That Anglosphere Thread

Freedom of movement across the Anglosphere!

[Notice: This thread is an Anglo exclusive zone, only Anglo can reply to this thread.]

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How fucking dare you lump claim Canada is cool.

Wait unless you mean literally.

They used to be cool

You all used to be cool... :'(


56%, if we opened the borders we could knock it up to 70%+

Anglosphere Assemble!

This would be great, can't understand how anyone could be against it


No thanks

So in my old home town of winnipeg, there seems to be a dispute between the natives and a very rich community regarding military bases. These bases are within about a five minute drive from the rich neighborhood. The issue is long ago when the bases were built the natives were promised they could have it back when they were removed. Problem is now they want to build yet another fucking casino there and the rich arnt haveing any of it. These tensions are also spreading across ontario as well now that the native community has all but squandered their share of uncontested land. Get ready for massive native chimp outs in the near future.

t. irishman LARPing as Anglo

You got any news articles about this? need details (Googles being shit)

>freedom of movement across the Anglosphere
For English-speaking whites only.

I'd be happy for this except for Canada. No cucks allowed. Not like I'm ever going to leave the US anyway. Everywhere else has shit gun laws.

Yes you should exchange your shitskin populations.

>tfw live in south london

I still count right guys?

No thanks faggot. Do you really think Americans want all the Muslims "freely" coming here???? HAAHAHAH GET THE FUCK OUT WITH THAT

>Door A: Access to another country
>Door B: Chimp out containment zone

Border patrol can choose ;)

Thank God for Americans.

Hampshire master race reporting in.

None directly, just search kapyoung barracks dispute.

hey goys

If we do it right, it'll be a "white wash",
in a good way for whites i mean :P

this is a shitpost

I specifically said [Anglo exclusive zone],
I'm sorry but i'm afraid you'll have be deported back across the digital wall.

Until American pronunciation differentiates between Mary/merry/marry they're not allowed in

I would what the accent would sound like if we all mixed together...

This is why I believe in having the US in particular not sharing in all the same rules as the Commonwealth. The US-UK power balance will be an important component in maintaining reasonable middle ground.

But no question Trump+Brexit should = Anglosphere with more sensible freedom of trade and movement.

I'm here.

What the fuck are you snaggle-toothed inbred fucks going to do about it?

I like when dumbfux speak about freedom of movement..


and Europe welcomes the explosive strapped jihadis willingly...


the eu is already f!@#'d up...we don't need that i9n AMERICA

good luck with your pathetic "social" experiment eu...when will citizens stop wanting to be killed by the eu?

Something like the Atlantic accent maybe

Depends on what part of the US you're in. I've at times been made fun of because I say all three differently to my ears but others think all three sound flat and funny.

That's to say nothing of what a sheepshagger accent sounds like to me. Diversity of accents is our strength.

Fuck you Anglos, die out.

Americans - Fat and retarded
Brits - Inbred and ugly
Australians - Stupid and obnoxious
Canadians - Pathetic
New Zealand - Literally where

Great "sphere" you got there guys!

Only Northeast accents differentiate, based New England accent has no rhotic r either which is a bonus

Get off the grass
Kiwi pronunciation of words is terrible
Kiwis pronounce all those words practically the same

we would just mutt up the Anglosphere

Awww, sorry Raj.

heh, you got me

But there are a treasure trove of accents throughout that have subtle vowel differences that can be difficult to detect. It's a shame really that they're pretty much never heard in the (((MSM))).

stay cool Hans

Nevermind found one

So like i said

>first nations want land from closed military bases
>the rich want it to be used for houseing and buisnesses
>First nations flip out
>proceed to drag out conflict for years costing the city millions
>somehow this is acceptable

This free loading fucks never believed in owning land before the white man came. But now theyre all for putting stupid fucking casinos wherever they want because "its their land now". Fuck natives.

New Zealanders have rhotic rs
Where the fuck do you come from


Alright grandad

T. Commie larping as human

>New Zealand - Literally where
u wot

I am 100% for this just hashed it out with a few friends recently. UK-US-CAN-AUS-NZ. Expand slowly to other nations depending on cultural/economic ties and similarities current and historic but focused in traditional values and culture. Would rival EU in population and dwarf it economically, resource wealth, and would allow a shift in the demographic problem.

We should have finished the job.

They are useless people.

Where the fuck are you from? An -er at the end of a word sounds like "ah", I've never heard anyone pronounce it differently


I could work with you

For real though, Britain is turning into a fucking shitskin warzone....


the eu suffers from SERIOUS mental and emotional damage from bein so stupid for soooo long...(the year 0 -2017ad)...2000+ years of making moronic decisions is hard to overcome...

Sorry can't hear you, my refrigerator's making a weird sound atm

>Pax Britannica
>Manifest Destiny
>Stolen generations
>For queen and country

What happened to the anglo-sphere guys? What can we do to dethrone the kikes and put Anglos at the top of the global power structure for the good of the Western world?

Even the Southland burr meme has a rolling r, not rhotic

Anglosphere Treaty would contain conditionalities on immigration based on, say, whether the US returned to its early 1920s immigration policy of maintaining the existing ethic composition, or Australia putting the White Australia Policy back in to place.

Encourage each of us to get responsible firewalls back up if we want to partake in the advantages of it or trust freedom of movement.

I wonder where this German hails from

>anglosphere thread
>people still using meme flags

Would absolutely love a CANZUK Union.

99% chance they're all asshurt krauts, they've been on a shitposting crusade on the UK since brexit

but why would USA chill with Brits? don't they always have some sort of blind hate towards each other due to history?

The UK in fact has the lowest rate of consanguinity in Europe which itself has a far lower rate than every other continent.

Does it count if you're a black guy from France?

Scotland and England have a blind hate, don't see us almost breaking up, do ya?

anyone up for a reformation of the British Empire?

We already have "special relationship" and Five Eyes and all that. We're not rejoining the Empire. It's just a sensible coalition for the immediate future.


>don't they always have some sort of blind hate towards each other due to history?
Yeah if you're a fucking retard who falls for divide an conquer tactics and/or not white

Nah, bros 4 lyf


Exactly. They are the fucking reason winnipeg is (or at least was for a long time) the murder capital of canada. You guys think niggers are bad? These guys will rush you in groups of 5-8 and stab/scalp you.

I thought we did both
Our accent is complicated to be honest



Pay article 50 debts

Make me

Make us.

this x100

you can't take EU gibs then leave without paying, inselaffe

We'll take the cost out of your 2% military spending you're meant to be doing.

watch us you german cunt lmao

Hardly. By the power of London and New York combined, DB is BTFO and the EU shatters.

But we won't do that because it's customary to maintain sort of a chaotic stability on the Continent to we can worry about other things.

Do I count?

We don't want our waste poisoning the Motherland

Why is the anglosphere the only successful sphere? I mean everyone else on this board speaks our language.

I am highly in favor of working toward some favorable deal to help discarded White colonies. I don't know if that would be granting refugee immigrant status, or recognizing a subsection of South Africa as an independent nation, maybe some useful sanctions, or what.

I'm sorry we let you down.

Of course. We will need your expertise in fending off niggers despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered by them in the near future

If you count now, you won't next year when the niggers finally finish y'all off.

Nu uh, no pocket money for you Adolf, you'll only waste it.

You might, the country obviously doesn't any more

Because we're awesome :D

You need to leave, friend. I'm not saying you have to go back to Europe, but you shouldn't stay there. :(

Rescue of white South Africans should be a top Anglosphere priority, damn it all.

But seriously, I want free movement by 2020 - 2024

Yes, easy to have humor about this on the internet, but the EU is going to milk you for every last bit of your worthless penny that is rightfully ours. You have zero bargaining power versus the entire of Europe. You rotten toothed scums of people are already showing regret over brexit, and after we kick you out with the worst deal for you we can possibly make, this regret of yours will only grow. I am looking forward to the ride ahead!

America- most powerful country in the world
Britian- Had the biggest empire the world ever saw
Australia- Coolest cunts in the world
Canada- lives next to the most power country in the world
New Zealand- lives near the Coolest cunts in the world

It is a very great sphere indeed. Thank you very much for noticing.

All I want is for the rest of the west to just look the other way while we sort our problems out.

We get it, back then whiteness didn't exist and it was every European kingdom for themselves.

You don't need the help, just get rid of your globalist government. You'll be fine.


I hate the current country, as most white people. Old one even had the tri color flag scheme going on. That shit looks amazing.

I appreciate the concern, but the top concern should be fixing your own countries. Take a look at what happened to us and use it as inspiration and rage fuel.

Because shitting on a thread dedicated to places that make up 80% of the site wont go down well. Also a aus-can shitflinging combo is deadly.