>"i noticed you weren't wearing a seatbelt so I did a extremely unsafe and illegal u turn while creating a more dangerous situation to write you this $10 ticket"
"i noticed you weren't wearing a seatbelt so I did a extremely unsafe and illegal u turn while creating a more...
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Next time use the seatbelt, nigger.
More like $150 tickets
>seatbelt law
>motorcycle cops
>omg, the government is forcing me not to be stupid
You'r lucky. My government is forcing us all to be idiots.
Just wear your fucking seatbelt faggot
So what are you going to do about changing the law? Probably nothing
>I know that a cop will create an annoying situation for himself, me, and other drivers if I don't wear a seatbelt, but I won't wear a seatbelt.
Go die anticonformist retard
>When I get into an accident and the other passenger flies through their windshield because they didn't have their seatbelt on, crashing into my vehicle, causing more damages and violating the NAP so I behead him and claim zero responsibility as his actions were a deliberate act of assault
then fucking deal with it retard, you arent special.
thanks, now please issue me my standard beating or bullet to the head so you can be on your way to protect others
If a motorbike doesn't need one then a car doesn't need one as well.
$10 ticket my ass. And with socialized medicine on the horizon, adverse personal risk becomes the priority of the entire country. No fatties, no speeding, must wear seatbelt, no fun allowed, etc.
Think of it less as a traffic fine and more of a dumbshit tax. They ask you to strap yourself in so you don't go flying out of your car in an accident. Too many faglords like you refused to take 3 seconds out of their busy schedule, so manufacturers started placing airbags, causing wearers of seatbelts to sustain fractures to their lower arms and damage to the face. It even kills children. So fuck you.
I never wear my seatbelt
I've been pulled over multiple times, but not once has a cop ever written me a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt
of your going less than 50mph and have a good driving history than this seat belt nonsense is just a secret tax
>muh freedom
>pays government money unnecessarily instead of wearing safety equipment that keeps you alive in an accident
"[E]very man who puts money into the hands of a "government" (so called), puts into its hands a sword which will be used against himself, to extort more money from him, and also to keep him in subjection to its arbitrary will." --Lysander Spooner
Stop being a statist faggot and wear your seatbelt.
"no sir i dont have to show you my license, im not driving im TRAVELLING"
it's the hypocrisy you dongs, the pretense is that it's about safety when it's obviously just another revenue stream for nigger programs
i expect better from you
>Too many faglords like you refused to take 3 seconds out of their busy schedule
>too many faglords refused to surrender their personal agency to the nanny state
Fixed, state cuck.
i saw a person get decapitated on their steering wheel going 30 because they were wearing one
It's a pretty overbearing law, don't you think? Very nanny state-like. I can understand making kids wear it, but forcing an adult to wear a seatbelt under penalty of fine is pretty silly.
Then stop giving police money by breaking the law
This "tax" is entirely opt-in and you opt-in by negligence.
>$10 ticket
Where is this paradise?
I guess I hate laws now.
They used to do click it or ticket month where I would get a ticket at least twice a month even when I had my seatbelt on.
Bullshit. I'm an EMT and have seen people end up with broken necks from not wearing seatbelts during parking lot collisions.
>government has to call a clean-up crew to scrape your brain matter off the road
>9 years of investing in your education down the fucking drain
Literally checks out.
>to write you this $10 ticket
kek, tickets are never that inexpensive.
Not my problem
i'm not disagreeing, it's the principle
Thank you for showing me some GTA in real live. It was well woth my 10 dollars. How much is it if we reapet it? I want to film it.
My grandpa who isn't a nu-conservative bootlicker like you laughs at seatbelt laws. He thinks the government oversteps its bounds and its job isn't to manage your life. If you want to drive without one and die, so be it. You are the real cuck here, arguing for mommy state to lecture you and if you don't send out the armed tax collectors to take your money
I wear a seatbelt for myself, dumbshit. Allowing an overbearing government even a modicum of control over yourself because you refuse to limit your exposure is like tying yourself onto a bed after calling dequan over and then saying he raped you. I bet you relish it. Begging the state to find you and insert its control all over you. Because why else would you complain about a law that shouldn't affect any sane or sober person? You want officer Chad to see you, you fucking transparent whore.
Bullshit. I've gotten tickets even when I've had my seatbelt on. It's a shakedown, pure and simple.
nice filter faggot
seatbelt checks are bullshit no matter what.
The State BTFO!!!11!!1
I don't give a shit if you wear it or not. Nobody cares if you die, fuck you. I really think it is stupid that they are required by law. If you are dumb enough to not wear one, you need to be taken out of the gene pool. I was a seatbelt nazi at the age of 5, would bitch at everyone until they put one on. Oh, and in California they are a LOT more than $10 (Slide thread everyone, Don't forget to sage.)
No one should be okay with seatbelt laws unless they were to apply to your passengers under 18. But then again they aren't required on buses or trains or planes for a large part of the travel. So why should adults be forced to wear them in cars?
Too many photo detectives
I've never noticed seat belt laws being enforced with stops and such, and I was pulled over once without one on for speeding and didn't get a ticket for it. It sounds like something that small town places do for money and quotas.
its 450 in cuckland
People now a days are ok with any new law, shitty time to be a young man
this is some shitlib tier gymnastics
>Forgets where we are right now
god damn it, foiled again
in someways I feel the government should let people fulfill their natural selection fate in the gene pool.
but then I realize a 300lb merican lump of lard getting catapulted out of his F150 also poses a serious road hazard when driving.
So the argument, "its doesn't affect anyone but me" is bullshit.
>y-you get ejected and kill other people
Let's see some statistics and vids since this is what you cucks always bring up
100% of humans that drive cars will die
>sir, you cannot impose a $10 fee on me, we had no prior contract or arrangement to make me liable for it
>"$10 or you're gonna need to come with me"
>tells him he is in violation of the NAP
>he insists I leave my own vehicle
>press panic button on my private security team button
>they arrive within 5 minutes
>blow the NAP violators brains out
>I pay them extra via a voluntary tip
>I go on my merry way.
>Sovereign citizen
>The most annoying little shits there are
a motorbike doesent need one because you have like 80 pads on you and a helmet, even if you flew 300m you are still gonna have a minor concussion and thats it, in a car however you got airbags (optional) and a seatbelt and you are surrounded by metal that can pierce you wherever you want
Gotta get dat taxpayer money $$$
Seriously PD's are run like organized crime syndicates where they can legally extort extravagant amounts of money from you for the most petty shit, like driving 5 mph under the speed limit. This is why people should complain about cops, not some criminal dindus being fucked up.
A man can dream
>"yeah, we're very hardcore around here, we're preparing for WW3, we're pretty much the most important libertarian militia at this point. Deus vult!"
>"what do you mean you don't want to be forced to wear a seatbelt? Don't you know it's dangerous as heck?!"
I was LARPING as a resident of Ancapistan.
>sovereign citizen
>even knowing what the NAP is
top kek. They are reckless sociopath law breakers who do not even care about the non-aggression principle. They are "might makes right" type chimps.
So why doesn't the government just not invest in our education so they have less of a profit incentive to keep us alive?
This is an empirical question. Look into the traffic accident data (which records time, location, cause, etc.). Cross-reference this with NIBRS or UCR data on seatbelt violations. It's almost certainly the case that there are nearly zero accidents as a result of the situation you are describing. Most seatbelt fines occur in accompaniment of some other type of infraction (i.e., a cop pulls you over for something else and then realizes you're not wearing a seatbelt), and even if a cop somehow notices when you are driving in the opposite direction without a seatbelt, it seems unlikely that he would go out of his way to do a U-turn for this, except perhaps in a wealthy, over-policed community with low crime.
Furthermore, seatbelt laws do not exist because the nanny state wants to protect your worthless genetic material. Seatbelt laws exist because the type of people likely to not wear a seatbelt if they were not compelled to are more likely to not have insurance either. Thus, when they fly through the windshield and get smashed up within inches of death, the substantial portion who do not have sufficient savings to pay for their subsequent medical care and rehabilitation will end up extracting uncompensated care from a hospital. In the end, the care will be paid for by some combination of such extraction and government funds.
This violates the NAP as you are forcing others to pay for your own stupidity. When we live in an anarcho-capitalist society where the idiot who flew out of his windshield is instead left to die, then we can talk about abolishing seatbelt regulations.
Unfortunately for you, we will never live in an anarcho-capitalist society for a variety of reasons, most notably the fact that 99% of people in the world do not want to live in such a society and compelling all those people to do so would again violate the NAP and hypocritically contradict the underpinnings of the very society that compulsion would hope to establish.
Actually, faggot, the state should have no business telling people if they want to wear security equipment or not. Because it only affect the wearer, and not other people. If I don't want to wear a seatbelt in a car, or a helmet on a motorcycle, that's my problem.
That shit is nothing but raking in some cash for the state all the while virtue signaling to everyone "hurr we care about human lives". No they fucking don't.
I think it will happen in our lifetimes, an Ancap state that is, where this could be reality.
This ideology is catching on.
only in your pleb state
Why aren't seat belts required on school buses?
Damn what a cutie. What's his name?
>don't wear seatbelt
>break neck
>become multi-million dollar strain on society for next 50 years
there you go
go to medic school or don't post faglord emt scum
Good, thorough post.
I had an observation, you are
>t. econ professor
Am I right?
Weak faggots desu
Government sponsored extortion is all that traffic stops are.
literally what country could not be called "cuckland" today
I don't even know what LARPING means or what NAP is.
Some states have helmet laws, but those laws don't require people to wear pads and stuff. It's up to people to be incredibly stupid and ride around in t-shirts and jeans with no helmet or just a for-show helmet. Your body still gets flung so it does nothing to support this . It's just nanny state laws. You should be wearing your seatbelt and your kids should too, but it's not the state's business to fine you simply for not wearing one. If you kids got injured from not wearing their seat belts or, say, running into the road, there might be some case for neglect.
It's almost as if there's more than one person on Sup Forums and they have differing viewpoints.
>Brother, why don't you care about your life? It would be a terrible shame to the Brotherhood if some stupid nigger crashed into you while he's running from some crime he committed, only for the impact to kill you because you weren't wearing your seatbelt.
>Think about your children, White Man. Take steps to ensure your safety.
Yes this is the most irritating thing about police departments in my opinion, but a lot of cops (possibly most?) do hate traffic and ticket duty. I don't blame cops so much as the institution.
send help pls
The NAP is the non-aggression principle, a core tenant of Anarcho-Capitalism and liberterianism.
>The non-aggression principle (or NAP, also called the non-aggression axiom, the anti-coercion, zero aggression principle or non-initiation of force) is an ethical stance which asserts that "aggression" is inherently illegitimate.
Larping = Live action role playing, it's what people use whenever they play out a fake scenario online. Usually people invoke this expression to make fun of someone else behaving like an autist or as in a a self-deprecating way as I did.
You must be new to Sup Forums.
OP and I have the anarco-capitalist flags, hence why I even made the post.
The government does not own the people.
NV here, u-turns are just fine except when specifically stated sometimes. Where are u-turns illegal?
No $$ from kiddos.
If I showed you a meme chart that showed making seatbelts optional killed significantly more niggers than whites, would you still oppose it?
It does own the school you went to, faggot.
correct, the government owns citizens.
You are a professor, aren't you?
They don't listen to the law, the numbers wouldn't change regardless if it was regulated or not.
Its also "likely" a meteoroid can kill us all one day, might as well make it a law to never leave the bunker according to your retard logic
Nigger it's a 300 dollar ticket
you dying does indeed affect other people, jackass
Minimum is $100
Really? I've had some really expensive tickets before but when I bring them to the court house traffic violation area (not literal court) they drop them to $0-$100 and just a parking ticket, other minor violation, or drop it all together. Do you really end up paying that $300???
I think you're the retard here friendo