Itsgoingdown (notorious antifa website) main publisher gets doxed. Turns out to be a professor at Berkley
How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
Itsgoingdown (notorious antifa website) main publisher gets doxed. Turns out to be a professor at Berkley
How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
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>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
where have you been for the last 50 years
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
Well I didn't exist for most of the last 50 years...
Radical professor commits terror and mayhem to support his fellow revolutionaries.
What the fuck else is new?
So god damn tired of these people, when do we get to just kill them? Its no good arguing with them, they just lie and then do what they want anyway, its no good sending them to court, they don't consider laws valid and don't obey them before or after the court appearance.
He's the publisher of probably the largest radical leftist website of the US. It's pretty substantial
I know. I'm just saying there will come a point at which lefty terrorism and mayhem is so massive and violent that there is no option but killings. They have the unabashed support of 1 percenter jews, the media, socialists and communists.
This means their bail will always be paid and they will nearly always get judges who are as far left as they are and only grudgingly even do anything to them.
>Hyphenated last name
L m a o
Like pottery.
Good news lets get itsgoingdown taken off the web
This is best news I've read all day
Is it any shock that people who invented whiteness studies are openly coming from the universities and trying to overthrow the state?
Holy shit, I never thought much of the TRS autists but this is pretty impressive
Severe case of neoteny and cuckface. I'd mask up too.
I just hope that his superiors at his university keep an eye on his activities, knowing he has a history of violence and has access to a biology lab. I hope his clearance for that and his screening is meticulous.
Absolutely haram.
So this is what a king beta looks like
The website owner of itsgoingdown os the he/she that drove from new hampshire to alabama to protest richard spencer
I really hope this ends with the professor being afraid. very very afraid.
He looks like a fascist killing machine
probably tenured
>trying to overthrow the state
>ancap complaining about this
>professor at Berkley
George "All I want for Christmas is White Genocide" Ciccarello-Maher?
What does that mean, user?
This makes me wonder how hard it would be to make the public think he wants biological warfare.
>antifa Berkley professor has access to biological laboratory while calling for the death of trump
It would not be all that hard to make it stick given all the other dumb shit going on there
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
Where have you been for the last 30 years?
capitalism and libertarianism don't care, that's how we let it happen.
>Getting brainwashed by leftists
Professor of plant and microbial biology. Not exactly an SJW field
Never mind the greentext
Oh man, If we wanted to we could totally make people think he's planning a biological terrorism event. It's already clear he wants to destroy the system
>someone doxxed a potential bio attack terrorist.
Lel why do they always look so cuckish
At what point do we conclude that these motherfuckers are apart of some kind of Gladio operation?
Why are the main people professors? All this shit has to be controlled by someone higher up and these people are just following orders and doing active recrutement.
Or is my theory way out there? These tactics have been use before in other nations
underage detected. or at least under 25, either way you are a newcomer to the party.
He's most definitely not in a traditional marriage.
his dad was a cuck
You´d need the media for that, I doubt they will entertain it.
For some types of work you need security clearance or 'proof of good behavior' as they call it here. If that has to be verified by some external (to the university) or government agency then this might be interesting to them. No one there likes a scandal and a nosy asking questions journalist might just make them verify his lab clearance again [all under the assumption that there is such a clearance].
Hahaha, Berkeley thought they could just declare war on free speech.
They are getting picked apart.
At this point a carbomb set off in Berkley would be a great asset for the future war
Nice although there's no need in using on TRS.
So what you're by ending up on Sup Forums, any possible clearance is in question already?
If they'd have to "recheck" all of this, I'm sure they'd find a lot more interesting stuff. At the very least his desire to destroy things so much should classify him as a danger.
It's insane he got through the screening in the first place
Wait is that keksec_org an Antifa?
I'm sure if I didn't I would've been accused of being a TRS shill
Looks like his family lives in Texas.
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities
Guys .. I've noticed that a lot of these anitfa faggots have beards .. I'm thinking of shaving it off because I don't want to be classed in that group.
They're just trying to hide their nu-chins
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
Jews. Seriously, it because of Jews.
Or ya burn theirs off
Beards are for Muslim faggots. Plus most women don't like it, shave that shit.
Why the fuck do american lefties use german antifa flags.
Name James Christian Anderson-Furgeson
Age 29
Locations Berkeley, California 94703
Claremont, California 91711
Austin, Texas 78703
Relatives Barbara Sue Anderson
Andrew Carl Anderson, Jim Alan, and William Anderson Furgeson
Telephone Number(s) (512) 289-8984
(512) 476-3369
(512) 619-2961
(563) 242-3864
(423) 864-0681
Name James Furgeson
Holy shit guys, it's really him.
I'm sure his mother would be so proud of him when all her neighbors find out.
Try 60 - 70 years m8s. It's been going on for a long, long time.
No he stole the flag
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
>How did we let Marxism creep into our Universities?
God and Man at Yale, my friend. Leftism has corrupted academia since AT LEAST the Forties, and back then it was real true commie sympathizers, real Alger Hiss-level motherfuckers.
Nice work user.
mfw cucklord
thread deleted in 1,2..
Phew, okay, cuz I followed that guy before his account was suspended.
>people like this indoctrinates children everyday
It's time to end the delusion of STEM being free from marxists.
I dont agree with the faggot website this is from but I will push this article out on social media
Had anyone ran him against the database of attackers?
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
McCarthy was right, faggot.
Those digits tho
What did Kek mean by this?
I wear mine close (Not nigger chinstrap), but I will still chop it off now. Thanks for the extra push user
He's totally in there I bet. I'm almost willing to bet all these doxxing of antifa is done by the FBI.
Goddamit those are the faces of our ennemies ? Wtf are we doing ? My sister can beat the shit out of those guys.
TRS is sketchy but it's good info so I'll put it aside.
If only they kicked out the fags and kept doing stuff like this.
Sent to FBI, Betsy Devos, Dept. of Education
why do leftist aggots get away with doxing people left and right in facebook and twitter and bullshit and then our mods are a bunch of autistic fuckfaces who protect these cuckolds from their dumb actions?
TRS is degenerate bullshit though.
>How did we let marxism creep into our universities?
Is this your first day here?
Godverdomme zijn ze nou ook al in Den Haag. Kankerzooi.
>Mfw one of the few men in academia I respect (Jackson Crawford) left Berkley because it got too left and they were fucking with his contract
It will go up on otherchan. They aren't so quick with the bans and pruning
Berkeley needs to burn to the ground
The Architects of Western Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism
literally shaking
Hahhahahahahahahaha I got a good laugh thank you
doxing is still a violation of the rules
Kek is saying "Soon"(tm).
It's not at a university but in a park in the Hague.
Tijd om wat antifags te kielhalen, vind je niet?
>have PhD in genetics
>still fighting for racial "equality"
These people are malfunctioned. What a disgusting existence.
Something something my uncle mentioned something something disgruntled something something spoonfeeding...