Brit/pol/- The JUST edition

>News streams

>Transgender woman's inspiring journey(£147)

>Brexit Negotiations: Day 1

>No self defense goy

>Kensington's Tory council had the money for sprinklers at Grenfell Tower, but spent it on cladding.

>Mugabe to rule Rhodesia FOREVER (even after his death)

>Attempted stabbing outside army reserves

>Attempted attack on officer in london

>Car "deliberately hits" Paris police van

>White man van of peace name revealed as Darren Osboune

>Paris attack?

>Man who died after the attack was having a heart attack before it started, there is a 90% chance that the reason he died was from the heart attack

Other urls found in this thread:

Murder babi- ... foetuses.

Abortion is wrong
Women have plenty of contraceptive options available, far more than men do
Ultimately the only guaranteed way to avoid pregnancy is to avoid vaginal intercourse

>>Car "deliberately hits" Paris police van

>>Paris attack?

Might be best to only have one of the same link

Seriously though if I turn down job offers, will I lose Universal Credit?

Pro-lifers should be fucking hanged

Lets settle this once and for all


Daily reminder anyone who endorses the killing of healthy white babies because of the actions of degenerate Mothers is not welcome on Brit/pol/ and should take a sharp instrument across their wrists immediately.

It's not about being pro-life; I love the death penalty
It's about refusing to let women dictate life and death on the basis of irresponsible selfish convenience
The availability of abortion helps propagate a sexually loose society

>Supporting Genocide.
>Wait, this is Sup Forums
>Never mind

Americans are now getting into the Car ramming game.

>The Holocaust of down syndrome babies

>doing drugs while pregnant is legal

>Theresa May pledges to clamp down on Islamophobic extremism after 'sickening' attack
>internet gets censored and opinions become illegal
Congratulations, Tory voting dicksucks.

How did you get my profile pic? I'm reporting you to the police for fraud

- Davey

Why would any sane person want shitskin and White trash numbers to increase? Retard

Should I go for a run Yes or No?

Ban assault vehicles. There's no reason why you should be able to drive faster than 15 MPH. It would save countless lives.


You mean anti-Abortion.

Death penalty should be brought back desu.

Exactly. The effects freely available abortion has had on Western society is utterly devastating.









Don't forget that whore mongers are to blame as well.

Prody rhetoric is often hyperbolic, but a healthy society can care for their retards. The devaluation of life leads to a hedonistic lifestyle.


But that's not the official reason abortion is banned mong.

There is nothing wrong with genocide. Our desire to exterminate and annihilate genetically dissimilar is evolutionary and natural

>tfw death penalty will never return

>baby murder is actually debated
You'd be laughed at for putting this in a dystopian novel.

>is evolutionary and natural

Not when you do it artificially retard.

Why? White terrorists deserve a comfy living

After the cricket finals in London Pakistanis and Indians are now rioting.


I can see your wrinkles. Send me my profile pic back now or else I'll get the admins of this site involved

- Davey

I miss our fallen Lib Dem punchbags.

I swear if he comes back with the 'if we do i, the it's natural argument' then I'm gonna fucking sperg out.

I think I might be a willy-woofter 2bh lads

A big gay bender

This is why your country is record of abortion in Europe and have divorce rates up to 60%.
>Muh conservative Russia
Communists destroyed your country for generations to come.

>people want policies
>they don't enact them

>people don't care about policies
>they enact them

I wonder if they're representative or not? Hmm...

>spending resources and time to give birth to a retard
That's how I know you are one. Healthy society exterminates the weak

So long as your a giver and not a poofter.

would britpol fight alongside the poointheloos if it means the kebab gets removed?


What percentage of murdered babies are 'retards'?

Yes. 3 miles.

Abortion is a form of racial hygiene. Something a Brazilian should understand
Communists banned anesthesia during abortion 1940-1960 btway

This is why referendums are retarded, you end up with parliament legislating on bills they disagree with. Should have voted out pro-EU MPs if you really wanted Brexit.

>this mong on LBC
>"If we trade with commonwealth they'll want to come."

Fucking hell, you can trade without freedom of movement.

divide and conquer

You are a murdering roastie sympathiser, get off my board.

(You) are cute

Downies should just be inducted into the building trade lifting heavy shit


There is no literally no reason to not vote labour now, the country is going to the dogs either way so you might as well get better public services whilst the country is still barely functional.


Divide and rule you see, why should we stop now? When it's worked so well?


>Ban abortion
>Implying that the women won't find a way to do it themselves anyway if they are desperate enough
May as well let them do it safely IMO. There should be more shame attached to it though unless it's for rape baby/genetic defect

London in a Nutshell

Hey bongs, what's going on with the One man Ku Klux Van? No memes, just a quick run down.

>Not authorized to view these tweets

I havn't decided yet 2bh lad, maybe if I give and take I can be only 50% poofter and not a full queen

w-well thank you senpai...

Paul Joseph Watson finally got unimaginably shocked

It also shows that we don't live in a genuinely democratic system.

Anybody tells you that the MPs represent you, then ask them why the death penalty isn't legal, or was discontinued. There is wide support for it, and there was even more support for it when it was discontinued.

just got into an argument with an old friend of mine who's a muslim about islam, ended up with us basically ending our friendship
odd feel but not a bad one

Anti Abortionists getting BTFO

Implying your girls are aborting for racial hygiene and not for starting to go to bed with people at 14 years old, tell me a single woman you know at 20 that doesn`t have a son.
Communists killed everything that was decent in your country, patriarchs, monks, intellectuals, nuns were carried alongside prostitutes to labour camps, seems like the only thing left is thirst for blood.
Of infants, no less!

How will they be better?


Did you draw these pictures yourself because if so I must say you're a talented girl! Upvoted

- Davey

>There is no literally no reason to not vote Conservative now, the country is going to the dogs either way so you might as well get some bennies whilst the country is still barely functional.

Saving thumbnails?

I do not miss the central line

It will only take you half an hour tops mate. Personally I prefer to go first thing in the morning.

Nothing is perfect but I guarantee if abortion was banned, 300,000 babies wouldn't be murdered per year.

How can you "safely" murder someone? How can it be "safe" when it's 100% likely to cause a death when done correctly?

Can we start a fund raiser fir that old man who shot the guy?

You're in the club when this guy walks up and tells your girlfriend that Britain is leaving the single market.

What do you do?

Keep in mind he's a former SAS reservist and has a mandate for brexit.

There were too many mistakes

Aren't Brits men? What do you think. They have balls!

Racial hygiene is these sluts not having kids. Do you think a darwinist racialist is a commie?

this, there is no political solution. Speed up the inevitable collapse so we can fix shit for our children

That man looks like he might like willys, I can tell by his moustache, it's probably had globs of jelly-like spunk fired onto it

obviously he means the woman you fucking spaz

I don't know where you are getting your statistics from but you are a few hundreds of thousands out with that figure of 300,000 cells aborted a year.

Safe for the woman I mean, obviously the baby still gets murdered

/r/ukpolitics are bully are tommy :(

Would you dare under Putin's law to say that we don't want to bear this? It's just cool!

Hey lads, I'm comfy and semi drunk
give me some good music to enjoy this with

also politics



Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this.' Well, you're dead now, so shut up.

That's a lie. How do I report you to the admins?

Oh heck I've turned my profile picture upside down. Might have to call the grandson in to fix it. You know I'm still trying to work this techno mumbo jumbo

ur acting like we are supposed to give a fuck

Holy shit, HUUUGE exposure for Tommy

>people with low IQs
ah the classic "I'm a progressive so I'm against classism" type of Classism

Shall we make murder legal because it's always going to happen but it we regulate it, we can make it safer?

Sagiri is cute.

>40% of abortions are performed using a vacuum method
>literally sucking an innocent child out of a dirty roasties cunt
>this is perfectly legal

Do you guys believe the official narrative of the guy who ran over the muslim?