>be me
>pilot, also work at a hardware store part time
>literally think everyone and everything is gay
>there is one kid I hate more than anyone else
>just says everything isn't gay
"Yo bro you wanna go get lunch or something?"
"No that's fucking gay"
"No it's not!"
>idk why but it just pisses me off
>he starts to pick up on the fact I say it to piss him off
>starts to disagree more
Be me
you suffer from homophobia probably because you're a closet homo.
> you suffer from islamophobia because you are a closet muslim
> you suffer from arachophobia because you are a closet spider
shut up, aloha snack spider
>be me
>aircraft mechanic
>gay, in the closet
>talk to pilots
>genuinely cool people
>never encountered a single douchebag
>have encountered plenty of stolen valor in my private life
What's your AFSC, OP? O3, O4? What?
> you suffer from arachophobia because you are a closet spider
That's a lie!
*spins web*
Your post is gay, except for the pic. Bubbles is not gay and the F18 is decent.
this is stupid its just disgust do not take it for anything else just like when you see a roach in your home your first reaction is to squash it
spider jew, spider jew
does whatever both can do
spins a tale, any size
six gorillion, it aint no lie!
Oy vey
here comes the spider jew
>if you dislike something you subconscious love it
Ok Canada
Go be 12 in 2004 somewhere else.
If you find everything gay and try to avoid being totally not mistaken for one, you probably are a raging closet homo
he is tha los angeles RP-N337 division
fucking reddit
All gays must be cleansed with fire.
I'm keeping this.
You sound like a fucking faggot.