Carrie Fisher who called Trump a "coke head" found to have cocaine in her dead body
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Takes one to know one
like pottery
Of course, how else do you think she knew?
Also, Carrie Fisher has been very vocal and honest about her cocaine habit, including her cocaine fuel sex binges with Harrison Ford while filming the original Star Wars. Its basically the main topic of her book.
Exactly I'm pretty for sure all the people accusing Trump of doing coke (which is weird because Trump's notorious for being 100% sober all the time and never even drinking) all have done it themselves. So they see that sniffling he has occasionally, which is probably allergies, and project their own coke-doing behaviors because it reminds them of themselves.
"Takes one to know one" is a really underrated idea. Why do you think everyone on this site tries to call each other virgins as an insult? Only a virgin would know how much pain it supposedly causes.
>left leaning parasite
>western woman
>plays a pretend for living to promote Jewish propaganda
>OD's for good
>beta faggots weep in the millions
well she wasn't joking
takes one to know one... seems legit sauce
its funny she liked to boast about her drugs like she's a rapper or some shit
Of course.
She thought that the 70s way to lose weight was still viable.
Add her to the collage
Then she would know who's a coke head and who's not.
Most people choose their insults by evaluating what would hurt themselves most. So yeah, big surprise here, cu cks
I think the title is misleading, as they were baffled to find something NOT cocaine in her body.
I read that as "I'm an expert on coke, so as a user I think he is one too." Not really damning, her alcohol and drug abuse was no secret
Well she clearly was an expert.
The Curse is real...
because a cokehead can't call someone else a cokehead... ok.
does her twitter still exist to be browsed? Or was the account closed considering her very public death?
Can't make this shit up
What is "Tina" slang for?
I can't tell who is more retarded, me or the faggot who drew this, because this shit makes no sense whatsoever.
>the force is stronger
Both jedi and the sith use the force. From what I've seen of Star Wars the sith are much better at using the force.
What she is saying is ''you are strong, but you are even stronger with the force, and I am Leila, so I don't even have any connection with the force, so you're just flat out stronger than me''
crystal meth....you know what diesel is?
Ain't diesel gas? Think it's used in making meth, but I'm not exactly a drug expert.
the left are a bunch of God damn hypocrites projecting their shit onto normal people.
SJWs always lie
SJWs always project
I wonder how big the collage is gonna be after 8 years of this.
That's not the only thing they found in her dead body.
It's still up and public. I hope it always remains public too, shit's like modern day hieroglyphics.
drumpf is done for this time people
slayyy queen yass
Did they find a cock?
I had a family member who was a crack head and she would always call the cops on everyone else to deflect from her own bullshit. Fucking manipulative cunt she was..
Can someone add this update to the Curse screenshot?
There's a Curse?
I get this.. but also meth, mdma, heroin, and coke
Diesel is high quality cocaine.
Not to be confused with Sour Deisel which is a marijuana strain.
Drugs are for niggers.
As repulse is the arrogance of celebrities who think their superficial opinions and emotions are somehow valuable in public discussions, Miss Fisher probably endured enough trauma in her life making it highly unlikely for anyone to take pleasure in her embarrassing autopsy.
Be better than the "progressive" left and don't make fun of a mentally and emotinally crippled dead old lady.
Everyone fucking knew Carrie Fischer was a coke fiend. That's the whole reason people paid attention to her saying Trump was on coke. She of all people would know, bitch did a lot of fucking coke.
Are you seriously just learning that Carrie Fischer had a major cocaine problem right now? rofl you're fucking retarded
Hash tag resist queen slay yass
>Sour Diesel
kek where do they even get this shit
The SITH are more powerful, definitely. Their problem is that they fight each other just as much as the Jedi.
i've never heard of anyone doing coke and heroin at the same time
>being this new
Fucking Summerfag go back to T_D
IIRC she specifically said she of all people would know, implying that it takes one (i.e. her) to know one. I'm pretty sure that was her whole point.
does anyone remember how old she was when she died?
and the ones that are in the msm think that we're too stupid to see their bullshit
She claimed to be clean, at least according to the Tw@r caps ITT.
Been here since 2012. I don't frequent the Trump general, so if it's an intrathread meme, that'd explain it.
>former drug addict
Star Wars sucks anyway.
Another one bites the dust.
The Trump curse must be real.
Does someone have the list of all people who opposed Trump?
I think this case fits the bill.
Any good salt from her faggot fans defending the cunt about the results of the autopsy?
Not using the star bullet.
What an amateur.
Obv not an expert if she couldn't handle her shit and died
Shes former now
the perfect example of projection
Died just like she lived, as a fucking crack whore
Cokie Sniffer BTFO.
Don't get me wrong, the hypocrisy of it all had a sense of poetic irony to it, and ultimately I don't give a fuck what you do nor do I want to police your shit, but I would suggest reflecting upon whether this is a productive use of time or energy. You know, since western society is currently in an unprecedented state of decline in the modern Era.
>that'd explain it
everyone who publicly badmouths Trump, during or since the election, gets shit on by the universe or exposed for something really heinous. There's an evolving collage of all the examples, google it
She died as she lived, with a bleeding heart and a nose full of cocaine.
I can't do it
She provided far too many wanks for me as a young lad
>Why do you think everyone on this site tries to call each other virgins as an insult? Only a virgin would know how much pain it supposedly causes
That or women taunting men. Attacking a male's masculinity instead of addressing his point is a very common female tactic.
Smells pungent and sour and when you smoke it, it hits you like a diesel truck
meant to reply to
>the left is projecting their issues
stop the presses everyone!!!
How sad do you have to be to expect that the drug habits of 70's movie stars is common knowledge?
she almost looks older than her fucking mom
its obvious she was wacked the fuck out on drugs for a long, long ass time
i grew up ODing on amphetamine and ive always looked way older for my age
speed causes stress, stress makes you age and die faster, its that simple
>he hasn't been to an election thread in 22 months
You're a new faggot, and everyone can see that.
Own it
>"Trump will not be president in my lifetime"
Yes, there is a curse.
Wtf I am now a #Fisherman
Rekt dumb whore
Sounds like all pot.
The election was in November, user.
it's more of a Star Wars trivia thing, which is perfectly expected of the users on a malysian yak grooming bulletin board
Donald has never done drugs and doesn't drink, his brother died of alcoholism and his father also died before his time from health issues.
Libtard Projections Folks! Many such cases.
>Sour Diesel
It actually smells like diesel.
>he thinks threads about the political cycles and campaigns are only on the one day people vote
you're an illegal, correct?
You've never heard of John belushi or Chris fahrley?
60 year old cokehead. Fuckin pathetic! Star Wars sucks btw