and saves a man being attacked. Too bad he'll be in prison for 10 years now.
The Golden One beats the shit out of a couple of niggers
a) he said that wasn't him on his twitter
b) that's in Australia, cunt
That video is great but it's not latsbrah
that sweet clean shaven tight boipucci of his will be finally acquainted with the cream of the Norwegian criminal underground
damn okay
10yrs for self defense?
Nah m8 you got it twisted
>he really dresses like this IRL
top fucking kek
holy fuck.
that guy btfo beyond recoverery those niggers in like 1 second for each.
nice rape.
Where were you when my people awoke? Praise the elf!
He lied. He does not want the negative consequences.
You fucking serious? If that nigger got his skull splattered on the ground the guy who punched him would be charged with murder of second or third degree, probably serving 10-20 years
Did you know fucking pepper spray is illegal here?
>Swedish """men"""
He lives in Uppsala, Kofi
You dont get jailed if they dont know who did the beating.
Also that grainy footage is no evidence whatsoever. Unless they film your face from up close you are fine.
That's why my family left, besides my parents getting offered a job here.
Is this actually him though?
Sure he looks like him, but it's not crystal clear either way.
Oerhört ärorikt
That place does not even look like Stocholm.
that's a rare cat image
never seen that here
saved that one, James
Top fucking kek - started following this guy since early 2013 because of casual bro lifting videos.
Fast forward 4 years, he's advocating for TGSNT and beating nigs on the street.
Its not, its in Australia and its a guy that is nicknamed Thor.
you are fake news
if this was 2006 im sure that cat would have become a serious meme
How do you know that?
Do you think he can squeeze his dick to death with those legs?
WTF IS THAT user?!??!?!
What did she...
Why did he let her...
So sick of seeing his fucking body. What a fag
It's true. Filthy sandnigger tried to rape a young girl, but she defended herself with pepper spray. She's the only one being charged.
omggg breeed me daddyyyyyyy
totally. the EPIC Window Cat
i doubt she got convicted but the fact that she got charged in first place (and the law even existing) means every politician who signed that bill (and most others) deserve to hang
post yours
I want to be spanked to tears by that girl :D
160cm tall jew here. Working out is useless even you can poison your enemies.
it is not useless.
people treat you differently when you are strong.
I don't know man if you go to 15 seconds in it looks like the sign is not in english.
cameras in 1st world countries can recognize your face you idiot. your every movement is tracked as long as you carry a cellphone or ID with a chip. why do you think every phone has non removable batteries now?
People treat you differently when you are a jew ;).
I can be racist. I even call black people niggers but whenever they get uppty i cry about antisemitism and record them being mean to me.
One time i went too far and a monkey negro busted my nose. I sued him for 40.000 euros.
i wish that were me
Be nice! The video sure fooled me. He wears his hair like that when training. I dont think he's been in fights tho.
Monkey my father is a jewish lawyer i know what i am talking about.
Wear a hat or a hoodie and even if your face is on camera it is not a good enough evidence. They need your whole face with hair and everything.
Also sunglasses work really well
You do realize that Hitler was jewish? God you monkeys are truly inferior to my people
Is it confirmed? has the golden one acknowledge it somewhere?
Did you heard about the swedish NMR guy who crashed a pro immigration protest with his car, got out and started pepperspraying refugees in the face? He will be doing time im sure.
It's Latsbrah's cousin from downunder.
Beeetah läftists. He's such a Sven.
it's not in sweden, you can see from the road signs and the street marks.
That guy is such a fucking faggot.
when he goes to prison he will be able to become the faggot he always wanted to be
>10 years
Sweden doesn't do anything over 6 iirc
if he likes it so much why wasn't he hard? this world confuses me
It's Australia.
He knocked out the one who looked like he was trying to hold his friends back and then knocks him out when he's trying to aide his buddy who was on the ground.
What a piece of shit.
Pipe down porch monkey or I will go Glorious on your ass
lol, why? they came to the party, if you dont want to dance get off the floor
You dont think those niggers did something for a guy to throw his shirt off and go apeshit?
Brolaf masterrace
>Piece of shit
That's a strange way to spell 'white hero'.
>That's a strange way to spell 'white hero'.
that one punch must have killed him
>that flip phone quality
That's definitely a trap
kys jew
>all these ozcunts trying to claim this is their guy
Fuck off anglo cucks, this guy IS LATSBRAH (THE GOLDEN ONE) FROM SWEDEN.
> if you dont want to dance get off the floor
thats exactly what the guy was trying to do before he got sucker punched.
doesn't look like him
you know now why people dislike you?
yes it does
>yes goys don't get shredded for the race war
fuck off
Hitler didn't even dislike black people.
He didn't dislike black people in black countries. He treated blacks within the Reich well, except they were sterilized.
>10 years in prison for punching a bunch of niggers
>10 years for punching
dear god.
And before anyone calls Hitler a piece of shit for sterilizing them, foreign peoples (should) have have no right to spread inferior genes in a land of superior people.
Also, Arabs simply cut the balls off their nigger slaves.
I knew i devoted my life to the right gods when i found his youtube. this proves it. Heil Odin
He wouldn't have appreciated those two terrorists, I'm sure.
>And before anyone calls Hitler a piece of shit for sterilizing them
No one here would do that.
Considering the countries they came from were mudhut shitholes, most of them would have GLADLY traded their balls to live within Europe. We should offer them the same deal now lel
This is the same beta cuck whose girlfriend dumped him because he kept putting her on the piedestal and calling her "my fair little lady".
This is the same bitch boy who said he has been natural his entire life and anyone who uses anabolic steroids is a degenerate, but later in the same video said he will use anabolic steroids when he reaches his natural limit.
This is the same mongoloid who said that anyone who ever tries weed deserves to get shot in the head, but then said he has tried weed a couple of times but didn't like it.
This is the same gerbil who said he would be walking around the beaches of Sweden during the summer and protect Swedish women from immigrant rapists, but then made a video saying he couldn't do it because none of his friends wanted to accompany him and he was too afraid to do it alone.
This is the same gyno-titted cum guzzler who said all women should learn self-defence, but shouldn't learn how to fight because they "would use it wrongly" under mental pressure.
This is the same tit-twitching monkey who said that any man who has sex with a woman from a different ethnicity is a traitor, but moved to Ireland for a girl he met playing World of Warcraft.
This is the same donkey-man that said that all animals should be treated like humans, but then said that vegans are retarded for treating animals like humans.
This is the same live action role-player who said that any man who masturbates or has sex out of wedlock should be thrown off a cliff, but then said he’s had sex with many women.
This is the same fetal alcohol syndrome having ogre-faced gibbon that said he was bullied into depression by Muslim immigrants when he was a kid, but then said that no one ever dared to bully him in his next video.
If you need this guy to tell you what to believe and think, and you look up to him you are the same type of half-brained cunt that watches The big bang theory because the laugh track lets them know what's funny.
souce for sentence or stfu
I don't care if he's not the Golden One, holy shit
I want to be just like that guy when I grow up
what did he mean by this
That place looks more like an Anglo city than anywhere in Sweden.
and it ain't latsbrah
why are people giving this fetal alcohol victim so much attention?
are you secretely just as fugly as him and hope to become him?
nice copy paste
By the power of Greyskull. I have the POWER!!!