Daily reminder: If you own, like, pet or even acknowledge a cat, you are no better than a nigger lover and need to get the fuck off my board.
Daily reminder: If you own, like, pet or even acknowledge a cat...
>talking trash about owning pets
butthurt shitskin detected
You can stop a cat nigger @ a distance.
They smell like cat piss.
cat fags should be gassed ASAP
Cata are the worst tier of pets
Ya'll just jelly dat dem cats be more kangz den you liek us.
once all hell and ww3 really breaks loose, you will die of starvation (if not of anything else before), while I'll eat yummy mice and birds, my pet is bringing me.
Reminder that the black plague wouldn't be nearly as terrible If europeans didn't kill cats on sight. Cats and dogs were always protecting the white man on their own ways
But i hate cats, i love dogs, golden retriever to be exact, if you ever plan to get a family you must have one.
Egyptians weren't black retard
cats are the only useful type of pet apart from large guard dogs
As someone who has both cats and dogs i can honestly say cats are far superior. They arent as loyal and wont stop someone trying to b and e your house but they make up for it by being cleaner, less annoying, easier to take care of, and usually cheaper to take care of, and cuter. Id take in another 15 cats before a single dog desu. I think most people who hate cats have never had one.
stop posting as Anarchist FUCK
Egyptians weren't black though
Go get cucked by your dog as your gf takes the knot dogfag.
he is a leaf
there's this workmate, gay, he probably takes the knot too
It's really an infection control measure as they are likely to be carriers of toxioplasmosis or however you spell that shit
Only people who lack self-knowledge and/or empathy dislike cats.
the patrician rodent
That is one comfy animal.
>Amerilard Jew mongrel talking shit about the white man's best friend