What did Putin mean by this?
What did Putin mean by this?
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licking the balls of his jewish overlords.
Checked and licked.
Based Putin right again.
Who are his jewish overlords?
oligarchs that support his government obviously.
>russian oligarchs
He's always been in bed with the Jews. I find it funny that you Neo-Nazi LARPers were so sympathetic towards him, while he openly denounces Fascism and has soft spot for Communist regime.
he's saying he hacked the election
by saying this, he meant the opposite
>t. pol
but most of them are jewish
there is many different jew clans fighting each other.
west jews vs slav jews vs israel jews vs globalist jews
jews jewing other jews and goyim
no matter how you look at it the root problem of the world are all caused by jews.
>has soft spot for Communist regime.
You have a point.
Why is Sup Forums ignoring that Russia still celebrates the (((Russian revolution))) and still holds military parades with the (((Hammer and Sickle))) flag?
Russia never underwent a de-communist cleansing.
Russia still celebrates the (((Russian revolution))) and still holds military parades with the (((Hammer and Sickle))) flag.
Woah... it's almost as if it was a huge part of Russian history...
The logo of the national (and largest) airline of Russia still features the communist symbol.
Why celebrate the Jewish takeover of your country?
because jews won WW2
We kinda cucked them out of it though, basically the only nation that outjewed the Jew.
How do Georgians view Stalin?
100% correct. Unironic anti-Semites are poorfags who want an easy excuse for their failure.
It's "Saint Joseph Djugashvili" you shitlord.
He was talking about Sup Forums