People here in other side of Europe sit on minimum wage and by hard work make 360 Euros a month in a mean while you hand out thousands of Euros to lazy uneducated low IQ low shilled muslims for not doing SHIT, if you don't care about money so much then why don't you send more money here instead?
Explain yourselves, also tell me how does the pic related make you feel?This actualy triggered me.
What the fuck Germany?
im ok wit dis
>360 Euros a month
Is it cheap living there?
It triggers me too
Im searching for a job since years. Cant work for an it company because i didnt go to uni
Meanwhile i already made money as a 12 year old by lying about my age and working as a network admin, webpage designer and database admin
If i apply to a company, the first thing they ask if i studied, i say no and the interview is done
So i have to work a shitty job for 40 hours and get 800 euros
Thats less what a kebab gets for doing nothing
I hate this country
If I could choose wether to give our money to the sandniggers or to slavs/eastern europeans I'd just burn it instead
Fuck all of you desu senpai
>government pays me 879 euro every month
>don't pay for rent or health insurance
>don't work or do anything but play vidya and shitpost
>have migrant background
yes surevival here is possible with 360 Euros a month becouse of low taxes and cheapliving but it's not like it's super great either.
>government pays me 879 euro every month
>don't pay for rent or health insurance
>don't work or do anything but play vidya and shitpost
Sounds aweso-
>have migrant background
Unfortunately i am all german, so no easy NEETbux for me, i guess.
I know you're not slavs but you're also poor and constantly butthurt, so I just count you as one of them
Slavs = Anything est the Danube.
Deal with it.
>but you're also poor
Yeah gues to whoom we can thank for it.
>and constantly butthurt
How can we not be butthurt?If you would of been in our place you would be as well, living near russia is not an easy task, and it just so happens that we are small nations located next to this big dumb bloob.
Shut the fuck up Italy, naples is full with low IQ monkeys that are as poor as poland.
go working
I take another nap
Shut the fuck up (useless irrelavnt country wich noone has ever heard of), your whole country is full with low IQ monkeys that are as poor as poland.
well the downside of a welfare state is that some people abuse it. come over here and work if you want more money we need workforce.
€1268/month is extremely little if you need to feed two adults and three kids in Germany, you know.
>implying his cousin doesnt have a kebab store were he can eat for free
They always have
>we need workforce.
But Vācieti, i thought that ms Merkel told you that new germans will be sciantists, writers, mechanics, and great workers, why would you need more workforce?
you dont pay for rent mean you live with mom
i suppose your sister is gangbanged every night by omar, mohamed and yassin
What is the matter litle shit?Got a bit butthurt?Your country is on slovakia level, kek, even Estonia will soon reach your level, you are nothing lose wars and change sides all that Italians can, one retarded italian even came here becouse there where no jobes in italy.
Thank you based germans.
I will enjoy working in one of your factories here knowing you burning money on shitskins.
They need money more then me anyway.
They are not white. I have it too easy.
h-hey, Poland is alright in my opinion
quit divide and conquering fellow euros you fuckin low iq monkey shitstains
government pays for a nice comfy 2 room apartment.
in my mind i want to kick them out of europe with a flamethrower or something.
but i'm not a real psycho so i just post about how shit muzzies are over here tho it doesn't help for a single fuck
Im german, currently having a vacation in Russia as my own country is filled up by Niggers and Arabs thanks to retarded Merkel. Should tell it all. Privjet !
we need even more.
>we need workforce.
such as? Genuinely curious. Can't speak a word of german though.
How do you like it assuming you're not lying? I am Russian myself and not very fond of Sandniggers, Niggers or Gypsies.
My neurons are fired up because of information...
eldery care, nurses, craftsmans, factory worker, kinder gardeners all that social jobs and construction jobs. if you want higher tier jobs we need people in IT.
The real answer to your question OP is that welfare shitskins with no ability to plan or think ahead make the perfect consumers. They will spend and spend some more without giving a fuck because the money is free. Working people save too much of their income for (((them))) to let you keep it all.
It's ok as long the money stays in germany.
Russia is ...OK. Im in St.Petersburg right now, was in the city all day:
Population seems to be way younger than in germany.
Russians have more national pride than Germans.
Some things like 4G Internet or Gas are ridicously cheap. Other prices are OK.
They have some kick ass monumental buildings they build in 1950's. (XXXL LARGE). You don't have that in Germany anywhere cause Adolf ruined all masculine cool things. Russia has it.
Russia is not bad but i would give it only a C grade. Could be better. You notice they are few levels behind Europe in smaller things. Like electric wiring/cabels are third world standard, hanging around open, not properly installed after some norm. people drive like shit/break traffic laws all the time - you wouldn't get away with that in Germany over a longer period of time, people seem to have a habit here- meaning police seems to be not to able to enforce the law and all these passive effects you have from that. Its the small things you see that they are on lower levels.
>You notice they are few levels behind Europe in smaller things. Like electric wiring/cabels are third world standard, hanging around open, not properly installed after some norm. people drive like shit/break traffic laws all the time - you wouldn't get away with that in Germany over a longer period of time, people seem to have a habit here- meaning police seems to be not to able to enforce the law and all these passive effects you have from that. Its the small things you see that they are on lower levels.
So basically they live like normal human beings instead of soulless automatons like in EUSSR 2.0?
In short, there is like a shit ton of stuff just in the area where i am, that would get you heavily fined or even in jail if you do this in Germany but for Russia it's apparently "ok".
I guess I am too well integrated to empathize with the Russian methods mentioned here lmao
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck taxes and niggers
I don't remember anyone asking for the opinion of an Ustace Nigger desu
So Russians are even Niggerer than Germans
> Gas is ridicously cheap
lmao. Did you knew when the oil prices dropped in 2014, the petrol price stayed the same and even went up a bit? The goverment took the money shortage from Russians pockets.
We have a lot of rules in Germany (eg Deutsche Industrienorm or Brandschutzvorschriften) that stem from having bad experiences (eg accidents or bad quality) and that make sense and are not bogus.
These are high level rules that evolved over a long time with much experience going into it. Its like to prevent an accident in 1:1000 cases or in 1:5000. These are good rules, show best practice and how you "do things right". This is the stuff that separates an average country from the high quality country. Russia seems to not have this level of care/sensitivity.
>A SYRIAN refugee with four wives and 23 children has sparked outrage after it was claimed he was receiving a staggering £320,000 a year in benefits.
Yeah, that's what I meant, you turned people into robots.
>I don't remember anyone asking for the opinion of an Ustace Nigger desu
Pretty sure this is against the rules Ahmed.
The Robot 9to5 life with fixed borders, laws and routine is a very good life.
But you value this only when you are older, it sounds horrible for everyone under 25. The stability and reliability of things is very nice. It's a price i like to pay.
Ich bin lernen deutch, Aber ich werde mein liebes Lettland nicht verlassen
the meme is real
everybody come to germany, we invite whole world here.