How will YOU fare against the upcoming Global Warming™ FloodPocalyspe™ Sup Forums?
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How will YOU fare against the upcoming Global Warming™ FloodPocalyspe™ Sup Forums?
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Won't affect Canada at all
But Montreal, Ottawa & Toronto will all be underw- OH I GET IT!
Colorado so completely unaffected, they didn't even bother naming it.
So I guess the west coast is your most uncucked area?
I really really like this map
even in the apocalypse canada is irrelevant
>Houston and Austin underwater
>Worse parts of Dallas underwater
>Ft. Worth now has beachfront property
Sure, why not.
>when you realize it will kill the niggers and spics but largely leave white America untouched.
I'll be upping my CO2 emissions now.
All smiles.
Not even the most dire predictions claim this will happen ever
This would be if all the ice on earth melted
Nobody is predicting that and even if it did it would take centuries and would result in more than enough habitable land in northern Asia and Canada and South America/Antarctica to make up for the lost lowlands
No, only the territories are uncucked
But it looks like Vancouver Toronto Ottawa and Montreal are destroyed so Canada will be 99% White again
Looks like we'er gonna be seeing a mass exodus of libtards to Eszak-Dakota.
>nigger areas are getting flooded
>niggers can't swim
I don't see the problem here
This is white America's greatest threat.
Pole shift would do it.
If the east coast gets bumped closer to the equator, this could easily be a real thing.
>muh confederacy
is this real? holy shit at least white people can swim, eh?
>All niggers drown
>Same with New York and West Coast California liberals
I think we'll do just fine.
What? I love global warming now!
Brb gotta burn some tires and mattresses
>Uj Mexico
>New York
Why not Uj York?
Let's play a game eh?
For the first user who rolls trips, he decides the date, if it's an odd number we get this
If it's even we get
If it's zero we get BOTH
Rolling and praying.
I'll be an hour from the beach and the mountains. I'm fine with this. I also poured used motor oil into a hole in the ground last night. Suck it.
I hate maps like this. The average level rise is just that, average. The Pacific is not going to rise as much as the Atlantic but they show the same rise everywhere. Hell did you know that the Pacific side of the Panama canal is 27 feet lower than the gulf side?
If a polar shift occurred the world would basically end a massive portion if not the majority of humanity would starve and we would be sent back probably 500-1000 years in terms of civilization
No point in even worrying about such a thing
It's going to happen so slowly that the People in low lands will probably just move to where you live... and you'll have to be happy about while you pay to house them.
Ive always wanted to live by the sea
>Missouri bro here
I mean, trips decides date
6 July 2018
>No point in even worrying about such a thing
Not worried.
Hopefully anticipating.
Quint 6s say it happens tomorrow.
tomorrow plz
soooo close
Nice, i'll finally live next to the ocean!
this is a fag
>in both Ohio is untouched
I will do literally nothing
I don't know what to make of this.
pretty sure that counts
West-coast Canada's the most cucked part of Canada, with central Canada coming close second.
East-coast Canada is pretty uncucked, particularly Newfoundland, but Newfies are stupid and think that because the provincial liberal party leans right, that must mean the federal liberal party is right and voted trudeau unanimously.
Why is the west coast not flooded?
Ohio is the safest place in the world. It's even outside tornado alley
Why does this somehow make me glad to be in Fort Wayne of all places?
Looks good
It is, Sacramento is gonna get that Fucking flood, either with the dam or with this
We're gonna need more dykes n dunes.
Enjoying My seaside Pennsylvania real estate
Beach front property on the new Lake Erie Bay Area
Looks like the dyke just got 10 feet higher!
He doesn't realize the libcucks just have
the migrate inward
>First the sea level destroys the east coast and west cost
>then a super volcano will erupt, wiping out the remainder of the states
This is the future you chose.
What the fuck is this? A volcano?
You fail to take into consideration the immense lack of self preservation that most of these people exhibit.
They are more likely to protest the rising waters than run from it.
Worth it just for killing off florida.
I live in central GA. My home will become a beautiful ocean-front property AND we miss the Ash fallout.
yellowstone m8
better than being raped to extinction tbhf
It would be closer to get to the beach. Plus side a lot of Democrat cities get wiped out. Though its a real shame that will take more than a hundred years for the water to rise to one meter.
Yes it will, with it being warmer it means that more vegetation will grow and you bear fuckers will actually be able to live in 75% of your country.
>How will YOU fare against the upcoming Global Warming
I'am taking NASA advice and buying more winter clothes..
Staying perpetually comfy in WI, senpai.
Won't be flooded, will only get minor ash rain from Yellowstone blowing up, feels good!
No more three hour drives to the beach. Be about a 20 minute drive. Woohoo, can't wait.
Biggest threat to Appalachia will be all the refugees.
This. I'll just move further inland, we'll worth it.
TFW I'm going to have beachfront property in a few years!
That's because Ohio is the danger
>only one great lake floods
Who made this retarded shit?
pretty well, and who knows, maybe I will get to shoot any niggers or shitlibs who are fleeing through my property
St Lawrence river has a 70 meter elevation from sea level.
>Implying the great lakes will flood
Your Mississippi delta theory is just as retarded.
the great lakes are at vastly different elevations. that's why there's one of the world's largest waterfalls right between two of them, retard.
very much cheked
But imagine the refugees. It would be like Katrina times 30
>tfw my city is now underwater
>but i can move to the mountains quickly
feels good man.
pic related
>Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto flooded
Brb buying the biggest glass guzzler I can find
Lousiana here.
Being under water frankly won't be much of a change.
Nothing can destroy Rhode Island except for Rhode Islanders.
Ancapistan is seasteaded so I'll be fine.
>underwater niggers
Hnnnng if only it would happen suddenly
And after the flood America's IQ jumps 15 points.
>Live in a country without sea access
>In the alps
Waterniggers btfo tho
Ill have beachfront property lul.
After this?
100% fine
Reminder that waterways are natural roads that literally create themselves.
buying a grave that doesn't float.
Stop making bait threads jackass
Why is Sup Forums so slow tonight?
>degenerates get flooded
Looks like something out of the bible.
Beachfront property, HELL YEAH
People on the only relevant continent are still at work
>Worst parts of Canada underwater
Wtf I love global warming now