Not surprised.
The suppliers will find a way no matter what, just look at the war against drugs which will never end, just drain ressources. If people want to fuck up themselves, let them. The reason why they resort to such measures is probably because your country is shit in the first place and outlawing their only escapes is something only a bootlicker would do.
I rather see the whole country burn than look at how people get denied the right to wreck their own shit if they want to.
Nude pics are nothing compared to porn. Plus you cant just click a button to get it, you have to pursue someone. You think seeing the tits of some girl you're fucking is the same as porn too?
>that one retarded cunt asking about women
Women don't fucking have a prostate you stupid bitch
If you go long enough without fapping and watching porn, then eventually your brain will cease to think about it and it will become easier and easier to dominate those urges. Ita hard for the first few weeks. Also you are only making it harder for yourself by browsing porn threads. That in and of itself is just a roundabout way that your brain tries to fool you into jerking off. Resist the urge to "just browse", it is all part of the same problem. Also realize that watching porn is literally cucking yourself, if you have any self respect then the mere thought of such self humiliation should kill any urges you have. My personal record was only two months, then I succumbed to my weakness. Trying again now, currently less than a week in but going very strong.
>Portuguese being a massive faggot
Why am I not surprised?
yeah, in a way masturbation is like relieving pent up stress, feelings, etc.
after a while of refraining from it yesterday I decided I would do it but completely detached from any impure thoughts.
so I just beat it furiously while staring at the shower door. now I'm not feeling as horny as I was before.
nude pictures are literally porn
"printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings."
This is why I hate modern (((science)))^tm
Fucking spergs need to be crucified. Unironically.
I'm not the one who thinking that sticking a cock up ass is a good way to stimulate prostate.
These threads get me rock hard
Shower door fetish in 3 2 1....
Jerking off is fine, healthy.
Porn is the issue with nofap.
>tell me you know for a fact every porn you've never contained anyone underaged, even accidentally (you can't know for sure)
>tell me if that asian camehore isn't quite litterally a slave
>the gov't spys on you, what more personal information exists than your sexual preferences/perversions?
They laugh at us when we pretend to be outraged at sex slavery and pedogate when they know what you're constantly jerking off to.
The longer you go, the more fun it is to fail. So go extra long before you fail.
burn in hell homo
Everything is bad when done excessively, same applies to fapping. Be moderate, don't jerk off 2-3 times a day with porn binges for ages and you'll be fine.
However, if you're already so addicted that you can't escape that craving, best course of action for you is to go nofap/noporn. It's gonna take more tries, it's gonna take time but you can reset the damage.
It started like that with me now im watching full on gay bear fucking twinks porn
>i-it's just a fetish r-right?
Nude pictures take no effort kek. I've gotten nudes from tons of bitches I never fucked. Women give nudes out like candy these days.
what if you get attracted to shower doors?
There are more than enough Burgerflags supporting such sentiments here. It is surprising how many people are keen on sucking some governments dick on this site.
>dick movement
Do you play flute to charm your dick?
No shit. I have sex with my girlfriend at least once a day if not more. Fucking shitlibs
Fapping is bad. Kills you.
Fucking a woman or man in the ass doesnt.
Seeing a topless pic does not have the same level of negative impact on your reward system than clicking on a button to see a video of some huge titted teen getting ass fucked does.
Nudity is not a problem, porn isnt even a problem, its the TYPE of hardcore porn available today in such massive quantities and varieties that is bad.
>stop fapping
>literally feel my prostate become inflamed and slightly painful
>become mad as fuck and unable to sleep ever
Then again I take testosterone supplements which increase all of that too I guess
>>the gov't spys on you, what more personal information exists than your sexual preferences/perversions?
I am awaiting the blackmail. I jerk off to Asian milfs, it makes me feel quite degenerate.
yes because all those buddhist monks that have done this ...there whole lives... have ass cancer fuck off JEW.. go watch some bbc porn faggot
Women already have cervical cancer and breast cancer hugboxes, can't feminists give men just one cancer?
>scientifically proven
Source or gtfo faggot.
Why do you take t supplements? Low t or just abusing them?
What improvements have you seen from them? Was thinking about trying to get some from my doctor.
It just goes to show how fucked and broken our society has become.
Men and women are in equal quantity everywhere, yet there are so many single men and women, it is a serious sign of societal decay. Families are "too expensive" having kids is seen as something to do in your 30s despite the fact that women start producing retarded children in their 30s. Even if you have kids you can't raise them, they spend their days in public school while both parents work to (just barely) support them, often with help from welfare.
Go back 100 years and this shit never happened.
Super male vitality?
Men (masculine) are attracted to femininity. That's why you get aroused when you see a feminine, submissive male. It's your natural instinct to dominate the feminine, including through sex.
Bitches don't even have prostates, bitch in the op is just a typical stupid woman.
i need this redpill pl0x
haven't had sex in 5 days and i don't really feel like masturbating since porn got breddy boring.
my balls feel like they are in a vice, and now i don't even want to jerk it since i'm waiting for my gf to cum on her face and see if i'll cum buckets.
really fucking hurts tho