

Since taking power in November what have the Republicans done that is tyrannical? They haven't done shit actually.

it can be perceived as tyrannical, building a wall shilling for Russia and forcefully deporting people can be perceived as tyrannical

How is it ironic? That's exactly what it's intended for

>shilling for Russia
They're shilling for war AGAINST Russia. Do you live under a rock or are you just a trumpfag?

I'm just saying that leftists in their paradigm have a valid casus belli to kill republicans

I like Rand Paul but that argument is stupid. As if some trailer park trash with a rifle could stop a tyrannical gov.

>having a moronic government is basically the same as having a tyrannical government


>I'm just saying that leftists in their paradigm have a valid casus belli to kill republicans
>in their paradigm

... you know, the leaf shitposting is getting worrisome on-point. Almost as if they know the best shitposts are true ones, just presented with a tone that implies an attitude towards said truth that's the opposite of the attitudes held by the burgers they're looking to troll.

Is it possible that the leafs know exactly how fucked things are, and the shitposting is just their way of laughing, because if they don't laugh, they're going to scream?

it's tyranical because it's hated by 95% of medias and only the people wanted them in power


Your misconception of gun owners isn't surprising. The conservative community comprises of knowledgble and responsible individuals, lead by veterans mostly. A resistance effort can and would be more than feasible if orchestrated properly.

Based Rand was missed sadly.

Out of all the people to question it when you have IRA and many Irish men become mercenaries.

Rethuglicans want:
>to break up millions of families
>destroy the relationship between the US and allies
>deny muslim american citizens basic human rights and bar them from entering the country
>leave millions of people without healthcare possibly to die
>build a fucking useless wall that will cost billions
>end net neutrality and ramp up govt. surveillance

Sure sounds like tyranny to me...

-t. reddit

The only way the US government could be tyrannical is by disobeying the constitution which is something the Obama administration did but the

>mur trump loves Russia mean

You mean apart from all the shit he's done that Putin hates?


What's ironic about it? There was no tyranny.

>playing baseball

What about being a manchurian candidate, rigging the election with the help and guidance of a foreign power?

>who would win?
America could have won. Without a doubt
We withdrew because it wasn't worth our time anymore.

If a bunch of dixie cunts revolted the government would NEVER let that go.


Just as it isn't a fucking human right to enter my home without asking, that's exactly what it is

Holy shit this retardation runs deep through western societys

>Democratically elected tyranny

So basically according to leftists:
>When the people i dont vote for win then it is tyranny and we have to kill them

Honestly i cant wait till killing politicians becomes normalcy.

t. retard

"We could of won but we chose not too"

This meme again

Trump has actually deported LESS people than Obama.

Zero miles of that wall has been built

Zero people have been denied travel because of the travel ban

Trump is just OBAMA-lite with bad PR

Day of the Rake when

>what are the vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan wars?, what is ISIS?


Funded by proxies.

It's not.

>building a wall shilling for Russia and forcefully deporting people can be perceived as tyrannical
Neither of those is tyrannical.
>tyranny: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state
The president has exclusive power to control immigration for national security (agreed by the other two branches), and he requires approval from the legislative branch in order to build the wall. Literally not tyrannical by definition.

they were shot because that guy thought the gubmint wasn't gib me dat enough for him

Neither of those things are tyrannical in any way and they are especially non-tyrannical coming as the result of popular sentiment.


Not even

once the walmarts shut down, theyd be pretty hopeless. you havent ever been to the south, have you kiddo? they are quite literally the most dependent, parasitic communities in the country.

and before you say "muh niggers", don't forget that the 2 poorest states in the country at kentucky and WV, which are 90 and 95% white respectively.

All the things that you posted that have actually happened (so obviously no shilling for Russia) are enabled by laws passed by congress years ago. The Trump administration has added no new powers to the presidency.

Ergo, the current administration is no more tyrannical than the previous administration.

Ergo anyone who advocates action against this government on grounds of tyranny, but did not advocate the same against the last administration is a hypocritical little shit.