As a republican, I am terrified that if we end up building Trump's wall, we will no longer be able to enjoy delicious Mexican food. What do you fellow right-wingers think about it, and should we just scrap the whole idea?
As a republican, I am terrified that if we end up building Trump's wall...
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Theres a restraunt run by Russians down the road from me that serves better mexican food than any place I've ever been. I think itll be aight
What? What is this shit. You're not a Republican.
Fuck Mexican food, it is dirty and gives you the shits.
Build the wall!
Oh snap
all these third world foods are fucking garbage
i think fuck you, sage, you're a nigger, and taco bell is good enough for mexican food.
Puerto Rico will eventually become a state. Try out our food too, you might like it.
stop eating at taco bell
you are a fucking moron, please do not have children and if there's any people in your family who are capable of bearing children please relay this message to them as well.
>Puerto Rico will eventually become a state.
bawhahaha, not in your lifetime Pablo.
pr has nothing to offer the us except for baseball players
And the best food.
> Pigdog and beans
> food
Pick one.
pretty sure we will still have plenty of mexican food, its not like legal mexican immigrants are getting kicked out and we're not trading with mexico anymore
>Puerto Rico will eventually become a state
After you pay denbt aka never.
Can't go wrong with a little soup.
que rico de ve. Me encanta la comida de los boriqua
>I can't cook my own Mexican-inspired food
>just brown my shit up for tacos
Recucklicans actually believe this.
Don't worry the wall will never be built, it was just an obvious lie to bait votes from idiots like you.
>t. Califag who's never left the Southwest
Mexican food is probably the most overrated food there is.
Just fucking with ya. Had a Rican buddie live with me for three years and both of us love to cook. We are real damn good.
Hey, OP. You see this taco looking thing? It's called an empanadilla. It has pizza inside.
As a Democrat, I am terrified that if we don't end up building Trump's wall, we will no longer be living in a first world country. What do you fellow-left wingers think about it, and should we just build the wall?
Mmmm tostones
Peasant food
What you call awesome Mexican food is actually texmex you dumb cunt.
That's a fuckin' pasty ya cheeky cunt!
We're multi-cultural, remember? We had immigrants from all over Europe.
Discount Japanese curry.
to own one of those restaurants you need a tax id,
citizenship to own property, and have to prove social security for all your workers.
the main thing that will happen is a lot of non-profit
organizations will potentially lose funding from
liberal foundations.
you'll see a decline in arts in music.
life will get bland
Actual Mexican food is just beans and rice with spicy seasonings wrapped in a tortilla. You can get that anywhere.
I'm making myself hungry, lol.
rofl get that shit out of here and show some class
Puerto Rican food is delicious
Lime juice
Good job, now you're a Mexican chef
I was showing that southern man real peasant food in Puerto Rico, chill.
What even it this? Looks good, desu.
Don't worry bro, we'll still have authentic midwestern-Mexican food served up from your nearest Taco Johns.
Those are called frituras, they're sold pretty much everywhere in Puerto Rico. They're all stuffed with either meats, cheese, guayaba, fish, spices, etc.
Hey, OP. What do you think of Puerto Rican sweet rice?
Most Americans can't stand real Mexican food tho, way too spicy and colourful even for nigger food standards.
>those jalapeƱos
>that cheese
and you really think that's mexican cuisine lmao
Sorullitos with mayoketchup, my favorite!
>edible or tasty in any way at all
As long as we can still get lard, we can make our own authentic Mexican food.
>t. larping concern trolling faggot
you probably aren't even American
What a surprise. Leafs strikes again
>they don't know about muh quesadillas de huitlacoche
Damn, I thought the shills finally all went away. I haven't seen many slide threads lately.
>hey fellow shitlords, big-time conservative asshole here (did you see my flag?) but let me just layout some subversive marxist talking points real quick here...
just knock it off, you are so bad at pretending to be one of us it's embarrassing
White people will kill each other over their right to eat this. Mexicans aren't going anywhere.
Stop spending money at foreigners businesses.
>Muh food
Get out.
I go to yoshinoya and there's spics cooking asian food. I go to a mexican joint and there are asians cooking. WTF. But either way, mexican food doesn't disappear because illegals aren't around fuck tard.
But we've got the best Mexican food of all
Wall doesn't restrict those who can come here LEGALLY
I agree we need to get rid of their work visas instead
or the ones who can climb
>sprinkling peppers on a turd
anybody with some oil laying around and a bit of time spare can cook decent spic food
You mean tex-mex, which isn't even authentic Mexican food?
>Mexican food
Sure buddy. Sure.