Must really suck being from Southern Europe, eh?
Must really suck being from Southern Europe, eh?
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We need a faggot subset for Sweden and Netherlands.
At last they had stone buildings 3000 years ago unlike "nordcuks"
''It remains unclear when, why, and by whom the earliest dolmens were made. The oldest known dolmens are in Western Europe, where they were set in place around 7,000 years ago''
greece definitely goes into shitty poor europe, italy probably too. spain is the only one that belongs in the middle.
Italy isn't poor.
2 of my aunts go to work there.
Depends which part of Italy. North is almost Switzerland, south is almost Poland.
southern europe best europe. they are friendly, chill and fun people to hang around with. unlike uptight autist northern europeans
where are >we?
>Living in stone buildings in the cold north
Go ahead and do that. you'd do the world a favor.
Why is your army so big, turkey?
Drenthe detected
That was irony desu. Did you missed quotation?
because everyone wants us for some reason
*wants us dead
amongst the ancient kangz of africa
the shitty poor europe has the largest economic growth in europe take that with a stable future and make of it what you will
I'm autistic do not bully me or I will have to call law enforcement.
I kinda do that now sven...
who wants you dead besides kurds?
Meh, its ok, not too "cucked" and not too poor.
Aurea Mediocritas.
and those german cucks
jealousy is a bitch
Russia until President Roach knobbed Putput's dick
ar*bs, chinks, kikes, most of the europeans, some balkan countries, an*los, some greeks, russian animals, arm*nians etc
I think south americans, africans and a couple of turkic countries don't mind us existing
this should clear things out
>I think south americans, africans and a couple of turkic countries don't mind us existing
because they are either turks or they forgot that you exist
just remind them and trust me, you'll have your beloved death threats
well yeah i forgot about Russia but this was always like this geopolitics mate way before the plane
what is the gay flower next to the Israel?
nah it's bretty comfy, best food and best women
enjoy niggers and fake cheese, also kys
hong kong i think
Italy is the third economy in Europe and like top 20 in the world you dumb fuck....
>Must really suck being from Southern Europe, eh?
No it doesn't, though
Being Mediterranean is the true redpill, seeing the rest of the world treating your ancestors like some kind of gods, seeing your culture and food being praised to heaven
Of course, now days you have some trouble here and their but yeah our history debatable kicks the most ass in human history
Italy is the 8th largest economy in the world.
Sorry can't hear you over our 0 muslim attacks since Saracens raided us during the middle ages.
calm down mi figlione
>implying they didn't leave a mark in your gene pool
luigi go check your southerners you'll be surprised
>inb4 cherrypicking
you wish mohammad, your ancestors got their shit kicked in
when the normans arrived the islamic shits got kicked off so hard that they never came back, not to mention that they mostly kept to themselves
damage control: the post
russia should be in the center as well
>history is damage control
damage control: the post
>what is inbreeding with the local population
not what they did
and stop LARPing
so you are denying that they left some of their gene in the genetic pool of the southern euro ?
yup, for the most
certainly not in south Italy, maybe very little in Sicily which was the only area of modern Italy under actual muslim control for a small period of time
>half of the face predates islamic incursion
>also cherry picking northener
nigga stop
go look a genetic map and explain to me why J2 is so prevalent
Russian muslim population is bosniac tier, they're not a cultural threat in any way, although their demography is strong. Middle eastern/Maghreb/Machrek muslim=/= european muslim, who are losing their faith as the christian did here.
Spain is also cucked.
They have s-s marriage.
bronze age(confirmed by a sample from bronze age croatia)
J2 is nearly absent among arabs or north africans
>uncucked gipsy nigger jews
they're shit. i have to endure the pain to work with them
wasn't there a place in southern italy where the ottomans established but failed miserably ?
pretty sure condoms didn't exist back then and you could always find a pussy for the right price
>he doesn't know how charts work
yes, failed miserably
and people knew how to abort since antiquity
>During the Norman reign, several different religious communities coexisted in the Kingdom of Sicily. They were: Latin Christians (Roman Catholics), Greek-speaking Christians (Eastern Orthodox), Muslims and Jews.
Keep lying to yourself Giovanni.
But the only muslims we have are in the north in Thrace and we got those from the Bulgarians, who didn't do a good job in offing them.
The rest just pass through, we sent those to Germany.
From all the migration wave only like 2000 of the buggers stayed here.
They also desperately want to leave but they have fucky papers and will get deported.
We are a country of 10 million people.
Spain is not that cucked by muslims (yet?), there is far more latin immigration, we don't like it but it's not the same, we share the language and some cultural aspects.
Also, there are no fucking jobs so why would they come here instead of Germany, UK, etc.?
Many latin americans are going back to their countries.
So yeah, just shitty poor.
Hong kong, but I have no idea why would anyone put Hong kong as a reference.
Calma, calma mi amiga.
>J2 is nearly absent among arabs or north africans
J2 is the marker of semitic group
oh man
the dedication to think that people throughout the age cared about racial purity
whatever helps you sleep user
completely wrong, you are clearly completely illiterate about the subject, are you american perchance?
J1 is the semitic marker, not J2
you too man, your are getting BTFO hard here
read the fucking text you larping bastard
apologies i mixed up
check that southern italy
again, compare this map with makes perfect sense and is in accordance also with archeogenetics data(data from bronze age anatolia and balkans)
J2 in Italy and Greece is the Ancient Greek/Roman heritage gene
>pic related is facial reconstruction of Roman nobility that was found in England
if you look at the actual percentages from Eupedia for instance, you'll see it's actually higher in central Italy than in Sicily
it's either neolithic/bronze age in origin(J1 was again found in ancient samples) or also in part due to jewish communities
Hellenes and Italics were Indo-European speakers, so most likely not
J2 might have been Aegean and Etruscan though
This is the biggest study on Greek genetics ever, read it and weep:
We are the same people that lived here since neolithic times.
The conclusions of the paper:
The most complete study of Greek skeletal material from Neolithic to modern times was carried out by American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel who found that in the early age racial variability in Greece was 7% above average, indicating that the Greeks had multiple origins within the Europid racial family. Angel noted that from the earliest times to the present “racial continuity in Greece is striking.”
We summarize our conclusions:
Modern Greeks are physically similar to ancient Greeks.
Modern Greeks are contrasted to northern populations, including Slavs and Albanians in different genetic marker systems: mtDNA, Y chromosomes, and autosomal DNA.
Modern Greeks retain characteristics of a southern European population of indigenous, pre-Slavic, Balkan origin.
Both in its crudest form (complete anhilation) and in its weaker form (significant northern admixture) the Fallmerayer thesis has been falsified by anthropological evidence.
It should be noted that some admixture probably did take place, although this was not sufficient to alter the genetic characteristics of the previous inhabitants of Greece. This author does not claim that genetic purity is an ideal for the Greek people, but simply that genetic continuity is established by the evidence.
where are we
bongs and frogs deserve a special "Go outside, die in a terrorist attack" section
that study is a bit old, some samples from neolithic Peloponnese have recently been published and they are not like modern Greeks, but that is actually to be expected since like most of Europe you received steppe input, as well as some bronze age west asian input
> it's actually higher in central Italy than in Sicily
thank you for falling in my trap and confirming what i said about ottoman incursion in central italy
they tried to establish a foothold in mainland italy to try to conquer rome (because muh 3rd rome prophecy) thus their base being so close to rome (central italy)
>this incredible attempt at damage control
holy shit
so you are unironically claiming that said J1, already found in bronze age and neolithic Europe, is due to some failed attempts by ottomans to raid Italy?
just how pathetic can you wewuzers get?
It doesn't mean shit when that money can't better your society. Look at China, they're the second largest economy in the world and they're almost as bad as South America.
meh, it's alright.
also, you are not getting cucked by muslims, you are getting cucked by your government and people.
i'd rather have a 30k euro paycheck and have a few muslims here and there, if muslims tried doing this shit here people would just start burning their houses down if they started even the most minor shit.
just look at our gypsies, they work on garbage dump disposals, as street cleaners, on the fields and actually live their own lives while causing no problems because they know that the people and the police treat them like americans treated cotton picking niggers back in the day.
we are genuinely nice people tho.
refute it please
b-but muh ancient mediterranean population that was actually germanic!!! w-we wuz emperors n shiet!!!! this doesn't align with my views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No it's actually very fine down here, wouldn't move to wherever the fuck you live, thank you. You're welcome here though buddy, I'll make you a special muslim dish you'll love.
>refute something that I completely failed to give any evidence for despite being shown supporting counter evidence
absolutely embarrassing
is this slovenia?
just to be sure
Moortugal is an African country
> eh?
>troll flag
Leaf detected
Well check how many times different Hellenic tribes migrated to the same area after the neolithic times and you'll see why.
As the study says "the early age racial variability in Greece was 7% above average, indicating that the Greeks had multiple origins within the Europid racial family"
the image?
it's Nis in serbia.
Thank you but I'm fine here in northern Italy
fuck serbia croatia and slovenia then. your flags were on sale or what
read this
really makes me go hmm
Burnt to ashes.
you have to explain to me how raids equal rape
you are grasping at every straw at this point, must feel bad getting BTFO this hard
also, just for your information, Eupedia reports J1 at 3.5% in Auvergne, France, against a stunning 5% in central Italy.
Did Turks also raid Auvergne?
also, J1 is very minimal among Turks themselves, so that makes this whole attempt at damage control even more sad
I don't get why Russia is considered poor
Is it poor by Western Standards?
I've seen worse places in America
look into the principe de ssayed and his descedant do you really think they never toucher some italian qt ?
also no turks in france but moors they went farup to poitier and look into fraxinet you'll be surprised