Muslim man drives into crowd killing and injuring dozens

>muslim man drives into crowd killing and injuring dozens

>White man drives into a crowd of peaceful muslim worshippers killing and injuring dozens
>This is not a representation of all white people, this was an accident, the jews did this

What the fuck is wrong with you people? You really are pathetic

Sorry we don't give a shit if muzzles get killed, Ahmed, we just need three more and we will be even.

1 event vs hundreds

nice try goyim

Huh so it only works the other way?
You British are fucking pathetic

That's not a brit, it's a paki.

we are not objective

It's not about intellectual consistency, it's about us and our people. Fuck off, faggot.

I thought he just did it because they didnt find a muslim for your weekly terror attack

isn't this just the opposite of your own perspective?

>white people dying by muslim hands = part and parcel!

>Muslim dies by white = TERRORISM!!!!

you are all pathetically transparent.

I can't condone the act desu. Muslims have the advantage right now and terrorist attacks are becoming part and parcel of living in a city. At least one man was brave enough to stand up and do something.

>peaceful muslim
No offense mate but I'd be more likely to believe you if you'd claimed he'd run over a herd of unicorns.

>Jihadi mosque
>"peaceful worshippers"


Also friendly reminder, please do not blame all white people for this attack. You will only further radicalize them and create more terrorists.


This World is fucking garbage.

I'm Northern Irish, my country is like 95% white and many people hold good old protestant DUP fuck off back to your own country views than the rest of the cucks in this union

That being said I work on the phone with plenty of muslims and niggers and to be honest some of them are a lot nicer than the smug English cunts in the south, I don't mind most of the white English in the more northern cities like Liverpool and so on though. White southern English women have the most annoying voices on this fucking planet I swear to christ. I would prefer listening to some sheboon than that.

I wouldn't mind if the mainland UK became a nigger paradise if we could stay a white haven. Good riddance I say.

you can't run over muslims in your country if there aren't any in it to run over, faggot


Muslims are bound to each other by their religion. They willingly follow Allah, so they are connected.
Most white mass murderers are godless degenerates. Their ideas do npt apply to the whole race.

you realize it's females that are the problem here

Is there even a difference anymore

It's pathetic but it's the simple action-reaction-pattern. If nothing had happened before I bet a lot of people would have reacted in an other way.

racial masochism deserves a death sentence.

Thats very islamic of you my brother

say the nigger blood

Noice b8 m8 r8 8/8


Choose one faggot

Implying that muslims are not savages, pieces of pig shit

It is a white country. You cannot complain on the actions of whites.

Go back to your own country if it's so much better.

You do know that the mosque in question has had ties, direct ties, to numerous terrorists and terror events, right?

They were hardly peaceful worshipers. But you know this already because you're a disingenuous taqqiya practicing muslim.

Muslims didn't have to be here thats the problem asshole! What're are supposed to take 6000 generation white men and drop them into Afghanistan every time they commit a crime get off these boards. Yea and nice strawmen.

I'm not sure, maybe it's the accents but I can't stand southern English people. Even some of the men sound so whiny and fucking annoying even when they're not trying to be

Leftists are always trying to talk about hypocrisy but failing because they have no morality.

The only truly pathetic thing is the people of England who are letting muhammad and his crew rape their way through the populace.

they can't be as bad as the faggot inflection of the moderne american liberal


Can we just agree that we're in a big pile of shit right now? There you got Radical Islamic extremists and, on the other hand you got dumb white supremacists? Can't we just eradicate both horrible groups?

>defending islam

>that flag

you deserve to live in london you mudslime

MusRats have their agenda we have ours

We're just playing the game the same way they do

>Muslims become a sacred cow to degenerates despite muslims being anti-degeneracy
>anti-degeneracy whites attacked
>every time a snackbar occurs it's #notallmuslims #islamophobia #muslimsarethereaslvictims, solidarity marches, etc.
>rinse and repeat
>despite muslims disproportionately being terrorists, you aren't allowed to criticize them because "racism", whatever that means

>White people are discriminated against and put under genocidal conditions in their own countries despite being the majority
>A SINGLE white person does ONE attack

tfw whites are terrorists now

>implying the london fire wasn't white terrorism


I won't apologize

In fact I support the attack. This guy will get a full pardon in the future when we finally decide to expel the invaders

Wasn't there only one dead? European cucks can't even crash their cars as good.

Pakibro, Sup Forums isn't a place of logic and whites are kinda supreme in the times we live in. A title soon to be passed on to Asians.


"dumb white supremacists" aren't being herded into you country by the million

Not even 1, the 1 died from a heart attack before the event


Why would I eradicate white supremacists? I'm white and they actually fight for my interests

Everything's peachy until you're 20% of the population, have no more political voice or control over your future, and are relegated to hated minority status.

>Can't we just eradicate both horrible groups?

No. We have to maintain a dialogue with both groups and integrate them better into society. Sooner we all become a harmonious group with one ideal the sooner we achieve world peace.

It's called taking your own side.

>When a kingdom is attacked it should not fight back

>peaceful muslim
>peaceful adherent of an extremely violent and prejudiced religion that hasn't known peace for a single DAY after the prophet chimped out

It's a paki cunt alright.

Exactly this. People don't understand this enough and come to believe that "compromise" and "Center" are inherently good things.

One group are foreign barbarian invaders who murder, pillage and rape. The other are brave heroic freedom fighters protecting their people and homes from the invaders.
