I find it so ironic how white nationalists love to call blacks non humans even though they are actually the only group of humans who are 100% homo sapient while every other race has Neanderthal and denisovan DNA from interbreeding. YOU are the ones that aren't humans.
I find it so ironic how white nationalists love to call blacks non humans even though they are actually the only group...
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So, humans are trash tier sentient beings.
Anyone with a drop of negroid or australoboriganal blood is literally not a human. Holocaust by the bio virus is in order
no, you
OP, stop being a fggot
Maybe the Neanderthals were the "real humans". They were just wiped out by climate change.
We define human in our image. The first group to understand and define humans were the neanderthal and denisovan mixes.
Whites came from aliens.
Niggers are the real "humans".
as long as you agree that we are different, it is all good
Humans are Homo sapiens. Blacks are 100 percent homo sapient while whites and Asians are only 96-98 percent homo sapien, the rest being Neanderthal or denisovan DNA
Blacks actually have tons of DNA from lower hominids. Ever heard the, "Africa has the most human biodiversity by far" meme?
It's because Africans were fucking pseudochimps and Australopithecus and whatever else their dicks would fit into.
Whites are chimps.
mankind started in europe and traveled south and encountered the great apes who raped the humans. the offspring were the first black people
Yeah sure thing cave boy, everyone knows modern homo sapient came from eastern africa
Niggers are subhuman.
maybe mixed homo sapien neanderthals are the real humans. maybe homo sapien is an outdated definition
We had an empire when you was still in caves.
No, blacks are Homo sapiens while whites are Homo sapiens sapiens. Fully evolved humans aren't pure Homo sapiens and never have been.
Blacks have 2% archaic admixture and Asians have the highest admixture with archaic races.
fake quote, but still true
neanderthal-homosapiens interbreed species > niggersapiens (scholars still argue if you can call subsaharan africans nigger sapien since they are not sentient beings)
>you was still
>when you get conquered by chimps
No that is wrong.
Who said I wanted to be human.
Wrong, blacks are Homo erectus.
She has had plastic surgery.
This is disinformation but I wouldn't expect anything less from a nazi
Whatever it is that makes white people, is what makes a human. If we were 5% fish, fish genetics would be a necessary component of humanity.
This is actually some great red pilling meme warfare. Get niggers to brag to everyone that they are lacking something that all the superior people have.
Shut the fuck up. Niggers mixed with homo erectus and homo nalendi (also gooks mixed with denisov human)
Niggers not pure hono sapiens
Wrong. Read the news lately?
>Out of Africa has been debunked.
Sorry, nigger user
Neanderthal = bigger brain cavity + advanced cultural practices when they encountered the backwards Sapiens.
The Homo Europaeus is the most evolved kind of human due to our hybrid vigor we get from an ancestral superior breed.
read the news burger. africa aint the home of humans.
Facebook is not good source of information.
>Go to a real college.
Proof? Because as far as I know homo erectus was too distant from Homo sapiens for us to interbreed. I've never heard anything about Africans interbreeding with homo erectus but I know we split off from them
Even if it was a white guy who coined the term homo sapien?
>True Humans are parasites that live in eternal squalor and suffering in pockets of their shit-hole continent, literally too stupid to search for somewhere better
>Disgusting monkey-spawn have dominated the planet and spread to every corner of it, built towering empires and consistently had to help their superior kin to achieve basic advancements like water purification
Yeah, I think I'm fine being a sub-human in that case.
Now imagine how much better she would look with red hair and green eyes that aren't chinky.
>hybrid vigor
can you polturds make up your minds?
Incorrect even modern native Egyptians share a scant 8% Sub African DNA markers.
>The influx of Sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years. This could be attributed to the trans-Saharan slave trade or just from regular, long distance trade between the two regions.
You have always been slaves even for the Egyptians.
Mixing can be beneficial, but if you add shit to anything then you just end up with more shit.
Human is our name for ourselves. Someone else doesn't get our name just because we found new information about our history.
Anything that has the genus name is human. Maybe you'd know that if you had superior broad shoulder thicc Neanderthal genes. Stupid nigger
Mixing with a superior breed is good.
Mixing with inferior ape-tier "humans" is bad
Do you understand?
nice fucking id
Thanks for clearing that up. Now it finally makes sense why niggers are so smart, and whites haven't designed or invented much of anything.
>They were just wiped out by climate change.
they caused climate change themselves with their destructive farming techniques.
they're the real niggers.
the race that had trouble inventing the wheel
How can we distinguish and separate different species like neanderthal and denisovan if they mixed with humans and had fertile offspring?
Doesn't that mean we're the same species?
>niggers are less evolved than chimps
No, Neanderthal and denisovan were our distant subhuman cousins. It's the same reason why wolves and dogs can interbreed
Neanderthal = masterrace.
Stay mad tyrone.
Turns out civilization and everything else we consider as human is actually neanderthal inventions. Go figure.
what is worng with neanderthal dna?
of course is the amerifat flag posting shit bc the only shit they learn in their motherfucking 999999 calories life is being stupid
fuck you motherfucking stupid thirld worlder american monkeys keep electing idiots like Obongo or dolan drumpf as presidant and keep getin cucked by da j00s
Everything else>shit>USA
Tell em whiteys, brother!
Wolves and dogs are the same species though.
Different subspecies. The species line is usually drawn when the organisms can't breed a fertile offspring.
So, whites are evolved Homo Sapiens?
Yeah, one thousand year difference sure does change slot fuckwit
They aren't 100% homo sapiens, East africans have minor neanderthals and others probably have unidentified archaic admixture
Both pictures are actually false, lol
>I find it so ironic how white nationalists love to call blacks non humans even though they are actually the only group of humans who are 100% homo sapient
Except humans are called homo sapiens sapiens and the definition was made white man.
So technically they're not human enough.
Neat that 100% homo sapient mixture really worked out well for them, that's why every single African country is 1st world and has such a good standard of living :^)
>what is worng with neanderthal dna?
Extremely low fitness with a shitload of deleterious mutations.
So what's the excuse nigs use to justify their great empires being toppled and them being enslaved?
I know most of it is made up and you're just fucking around, but what is the WE WUZ KANGZ excuse to going tribal after being powerful empire builders?
I don't think those 2 girls were the same people. Would you still believe it if I posted a literal horse next to a woman?
>Also noting even scientist refer to shit race as >Sub Africa, Sub Sahara, SUb SUb SUb
>Here's a participation trophy for no place
That's unrelated to neanderthal admixture. They have lower iq and are more agressive whic isn't a bad thing due to hot tropical climate. Euroepans might be more beta due to neanderthal admixture who were less agressive and the autism gene is from neanderthals but mongoloids have 2x neanderthal yet have higher prevelance of warrior genes than europeans(almost as high as niggers)
jesus christ look at the dick on that midget caveman. it's the width of a bus.
Neanderthals were more intelligent and developed than modern blacks.
Less aggressive, we quite literally split the atom and vaporized about 226,000 japs that was after fighting one of the most brutal wars to ever happen. Don't mistake apathy for others as weakness
>be neanderthal
>have peaceful, civilized society
>so advanced in tune with nature that everything we make is biodegradable
>suddenly, the shadow monkeys start marching north
>we're really peaceful and cooperative so we don't want to fight them
>subdue them and allow them to immigrate to our land in order to learn
>they breed like rats
>start riots
>lots of my kind dies
>the remnants of my species, builds pyramids, temples, the city of Atlantis, just so that whoever comes past us can see that we were here
>whatever's left of us ends up breeding with the shadow monkeys
>some half breeds are smarter, they kept our intelligence
>get news from Asia. Our Denisova cousins have been wiped out too. Thankfully they've trained some of the half breeds well
>we do the same. Make a half-decent civilization
>hopefully, they'll learn from our mistakes and avoid destroying themselves
Skip to 2017.
Why is the neanderthal circumcised?
>were more intelligent and developed than modern blacks.
No. Neanderthals are extinct negroids aren't.
The Jew was, is, and always will be.
>how white nationalists love to call blacks non humans even though they are actually the only group
I'm not sure, but I think you just said whites are the only 100% homo sapient.
Both homosapiens and neanderthals evolved in Europe. That's the most recent science. All humans but blacks have some neanderthal. Black's are a little less human than every other race.
>Less aggressive, we quite literally split the atom and vaporized
That's didn't require aggression, just some research.
Neanderthal like features here, can confirm. BBC is a meme originating from Jewish slave trade, dark girls can't get enough of BIG NEOLITHIC CHODE
Imagine how good she would look with two white parents.
Just look at your average European male and compare them to Muslim and black males. The blacks and Muslims are waaaay more aggressive and alpha
>Both homosapiens and neanderthals evolved in Europe.
Very unlikely. Only some dubious chinese scientists are pushing regional theories but they actually often imply that humans evolved in china.
Conveniently missed out the part where we killed all those Japs , pic related
Maybe ,not me though bunch of pakis tried to rob me and my mate once and we beat the shit out of them
Yes and middle easterners have much less neanderhal due to higher basal eurasian and ssa admixtures.
It's the most recent shit. Of course what we consider the African climate continued into southern Europe at the time, apparently.
They found some skeletons in Romania or something.
>Maybe ,not me though bunch of pakis tried to rob me and my mate once and we beat the shit out of them
That's you being physically stronger than those pakis in question them not necessarily more aggressive. Pakis however have high both neanderthal and denisivan admixtues.
But you are literally wrong. Whites are born from breeding with Neanderthals yes, but blacks were born from interbreeding with homo erectus, a far more primitive species that unlike neanderthals, actually seem to be less intelligent than full humans.
Learn your shit user
Dropping a bomb from a plane doesn't require aggression.
Africans are clearly basal to eurasians genetically wich means that even if umans evolved in Europe they mived to Africa and then back to Europe.